T. Stanes & Company Limited, Cipd Tea & Coffee Race Course, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

  • Symbion-N


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    Symbion-N is a bio-fertilizer based on the selective strains of nitrogen-fixing beneficial bacteria such as Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Acetobactor and Azotobactor. This is available in liquid (1x109 bacterial cells/ml) formulation. Mode of Action Rhizobium: This is a nodulating type of micro-organism associating symbiotically with the root of the legume plants. It produces nodules and multiplies in it. By remaining inside the nodules it fixes atmospheric nitrogen. Azospirillum: It is an associative type of microorganism capable of colonizing root surface of plant. By establishing a symbiotic association ship, it helps plant in getting nutrient 'N' (Nitrogen) from the atmosphere. Acetobacter: It is an endotrophic micro-organism capable of living inside the plant tissues. It can live in high sugar levels that exists in sugarcane tissues Azotobacter: It is a free living nitrogen fixing bacteria, lives freely in soil and multiples by making use of the organic matter, as source of carbon (energy) for its growth and existence. All these Bio-fertilzers fix the atmospheric nitrogen through the process of biological nitrogen fixation and make it available to plant in an easily assimilable and utilizable form. Dose and Method of Application Seed Treatment (10 ml 1 kg of Seeds): Seed required for 1 hectare is to be treated with Symbion-N at the specified rate by adopting either seed dipping or seed coating methods. Treatment in Mechanical Seed Treater: (10ml/1kg of Seed): Symbion-N at the recommended rate is to be mixed well with sufficient quantity of sticking agent/water. Seeds are then treated with this culture mix in a seed treater in a manner so that all seeds are coated with culture slurry properly. The seeds are then shade dried and sown immediately. Seedling Treatment (100 ml in 10 Litres of water): Symbion-N is mixed with sufficient quantity of water and organic fertilizer or field soil to form a slurry and seedling roots are then immersed in this slurry for about 30 minutes before planting so that the roots are well drenched with slurry. Sugarcane Sett Treatment (100 ml in 10 Litres of water): Symbion-N(Acetobactor ) is mixed with sufficient quantity of water and organic fertilizer or field soil to form a slurry. Sugarcane setts are then soaked in this mix for about an hour and planted in the fields. Soil Application (3.0 ltrs in 1000 kg of organic fertilizer): Symbion-N and organic fertilizer or field soil mixed at he recommended rate has to be applied uniformly in the soil and watered well. Drip System: In places where drip irrigation system is in practice the liquid formulation of Symbion-N can be used @ 3 liters / ha in 500 liters of water. Tree Treatments: Symbion-N (Azospirillum) at the specified rate is to be mixed with required quantity of water and applied nearer feeder root zone / nearer tree trunk following pan irrigation, drip irrigation and the like. The treatment is to be done 2 or 3 times a year. The dosage of Symbion-N varies according to varieties, age, and size of tree and its canopy. Features Symbion-N harnesses atmospheric nitrogen and makes it available directly to plant. It enhances root proliferation through release of growth promoting hormones. Benefits It fixes atmospheric nitrogen to the level of 20-40 kgs per hectare and thereby helps to reduce the amount of synthetic fertilizer usage. Helps to increase the crop yield. It improves the plant vigor and health

