Doctor Thangs Products Sathy Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

  • Ulcepep Capsules

    Ulcepep Capsules

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    Its indicated for . Peptic ulcer . gastric and gastro-duodenal ulcers . gastric irritation dose: one capsule twice a day with milk or as directed by physician 5 to 10 ml, twice a day or as directed by the physician

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  • Swasthaa Capsules

    Swasthaa Capsules

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    Indicated for . Bronchial asthma, bronchitis, allergic thintis . breathlessness, whopping cough dose: 5 to 10 ml thrice a day or as directed by the physician

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  • Safree Plus Capsule

    Safree Plus Capsule

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    Safree plus capsule indicated for . Delayed, scanty menstruation, primary and secondary . Amenorrhea . irregular menstrual cycle dose: two capsules thrice a day on first day and two capsules twice a day on second day ,with water or as directed by physician

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  • Improvex Capsules

    Improvex Capsules

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    Indicated for . erectile dysfunction, impotency . functional infertility, sexual debility, loss of libido . premature ejaculation . loss of vigor and vitality dose : one capsule a day with milk or as directed by physician

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  • Curderm Capsules

    Curderm Capsules

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    Indicated for . psoriasis, eczema, pruritis, syphilis . acne and other skin diseases dose: one capsule thrice a day with water or as directed by physician

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  • Aerosol Sprays

    Aerosol Sprays

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    . Product developed under Drugs & Pharmaceutical . Research Programme, Department of science & . Technology, Government of India, Project cost : 48.87 lakhs Collaborating organizations . Doctor Thangs Products . KMCH College of Pharmacy. . Product yet to be licensed

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  • Gasi capsules

    Gasi capsules

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    Indicated for . gaseousness . gastritis . abdominal distension, pain, fullness . indigestion . abdominal colic . belching . acidic taste in the mouth dose: one capsule thrice a day with water or as directed by physician 5 to 10 ml, twice a day or as directed by the physician

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  • Memwin Capsules

    Memwin Capsules

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    Indicated for . memory loss . mental fatigue, stress . reduced state of alertness . lack of concentration . Learning disability dose : one capsule twice a day with water or as directed by physician

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  • Trez Capsules

    Trez Capsules

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    Indicated for . stress . fatigue . restlessness . Insomnia . extreme emotions . restlessness dose: one capsule twice a day with water or milk after food or as directed by physician

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  • Enfec Capsules

    Enfec Capsules

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    Indicated for . bacterial infections . viral infections . fungal infections dose: one capsule twice a day with water or as directed by physician 5 to 10 ml, twice a day or as directed by the physician

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  • Cofsen Syrup

    Cofsen Syrup

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    Doctor thangs products, established in 1984, is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of herbal pharmaceuticals with a vision to provide traditionally acceptable and internationally comparable standards in healthcare under the tenets of age old siddha system.

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Doctor Thangs Products

  • Rajamurugan
  • 8a Sathy Road, Kovilpalayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

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