Digital Humidity Meter
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10 Piece (MOQ)
Oxygen Flow Meter with Humidifier Bottle
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10 Piece (MOQ)
Best Deals from Moisture Meter
Dew Point Meter
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We are suppliers of Dewpoint Meter. Specifications: Digital Display in oC dp and in ppm H2O equivalent. Highly stable and reliable sensor Sensor mounted in SS 316 holder at remote location. Max separation between sensor & instrument panel is 10 meters Instrument control/display module is panel mounted. On/Off, Under-range, Over-range and Stable response indicators.
Moisture Meter
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Statex Moisture Meter is used to measure the moisture content of the cotton by electrical resistance principle. Details The instrument consists of moisture measuring unit and smart phone. Auto calibration facility and master calibration device to check the reliability of the instrument. Testing specimen with measuring spot can be captured with camera and the same can be stored and transferred with test result through social media likes what’s app and text messages to any mobile number or email. Test detail entry in “Statex Moisture meter App:”with alpha numeric inputs. Two pairs of, detachable pin electrode’s are made by high electric sensitivity 150mm and 300mm length. Each electrode is provided with “probe guidering” made by acrylic material. Stainless steel handle for form grip and long life. Report filtering option like date wise, party wise, variety wise, station wise helps sort the required report easily. Specially designed “Statex Moisture App” is used for testing and viewing the result in cell phones and share the result via mail, what’s app, text message, etc,..
Online Digital Moisture Meter
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Moisture Meter
33,500 Per Pack
1 Piece (MOQ)
Cotton Moisture Meter
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Soil Moisture Meter
8,000 Per Piece
1 Piece(s) (MOQ)
Introduction: for quick determination of moisture content of materials in powder form viz. Soil, sand, coal, pottery slip, cement etc. Calcium carbide when comes in contact with moisture acetylene gas in generate. This principle is used in rapid moisture meter. A weighted quantity of sample is mixed with fixed quantity of calcium carbide reagent and the whole mixture is thoroughly shaken in a vessel to which a pressure gauge is fixed. The acetylene gas produced developes pressure and pressure gauge is calibrated to read percentage moisture. The instrument indicates moisture on wetweight basis easily convertible to dry weight basis. Specifications for 25%: the unit consists of a pressure vessel with clamp for sealing cap, rubber sealing gasket, pressure gauge is calibrated in percentage moisture content 0-25% x 1% on the wet weight basis a counter poised balance for weighing sample, a scoop for measuring carbide reagent, a bottle of reagent, one cleaning brush and a set of 4 steel balls for thorough mixing. Complete in highly polished wooden carrying case with handle. Specification for 50%: same as above but pressure gauge calibrated 0-50% x 1 %. Spares: carbide reagent, in bottles of 400 gms each. Additional information: minimum order quantity: 1 piece
Portable Digital Cotton Moisture Meter
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We are offering portable digital cotton moisture meter
Jute Efficiency Meter
6,500 - 7,500 Per Unit
10 Units (MOQ)
CLD AUTOMATION (Group of Classic Loom Data) is a leading manufacturers of data acquisition system based in Coimbatore, Manchester of South India, since 2000 which enables to gather the parameter information to the factory decision making authorities. It is a core understanding tool to achieve online information. with strong technical and market strength we have committed to develop online monitoring system, with user friendly advanced software solution to support the customer at all levels.In the modern age of drastic technological development online monitoring system finding its place in every industry. KEY FEATURES Integrated information solutions covering all types of LOOMS Automation Of Production Statistics. Get the information of production activity. through Remote Access (web based, mobile App). Easily find the production loss. Performance reports for Top Level Management . Measure production efficiency with accuracy. Visual display of individual performance Focus on Productive work. No Manipulation in real production data. Maintain the Performance consistency. Point out the operator performance and improvement. Maintain the Historical Data. Weaver planning Beam Run out Reports for Beam Planning . Easy identification of Efficiency of the machines in different colors Snap Study on Running / Stopped Looms . Efficiency Trend Graph of a Shift, Day Performance of the Operator, Supervisor, Machine & etc. Graphical Visualization Report Type > Production Report> Breakage Report> Efficiency Analysis Report> Beam Planning Report> Overall Management Performance Report> Roll Doff Report> Comparison Report> Monthly Efficiency / Stoppage Analysis ReportPeriod>> Current Shift>> Every One Hour>> Any Finished Shift>> One Day Report>> From To DateGroup By>>> Loom>>> Quality/ Sort / Style wise>>> Beamwise>>> Operator / Operator Group>>> Fitter>>> Supervisor>>> Machine Type / Shed Wise>>> Order Number >>> Warp / Weft/Sizing Supplier.
Online Digital Moisture Meter
30,000 - 45,000 Per Pieces
Online Moisture Meter
100 Per Piece
Dew Point Meter
44,000 - 45,000 Per Piece
1 Piece(s) (MOQ)
Wood Moisture Meter
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Online Moisture Meter
50,000 Per unit
Grain Moisture Tester
129,000 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Digital Dew Point Meter
245,000 Per Piece
Portable Moisture Meter
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1 unit (MOQ)
Soil Moisture Sensor
90 Per Piece
Air Ozone Monitor
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Ozone Monitor in Air Ambient Ozone Monitor is designed for Ozone gas monitoring. Ozone Monitor is very essential in detecting any ozone leakage from ozone systems placed in indoors. As per safety norms from OSHA and EPA, ozone monitor is must in every industry uses ozone systems. Faraday's state of the art ozone monitors or ozone sensors measure ozone levels with high accuracy, rapid response and operational simplicity. We offer a range of high quality ambient ozone monitors and ambient ozone controllers for different applications to global market. • Ambient gas monitoring and control• Active sampling for higher accuracy• Analog • Digital • Relay outputs• Large easy-to-read display• Alarm or Control options• Low maintenance• Easy to install