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  • Sting Oral Suspension

    Sting Oral Suspension

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    Stanes Sting is a biological preparation based on the selective strain of Bacillus subtilis. The product is available in liquid (@ of 1x109 bacterial cells/ml) and powder (@ of 1 x 108 bacterial cells/gm) formulation. Mode of Action Bacillus subtilis is plant growth promoting rhizobacterium shown to synthesize antifungal peptides. It persists in the environment and protects the crops effectively from fungal and bacterial pathogen in soyabean, peanuts, wheat, barley, cotton and vegetables. Dose and Method of Application Seed Treatment: Stanes Sting @ 10 - 20 ml or 20 - 30 gm is to be used for treating 1 kg of the seed. The quantity required for seed treatment depends upon the size of the seeds. Seeds can be treated in a normal seed treater that is deployed in the area of operation. No special equipments are needed. Treated seeds are not exposed to direct sunlight. The lead time between seed treatment and sowing must be minimal. Avoiding blending of treated seeds with any chemical fertilizer or pesticide formulations and seed treating chemicals directly is preferred, to get the best result. Soil Application:Stanes Sting @ 3 Litres or 4 kg / ha is to blended with 500 kg of organic fertilizer or field soil. Application at recommended dosages can be done at the time of seed sowing or prior planting of seedlings. Foliar Spray: Stanes Sting @ 3 Litres or 4 kg / ha is to be mixed with 500 Litres of water. Application must be started when the environmental conditions are conducive for disease occurrence and it's rapid spread. Spraying to be done at an interval of 7 to 10 days depending upon the crop and intensity of disease. Addition of a sticking agent and / or 100 grams of crude sugar formulation for every 500 Litres of water will facilitate sticking of the bacterial cells on the target crops and also helps in the proliferation of the Bacteria (Bacillus subtilis) leading to better control. Compatibility of our product with biologicals and chemicals: Stanes Sting is compatible with all biologicals such as bio-fertilizers, entomopathogenic fungi, antagonistic fungi, baculo virus and granulosis virus lased preparation. It is advisable not to mix Stanes Sting directly with pesticide - fungicide - herbicide - chemicals - fertilizers. Features It is a naturally occurring beneficial bacteria capable of protecting plants from disease causing pathogens. Does not create resistance, resurgence and residues problem. Benefits Stanes Sting controls disease causing pathogens like Pythium, Alterneria, Xanthomonas, Rhizoctonia, Botrytis, Oidiopsis, Alterneria, Leveillula, Phakopsora, Sclerotium, Phytopthora, Peranospora, Sclerotinia which cause root rot, root wilt, seedling rot, early blight, late blight, leaf spot, stem rot and mildew diseases in crops.

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  • Starter


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    What is STARTER? STARTER is an agent for activating the composting process needed to degrade the farm residues. It is comprised of microbial enzymes, cellulose digesting microbes and nutrient supplements. It can be used for preparation of compost from a variety of agricultural waste. Its use saves time and labour greatly shortening the composting process. The quality of the compost obtained is better. What is composting? Composting is the controlled aerobic biological decomposition of moist organic (biologically derived carbon-containing) solid matter to produce a soil conditioner. Need for composting with STARTER Applying raw organic materials directly to the soil is not the best way for effective recycling of nutrients since such waste contains substances like cellulose, starch and lignin, which are resistant to microbial degradation. The natural process always takes much time for producing quality compost. The decaying organic matter may also tie up the nutrients by immobilization process and make them unavailable for plant growth. The composting process encourages creation of specific groups of organisms in its various stages. It converts the complex organic form of nutrients into simpler forms by a rapid mineralization process. The nutrients are released in a slow and steady manner from the compost which can such that they can be utilized by the plants as they grow. Process of Composting The composting microorganisms present in STARTER produce enzymes secreted outside the microbial cells. These transform molecules of organic matter into less complex chemicals and energy. The enzymes such as amylase, cellulase, lipase and protease produced by the STARTER are responsible for decomposition. Windrow method of composting n agriculture, windrow composting is the method of producing of compost by piling organic matter or biodegradable waste, like animal manure and crop residues, into long rows (windrows). This method is suited for producing large volumes of compost. These windrows are generally turned to improve porosity and oxygen content, to mix or to remove moisture and to redistribute cooler and hotter portions of the pile. In the process of composting, microorganisms present in STARTER break down organic matter and produce carbon dioxide, water, heat, and humus, the relatively stable organic end product. Under optimal conditions, composting proceeds through three phases The mesophilic, or moderate-temperature phase (4 days). The thermophilic, or high-temperature phase (20 days). Cooling and maturation phase (6 days). STARTER contains microbes which will withstand mesophilic and thermophilic range. Microbial consortia in STARTER Trichoderma spp.Trichoderma is an aerobic organism which grows at 25°c. It functions as an antagonist in the biological control of some important plant pathogenic soil born fungi, being a saprophyte which adapts and thrives in diverse situations and produces a wide array of enzymes. Cellulomonas spp.Cellulomonas is an aerobic organism which grows at 25°c. It produces cellulases and xylanases to degrade organic matter containing cellulose. Bacillus spp.Bacillus an aerobic organism which grows at 37°c. It is able to degrade starch and cellulose containing organic matters by production of various enzymes. Streptomyces spp.Streptomyces is an aerobic organism which grows at 30°c and is widely distributed in nature. It produces lignin-degrading enzymes and also produce cellulase, antibiotics and plant growth regulators which help in improving the quality of the compost. Pseudomonas spp.Pseudomonas is an aerobic organism which grows at 25°c. It is a gram negative bacteria capable of degrading lipid rich organic matter, it is a biocontrol agent effective against soil fungal pathogens. Candida spp.Candida is an aerobic organism which grows at 28°c. It is able to degrade phenol rich organic wastes. Method of using STARTER in composting 1 Kg of STARTER is mixed with 10 litres of 10% jaggery/sugar/10 litre of sugarcane juice and kept overnight for the regeneration and multiplication of the microbial cultures present in STARTER. After 24 hours of incubation, add enough water to made up 100 litres and spray this solution over 5 MT of farm waste. Make a windrows of organic waste 3 feet high and 3 feet in width, where length of the windrow varies depending on the availability of organic waste. Every week the windrow is to moistened and mixed well. The temperature should be monitored on the 1st, 15th and 30th day. As the temperature of the heap comes to normal temperature, the windrow is considered to be fully composted. The duration of the composting process will be 30 days or a bit more. Things to be monitored during decomposition process Particle Size To enhance the speed of the composting process the bigger organic waste particles can be chopped into small pieces. Aeration To ensure sufficient aeration composting, piles should be aerated by inserting 1-2 inch plastic pipes. Composting piles may be turned either manually or mechanically. Turning the compost may be repeated 3-4 times during composting process to bring the colder outside material closer to the hotter inner center of the windrow. Moisture Requirement Sprinkle water at 5 days intervals during the early stage. Maintain 50 -60 % initially . 30 days after composting C/N ratio should be checked. Once the compost is mature the moistening operation can be stopped. Maturity of Compost Analyze the quality of compost and finally dry to reduce the moisture to 15-20%. Screen the compost to remove the undigested coarse material. The compost can then be mixed with bio fertilizers and bio control agents to increase the nutrient availability and crop production.

