Jadamanji / Spikenard Root Powder
3,960 Per Kilogram
Jada manji / Sadamanji (Nardostachys Jatamansi) is a perennial herb about 10-60cm in height having long stout, rhizomes root. The leaves are elongated and spatulated while few leaves are sessile, oblong, or subovate. The flowers are pink bell-shaped. Its roots are thick and have too many hairs. Health Benefit of Jada manji (Spikenard root): Hair growth: It is used to treat hair-related problems like poor growth, premature greying of hairs. Cardiac health: It has a hypertensive effect and is used in the treatment of high B.P. It is also useful in the management of palpitation of the heart and is a good cardiac tonic. Memory and learning: The medicinal plant is helpful in enhancing the abilities of the brain and combats mental problems thus imparting calmness and peace to mind. It improves memory and reduces forgetfulness. Strengthens the nervous system: It helps to provide vitality, vigor, and strength to the body thus is good for the nervous system. Stress buster: The plant has the power to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and tension by balancing biochemical reactions in the body. It is good to have the mind cool and healthy and act as one of the finest mind rejuvenator tonics. It also possesses a tranquilizing and sedative effect on the brain. Hyperpigmentation: It is used to improve complexion and ensures glowing and shining looks to the body. The powder of root mixed in water when applied promotes skin texture. Liver problems: It also shows a hepatoprotective effect. It is useful in hepatitis, jaundice and prevents enlargement of the liver. Antifungal: Its oil also possesses anti-fungal activity. It acts against fungus like Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus Niger. It also acts as an immunity enhancer and protects the body from various infections. It is also used to treat insomnia, headache, and memory loss. It also has antispasmodic and carminative action and is useful in abdominal pain and intestinal gas. It is useful in dysmenorrhea (painful periods) and menopause.