Vetiver Roots
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Vetiver / Coleus Vettiveroides Root Powder
1,620 Per Kilogram
Vetiver is grass and its name is derived from the Tamil name "Vettiver". Vettiver is native to India and both its leaves and roots have wonderful uses. Since India is a tropical country, we as a nation have always been fond of natural ingredients that keep our body cool and vetiver tops that list because it is such a natural body cooler. Internal Benefits of Vetiver (Coleus Vettiveroides Root):- In Siddha Medicine:- Vetiver water is very cooling. It helps to cure painful urination, ulcers, and bad breath. This aromatic water has a calming effect on the nerves and regular intake of this water helps in general well being and it acts as a blood purifier. External Benefits of Vetiver (Coleus Vettiveroides Root):- Eye burning, headache, fever, hair care & used for bath powder.
Best Deals from Vetiver Root
Vetiveria Zizanioides Roots
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We are proud to offer Vetiveria Zizanioides as part of our Medicianl Herbs Product range. The premium quality Vetiveria Zizanioides Herbs offered by us has been termed as the best available in the market because of the excellent medicinal qualities that it exhibits.
vetiveria zizanoides
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