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  • Nutrich Pellets

    Nutrich Pellets

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    A Combination of natural, botanical extracts from Neem, and Pungam that contains plant growth stimulating factors, primarily axins, improving the soil texture, promoting unparallelled Vegetative growth, plant health and fruit yields. Induces Bio Activity In The Soil Favours the development of microbial life, increases productivity and soil fertility. Natural,100% biodegradable blend of Neem, and pungam cakes, have macro and micro nutrients to nourish the soil naturally. Increases water retention capacity. Prevents and treats ailment disorders of plants due to imbalance of nutrition and trace elements. When mixed with the soil on and around the roots of the plants, remarkably improving plant immunity in addition to conditioning the soil texture. It is very active in increasing growth and leafage of the plants, results in rich blossoming, strengthening the roots and improves the quality of the fruits and Vegetables. It makes nitrogen available to the plants for a longer duration by slow conversion of nitrogenous compounds. Friendly to beneficial soil microbes. It improves the immure system of the plant.

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  • Nimbecidine EC

    Nimbecidine EC

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    Nimbecidine EC is a neem-oil-based botanical insecticide containing Azadirachtin and other limonoids including Meliantriol, Salanin, Nimbin and a host of other terpinoids in the ratio as it occurs naturally in Neem. Mode of Action Nimbecidine exhibits multiple modes of action. It acts as an: Antifeedant Repellent Ovi-position Deterrent Antifeedant Insect Growth Regulator Sterilant Dose and Method of Application Foliar spray - Prepare the spray fluid by mixing Nimbecidine with water @ 5 ml / Litre. The spray fluid should be applied targeting the pests directly. The dosage and spray fluid volume required varies with the pest level, crop canopy and the local spray practices. Apply preferably in the early morning or late evening hours. Preparation of Spray Solution Add water to Nimbecidine. Do not add Nimbecidine to water. Stir well to get a good emulsion. Compatibility Nimbecidine is compatible with most of the agricultural crop protection chemicals and bio control agents. Features Nimbecidine is a broad spectrum botanical insecticide. Nimbecidine is a natural plant based botanical insecticide. Nimbecidine does not create resistance, resurgence nor residue problems. Nimbecidine forms a good molecule for use in an IPM programme. Benefits It effectively controls the economically important pests such as Whitefly, Aphids, Thrips, Mealy bugs, Caterpillars and Leafhoppers in a wide range of crops. Does not affect the natural enemies. Safe to use with beneficial parasites and predators and thus offers long-lasting pest control. Helps to increase productivity by controlling the pests and improving crop health. It is eco-friendly and helps to maintain the Ecological Balance. Insects cannot develop resistance against Nimbecidine. No residue.

