Spirulina Food Supplement
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As Spirulina helps in improving overall health, it is largely used as a food supplement. We are a renowned Spirulina Food Supplement Exporter and Supplier from Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu. We offer good quality Spirulina Food Supplement that is prepared from all natural ingredients, therefore, completely safe for human as well as animal consumption. This supplement can also help in preventing some serious health problems, such as allergies, diabetes, oral cancer, and obesity. We make them available in various packaging sizes and at highly affordable prices. Nutritional Content : PROTEIN (65% - 70%) It contains almost three times high protein than what milk, meat and fish contains. MINERALS (7% - 13%) It is the rich source of calcium potassium, Magnesium. VITAMINS: A,B,C,D,E (0.2 – 0.3mg): It contains more Vitamins than Carrot. BETA CAROTENE (140mg – 330mg) : It contains 3 to 4 times higher than pasalakerai. CARBOHYDRATE (15% -25%): It comes directly from Spirulina. CALCIUM (130mg): Almost it has 10 times higher than Milk. IRON ( 33 mg): It contain 65 times higher iron contains than what soybeans, Pista , sprouts, spinaches, pear. GAMA LINOLINIC ACID: It has been directly dry from Spirulina. Benefited : Eye sight Heart diseases Anaemia Diabetes Mother milk Ulcer Skind ulergy Hair loss Obesity Tenderness