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  • Neem Manure

    Neem Manure

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    Neem is an ancient tree cultivated in India. Everything from Neem is good, the bark, wood, seeds, leaves, all overflow with benefit for humans, animals and plants. The oil of Neem contains basic active ingredients known and used in Indian pharmacopoeia and cosmetology for over a thousand years. In agriculture it is the “tree of treasures” because of its insecticidal, nematicidal, antifungal and fertilizing properties for the soil.

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  • Karanja Pellets

    Karanja Pellets

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    Karanja Pellet is the biomass of Pongamia glabra fruits after extraction of the oil. It is totally natural and contains plant growth promoting substances like auxins and antifungal compounds like karanjin and pongamol and the like. A natural, botanical extract from Pungamia glabara that contains plant growth stimulating factors, primarily axins, improving the soil texture, promoting unparallelled Vegetative growth, plant health and fruit yields. Induces Bio Activity in the Soil Favours the development of microbial life, increases productivity and soil fertility. Natural, 100% biodegradable blend pungam cakes, have macro and micro nutrients to nourish the soil naturally. Increases water retention capacity. Prevents and treats ailment disorders of plants due to imbalance of nutrition and trace elements. When mixed with the soil on and around the roots of the plants, remarkably improving plant immunity in addition to conditioning the soil texture. It is very active in increasing growth and leafage of the plants, results in rich blossoming, strengthening the roots and improves the quality of the fruits and Vegetables. It makes nitrogen available to the plants for a longer duration by slow conversion of nitrogenous compounds. Friendly to beneficial soil microbes. It improves the immure system of the plant. Naturally Protecting the plant from diseases.

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  • Bio-Power


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    Bio-Power is a biological insecticide based on a selective strain of naturally - occurring entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. The product contains spores and mycelial fragments of B. bassiana and is available in liquid (1x109 CFU's/ml) and powder (1x108 CFU's/gm) formulation. Mode of Action The spore of the fungus when comes in contact with the cuticle (skin) of the target pest insect it germinates and grows directly through the spiracle in the cuticle into the inner body of the host. The fungus by taking nutrients from the insect proliferates and colonizes the entire insect and thus drains the insect of nutrients and the infected insects eventually dies. Dose and Method of Application Foliar spray (Borer & cutworm): Mix Bio-Power @ 3 Litres or 4 kg / hectare in 500 Litres of water (i.e., 6 ml or 8 gm per Litre of water). The product should be sprayed on growing plants using hand, ground or aerial equipment targeting the insects. The spray volume depends upon the crop canopy. Soil Application (for root grubs): Mix Bio-Power @ 3 Litres or 4 kg / hectare in 500 Litres of water (i.e., 6 ml or 8 gm per Litre of water). Bio-power can be sprinkled around the root-zone and incorporated into the soil either mechanically or through profuse watering of the plant roots. Alternatively, Bio-Power at the recommended rate can be mixed with 1000 kgs of organic fertilizer or field soil and can be applied uniformly. Drip System: Bio-Power can be mixed @ 6 ml or 8 gm / Litre of water. After filtering it can be incorporated into the soil through the drip irrigation system during the pre or post planting stage. Apply preferably in the early morning or during the late evening hours. Use the spray solution as a direct spray targeting the pests on the undersides of the leaves. Preparation of Spray Solution Suspend Bio-Power (@ 3 Litres or 4 kg / ha) in a clean dry container and add water (20 Litres). Stir the contents well and make up to the final spray volume (500 Litres) with water or with 1% neem solution as a diluent while preparing the spray fluid. Compatibility Bio-Power is compatible with neem and other bio-pesticide products. Do not make tank mix of Bio-Power with fungicides. Features Bio-Power does not create resistance, resurgence nor residue problems. It is safe to natural enemies of pest such as beneficial parasites and beneficial predators and thus offers a long-lasting pest control. Forms a good molecule for use in an IPM programme and thereby helps to reduce the pesticide load in the atmosphere. Benefits Bio-Power effectively controls most of the economically important pests such as Borers, Cutworms, Root grubs, Leafhoppers. Whitefly, Aphids, Thrips and Mealybug. Bio-Power helps to increase productivity by improving the crop health through containing the pests. Bio-Power is eco-friendly and helps to maintain the ecological balance

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  • Bio-Nematon


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    Bio-Nematon is a biological insecticide based on a selective strain of naturally- occurring entomopathogenic fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus. The product contains spores and mycelial fragments of P. lilacinus. It is available in liquid (1x109CFU's/ml) and powder (1x108 CFU's/gm) formulation. Mode of Action The spore of this fungus acts by infecting, parasitizing and killing eggs, juveniles and young adults of most phytophagous nematode species. When the spore of Bio-Nematon comes in contact with different stages of the nematodes, they germinate and grow and proliferate throughout the nematode eventually paralysing the nematode leading to the death of the nematode. Dose and Method of Application Soil Application: Bio-Nematon 8 Litres or 10 kg / hectare to be mixed with organic fertilizer / well decomposed organic manure / field soil / any other locally available agriculturally usable organic carrier and applied around the rhizosphere uniformly for existing crops in the field. The Bio-Nematon can be incorporated into the soil either mechanically or through profuse watering the field. It can be incorporated in the field as a pre-plant treatment, or at planting and emergence stage, or immediately after transplanting. Drip System: Bio-Nematon 8 Litres or 10 kg / hectare is to be mixed in 1000 Litres of water and filter the contents well to separate out extraneous particle if any. After filtering with appropriate filters it can be incorporated into the soil through the drip irrigation systems during the pre or post planting stage. The frequency of applications also depends on the Nematode population. In the case of high nematode population pressures, and in perennial crops, multiple applications are recommended. Preparation of Spray Solution Suspend 8 Litres or 10 kg of Bio-Nematon in 1000 Litres of water. Stir well and apply through irrigation system after filtering with filters. Compatibility Bio-Nematon compatible with neem and other bio-pesticide products. Do not tank mix Bio-Nematon with fungicides / Nematicides. Features Does not create resistance, resurgence and residues problem. Does not affect the natural enemies and so, offers a long lasting pest control. Forms a good molecule for use in IPM programme and thereby helps to reduce the pesticide load. Benefits Bio-Nematon controls effectively the economically important nematodes like root knot nematodes, burrowing nematodes, cyst nematodes, lesion nematodes etc., among wide range of crops. Helps to increase the productivity by containing the nematode pests

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  • Bio-Magic


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    Bio-Magic is a biological insecticide based on a selective strain of naturally-occurring entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. It contains spores and mycelial fragments of M. anisopliae. It is available in liquid (1x109 CFU's/ml) and powder (1x108CFU's/gm) formulation. Mode of Action When the spore of this fungus comes in contact with the cuticle (skin) of the target insect pests, it germinates and grows directly through the spiracle cuticle in to the inner body of the host. The fungus proliferates throughout the insect's body, draining the insect of nutrients and the infected insects eventually dies. Dose and Method of Application Foliar Spray (plant hoppers and bugs): Mix Bio-Magic @ 3 Litres or 4 kg / hectare in 500 Litres of water (i.e., 6 ml or 8 gm per Litre of water). The product should be sprayed on growing plants using hand, ground or aerial equipment targeting the insects. The spray volume depends upon the crop canopy. Repeat application is needed for better control Soil Application (for root grubs): Mix Bio-Magic @ 3 Litres or 4 kg / hectare in 500 Litres of water (i.e., 6 ml or 8 gm per Litre of water). Bio-Magic can be sprinkled around the root-zone and incorporated into the soil either mechanically or through profuse watering of the plant. Alternatively, Bio-Magic at the recommended rate can be mixed with 1000 kgs of organic fertilizer or field soil and can be applied uniformly. Drip System: Mix Bio-Magic with water @ 6 ml or 8 gm / Litre and incorporate it into the soil through the drip irrigation system during the pre or post planting stage. Apply preferably in the early morning or during late evening hours. Use the spray solution as a direct spray targeting the pests on the undersides of the leaves. Preparation of Spray Solution Suspend Bio-Magic (@ 3 Litre or 4 kg / ha) in a clean dry container and add water (20 Litres). Stir the contents well and make up to the final spray volume (500 Litres) with water or with neem solution as a diluent while preparing the spray fluid. Compatibility Bio-Magic is compatible with neem and other bio-pesticide products. Do not tank mix Bio-Magic with fungicides. Features Bio-Magic does not affect the natural enemies of the pest. Bio-Magic is safe to beneficial parasites and beneficial predators and thus offers long-lasting pest control. Bio-Magic forms a good molecule for use in an IPM programme Benefits Bio-Magic effectively controls the economically important pests of crops such as leaf hoppers, root grubs, Borers, cutworms, termites, palm weevils. Bio-Magic helps to increase productivity by improving the crop health through containing the pests.

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  • Bio-Gro


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    Bio-Gro is an organic manure produced through decomposition of selected biomass, in a scientific manner, deploying naturally occurring well known microbes. Further, the end product is exposed to a specific process of sterlization during decomposing processes. Methodologies and implementations are standardized for moisture content organic matter contents and in addition enriched with beneficial Microbes. Bio-Gro is a potting medium with a number of wanted charectors like: Porocity Water holding capacity With lower density inhancing the bulkiness of medium With lots of capillary spaces to improve the aeration in the medium Gives optimal soil features proper healthier root development with a needed root shoot ratio. Blended with other selected decomposed biomass of vegetable origin which are natural. The end product is sterilised and standardised with macro and micronutrients. Impregnated with beneficial from the nature. To make the product more user friendly, the bulkiness is reduces through compression and at the same time the product is optimally compressed taking care to ensure that the product does not lose its basic qualities like creating good aeration, improving the water holding capacity and the other growth promoting features which are the unique charecteristic features of Bio-Gro Features Bio-Gro is an organic decomposed biomass with cell beneficial microbes. It is a growing medium with porosity, water holding capacity and light in density, facilitating proper and extensive root growth. Bio-Gro is made out of the spongy portion of Cocos nucifera fruits after extraction of the fibers from the measocarp. The coarse pith of coconut (coco pith) is known for binding, water holding and aerating the rhizosphere. Bio-Gro is made out of it's coarse coir pith, enriched with natural organic source for macro and micro nutrients. Compression of the volume of the organics is so proportionately organized to create a good aeration, water holding capillaries and growth facilitating medium. Benefits Being an organic medium enriched and evolved scientifically under the technical supervision with good infrastructure facilities, it is recommended without any hesitation for all gardens for proper and better culture medium with 100% value addition. Bio-Gro has a vision to produce a product to fulfill the passion of organic farming with the ultimate aim of growing healthier crop for a healthy society. Bio Gro proved to be a good medium for culturing indoor plants, home gardens and open fields. It binds the soil, creating aeration and water holding capacity. It prevents nutrient loss through leaching, evaporation and facilitating less use of fertilizer application. It creates an atmosphere for growing healthier crops with minimal agro inputs including water.

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  • Bio-Cure-F


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    Bio-Cure-F, is a biological fungicide containing the conidial spore and the mycelial fragments of the selective strain of antagonistic fungus, Trichoderma viride. The product is available in liquid (1 x 109 per ml) and powder 2 x 106 per gm) formulation. Mode of Action Substrate Competition Bio-Cure-F controls pathogens by creating competition for substrates, nutrients and the like. Mycoparasitism: Bio-Cure-F is a preventive biological (living) fungicide that attacks disease-causing pathogen before they reach the root system. It grows fast and coils around the pathogen and penetrates through it and takes nutrients from the pathogen. The pathogen eventually dies and finally eliminated from the field. Antibiosis: It offers a long-lasting control against the pathogen by secreting secondary metabolites which exhibit antibiosis effect on the pathogen. Dose and Method of Application Greenhouse Potting Mix or Soil Drench: Suspend Bio-Cure-F in a sufficient quantity of water (1000 ml or 2000 gm / 100 L) to achieve a uniform application. Apply at the rate of 200 ml or gm per cubic meter (loose) of greenhouse potting mix, soil or planting beds, media or substrate. For Bulbs & Ornamentals:Dip bulbs in a Bio-Cure-F suspension of 10 ml or 20 gm / Litre prior to planting. Seed Dressing: Bio-Cure-F @ 6 ml or 8 gm per kg of seeds can be used along with the appropriate stickers / wetting agents to coat the seeds. Seedling Treatment: Bio-Cure-F @ 10 ml or 20 gm / L of water to be mixed. Dip the roots of the seedlings in to the solution for 30 min prior to planting. Over-dosing does not cause any harmful side effects. Drip System: Bio-Cure-F can be applied through low pressure watering nozzles such as fan nozzles or other watering systems after filtering the solution carefully. Agitate to maintain suspension. For best effect, treat potting mix several days before use for seeding or transplants. Soil Application:Mix the required quantity of Bio-Cure-F (@ 3 Litres or 4 kg / ha) with 1000 kgs of organic fertilizer / field soil / top soil or any other agriculturally potent locally available organic carrier and mix it well and apply uniformly. In the case of high infestation, multiple applications are recommended. Compatibility Bio-Cure-F is compatible with Mancozeb 75% WP (@ 0.25 gm / Litre level), Carbendazim 50.0% WP (@ 0.10 gm / Litre level) and Copper-oxy chloride 88.0% w/w (@ 0.25 gm/Litre level). The Bio-Cure-F can be tank mixed with insecticides and the above fungicides for a combined application. Features Bio-Cure-F is eco-friendly and maintains the ecological balance. Bio-Cure-F is harmless to the environment. Bio-Cure-F does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problem. Bio-Cure-F forms a good molecule for use in IDM programmes. Benefits Bio-Cure-F controls the disease-causing pathogens such as Pythium spp., Rhizoctonia solani Fusarium spp., Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotium rolfsii, and Sclerotinia homoeocarpacausing root rot, root wilt, seedling rot and color-rot diseases in crops

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  • Bio-Catch


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    The spore of the fungus, when it comes in contact with the cuticle (skin) of the target pest insect, germinates and grows directly through spiracle in the cuticle into the inner body of the host. The fungus by taking nutrients from the insect proliferates and colonizes the entire insect and thus drains the insects of nutrients and the infected insects eventually dies. Verticillium infects the insect on contact and does not need to be consumed by the host to cause infection. Mode of Action The spore of the fungus, when it comes in contact with the cuticle (skin) of the target pest insect, germinates and grows directly through spiracle in the cuticle into the inner body of the host. The fungus by taking nutrients from the insect proliferates and colonizes the entire insect and thus drains the insects of nutrients and the infected insects eventually dies. Verticillium infects the insect on contact and does not need to be consumed by the host to cause infection. Dose and Method of Application Foliar Spray (plant hoppers, thrips, aphids and mealy bugs): Mix Bio-Catch @ 3 Litres or 4 kg / hectare in 500 Litres of water (i.e., 6 ml or 8 gm per Litre of water). The product should be sprayed on growing plants using hand, ground or aerial equipment targeting the insects. The spray volume depends upon the crop canopy. Soil Application (For root mealy bugs): Mix Bio-Catch @ 3 Litres or 4 kg / hectare in 500 Litres of water (i.e., 6 ml or 8 gm per Litre of water). Bio-Catch can be sprinkled around the root-zone and incorporated into the soil either mechanically or through profuse watering of the plant. Alternatively, Bio-Catch at the recommended rate can be mixed with 1000 kgs of organic fertilizer or field soil and can be applied uniformly. Drip System: Mix Bio-Catch with water @ 6 ml or 8 gm / Litre and incorporate into the soil through drip irrigation systems during the pre or post planting stage. Apply preferably in the early morning or during the late evening hours. Use the spray solution as a direct spray targeting the pests on the undersides of the leaves. Preparation of Spray Solution Suspend Bio-Catch (@ 3 Litre or 4 kg/ha) in a clean dry container and add water (20 Litres). Stir the contents well and make up to the final spray volume (500 Litres) with water or with 1% neem solution as a diluent while preparing the spray fluid. Compatibility Bio-Catch is compatible with neem and other biopesticide products. Do not make tank mix Bio-Catch with fungicides. Features Bio-Catch does not create resistance, resurgence and residue problems. Bio-Catch does not affect the natural enemies of the pest. It is safe to beneficial parasites and beneficial predators and thus offers a long-lasting pest control Bio-Catch forms a good molecule for use in an IPM programme. Benefits Bio-Catch effectively controls the economically important sucking pests such as aphids, Jassids, whitefly, leaf hoppers and mealy bugs for a wide range of crops. Bio-Catch is eco-friendly and it helps to maintain the ecological balance.

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  • Symbion-P


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    Seed Treatment: Seed required for 1 ha is to be treated with Symbion-P by adopting either seed dipping or seed coating method. Use of proper inoculum and instant sowing of inoculated seeds with minimal waiting period between treatment and sowing are necessary to overcome undue loss of viability between inoculation and sowing.

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  • Symbion-K


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    The cells of Frateuria aurantia contained in the product on reaching the soil get activated and produce fresh batches of active cells. These cells grow and multiply by utilizing carbon source in the soil or from root exudates. During their growth, they solubilize the fixed Potash in the soil and make it available to the plant in an easily usable form.

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  • Symbion-S


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    The bacteria used for the production of this product, namely Thiobacillus Thiooxidants strain is known for it's sulphur solubilizing characters. This bacterial cell converts the non available sulphur and sulphur related compounds to easily assimilable form of sulphur salts through a process of oxidation. During this process, it brings down the high pH of the soil (alkasol soil). Hence, Symbion-S can be utilized in reclaiming the alkaline and saline soil for normal cultivation.

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  • Symbion-VAM


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    Mycorrhizae are obligate and saprophytic in nature which are totally biotroph and hence, requires a living host for its survival. Endo-Mycorrhizae on which Symbion-VAM is prepared contain Vesicular Arbuscular Mychorizae (VAM-fungi) which are part of soil biota and present universally in the soil. The Symbion-VAM by associating symbiotically with root of the plants helps in the greater absorption of phosphorous, water and other important macro and essential micro elements and making them available to the plants in an easily usable organic farm. Besides they are also reported to impart resistance to plants against drought and soil borne fungal pathogens and nematodes. Symbion-VAM (enodmychorrhizae) can be used in annual crops like cereals, pulses, oil seeds and fruit crops but it cannot be used in cruciferous plants.

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  • U-Coate


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    U-coate acts by slowing down the nitrification process by curbing the activity of nitrifying bacteria like Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter. This ensures continuous availability of nitrogen for a longer duration to crops. It also prevents the loss of nitrogen through leaching and volatilization. Solubility of urea and other mineral salt are not affected by the U-Coate.

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  • Green Miracle

    Green Miracle

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    Green Miracle functions primarily on the principle of reflecting the sun's rays. Applied as a foliar spray, it forms a thin glassy film-coat, which reflects incident light more than it would occur under normal conditions. This prevents the thermic effect of light on plant tissues.

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  • Bio-Cure-B


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    Greenhouse Potting Mix or Soil Drench: Suspend Bio-Cure-B in sufficient water (1000 ml or 2000 gm 100 L) to achieve uniform application. Apply at the rate of 200 ml per cubic meter (loose) of greenhouse potting mix, soil or planting beds.

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
The house of Stanes has a proud lineage that goes way back to 1861, with Sri Robert Stanes. The organisation was founded as a tea planting company and the coffee curing works. This marked the beginning of greater things to come, expansion of plantation holdings, diversification into fertilizer mixing (1890), automobiles (1940), ... and many more growth areas.
The company has developed grass-roots level contacts, supported by a network of over 12,000 dealers with over 200 field sales and service personnel to effectively cater to the demands of the agriculturists.
Today, Stanes is a large business house from peninsular India, engaged in manufacturing and marketing, encompassing a diverse range of activities that includes Organic Fertilizer, Micronutrients, Bio-fertilizers, Botanical Pesticides, Microbial insecticides, Microbial fungicides, Microbial nematicides Antitranspirants, immunomodulators and Seeds to name just a few.
Man has been living in harmony with the plant kingdom for ages. In fact, agriculture has been mankind’s primordial occupation. They are the vital source for our basic necessities of existence - food, water and fresh air. But then, in the race for existence, the agile man has moved far quicker than the mute plants. Technological advancement has brought about an alienation from laws of nature. Productivity and yield have quite often relegated concern for mother nature. This has been mainly due to use of chemicals which poison the soil, ground water, plants and animals which live on them. This detrimental effect of artificial inorganic inputs on the fragile eco-system calls for a return to nature.
We, at T.Stanes & Co. Ltd., feel a strong sense of responsibility to safeguard our earth and the environment. This has spurred us to intensify research and develop agro-inputs that are bio-degradable, eco-friendly, safe to use, protect the crop and increase the yield. Exactly why we are called - Friends of the Earth.
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Contact Information

T. Stanes & Company Limited, Cipd Tea & Coffee

  • Mr. M. Suria Narayanan
  • 8/23-24, Race Course Road, Coimbatore.641 018, Tamil Nadu