Horticultural Impex Prem Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

GST Number : 05AACPY6891P2ZO
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  • Ziziphus Jujuba Seeds

    Ziziphus Jujuba Seeds

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    Jujuba Ziziphus a deciduous tree, up to 12m in height, sometimes a large bush, found both cultivated and naturalized in Punjab. Leaves ovate to oblong-oval or nearly lanceolate, 2.5-5cm long, obtusely serrate; spines usually two, one of them mostly recurved; fruits oblong to ovoid or subglobose, 3cm or less in length.It is believe that this species is a native of North china, from where it was introduced into west Asia 2500-3000 years ago. The Greeks and Romans become acquainted with it and carried it into Barbary (North Africa) and Spain. ALater, the species become naturalized in the areas of its cultivation. There is hardly any authentic record of its introduction into India.

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  • withania somnifera seeds

    withania somnifera seeds

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    Withania somnifera an erect, evergreen tomentose shrub, 24-36 inch. high, found throughout the drier parts of India in waste places and on bunds; also cultivated to a limited extent for medicinal roots. The extract is derived form the roots of Withania somnifera belonging to family Solanaceae. It is commonly known as Ashwagandha which indicates the equine (of horses) odor of the plant. Its main use, as described in Ayurvedic literature, is as a “rasayana” or rejuvenating drug and hence also traditionally known as Avarada which suggests the application of this plant for enhancing longevity. Withania somnifera is one of the best known and most researched Ayurvedic herbs and holds a place in the Ayurvedic traditions similar to Ginseng in Chinese therapies.

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  • Vigna Sinensis Seeds

    Vigna Sinensis Seeds

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    Vigna sinensis a sub-erect, trailing or climbing, bushy annual, with glabrous stems, found in the warmer parts throughout India, mostly under cultivation. Leaves pinnate: leaflets 7.5-15 cm. long, ovate, flowers in recemes, white, pale violet or purple in colour with an yellow eye, turning yellow when faded; pods variable, up to 90 cm long. 10-20 seeded: seeds varying in size, shape and colour.

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  • Vetiveria Zizanioides Seeds

    Vetiveria Zizanioides Seeds

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    Vetiveria zizanioides a densely tufted grass, found throughout the plains and lower hills of India, particularly on the river banks and in rich marshy soil, ascending to an altitude of c. 1200 m. Clums arising from an aromatic rhizome, stout, up to and over 2m. tall, in dense tufts, with stout spongy aromatic roots; leaves narrow, erect, keeled, glaborous, margins scabrid; inflorescence a panicle (15-40cm long) of numerous slender racemes in whorls on a central axis; spiklets grey green or purplish, 4-6mm long, in pair more or less alike in shape and size, different in sex, 2-flowered, lower floret reduced to a lemma, upper bisexual in the sessile, male in the pedicelled spiklet, glumes armed with short, tubercle-based spines, lemmas awnless, palea minute.

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  • Ulex Europaeus Seeds

    Ulex Europaeus Seeds

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    A native to Europe especially England, the 5-feet tall tree grows well in the southern hills of our country that is known as the Deccan region. The tree has great value as a medicinal plant as well as an evergreen tree that can be used for ornamental purposes. The Ulex Europaeus Seeds are collected from the mature trees from around August to September and have seed longevity of 2 years. You can jolly store the seeds in optimum conditions for the specified time till you can plant the seeds. And we as suppliers of the seeds assure you that the seeds have a germination rate of up to 70-80%. You can also trust our quality thereby.

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  • Trigonella Foenum-graecum Seeds

    Trigonella Foenum-graecum Seeds

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    Trigonella foenum-graecum An aromatic annual, 0.4-0.6mt. tall found wild in Kashmir, Punjab and the upper Gangetic plains, and widely cultivated in many parts of India. Two fairly distinct types of palnts are recognized; the dwarf type, grown for culinary puroses; and the tall-growing type, known as Meta in Punjab, grown for fodder. Leaves pinnate, 3 foliolate; leaflets 2.0 - 2.5cm long, oblanceolate-oblong, obscurely dentate; flowers white or yellowish white, 1 or 2, axillary; pods 3 -15 cm long, 10 - 20 seeded; seeds greenish brown, 2.5 x 2.0 - 3.5 mm. oblong with a deep greeove across one corner giving the seeds a hooked appearance.

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  • Trifolium Repens Seeds

    Trifolium Repens Seeds

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  • Trifolium Pratense Seeds

    Trifolium Pratense Seeds

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  • Trifolium Alexandrinum Seeds

    Trifolium Alexandrinum Seeds

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    Trifolium alexandrinum a sparingly appressed, pubescent annual, commonly cultivated in the semi-desert countries like Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Iran, and introduced into India as a fodder crop, Stems 30-60cm long, branching, glabrous or glabrate; leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets oblong or broadly elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, 1.5-5.0cm long, rather shallowly denticulate; floral heads villous to bristly-cilinate, rather short-peduncled to almost sessile, ovoid, becoming cuneate-oblong, 14 to 20mm. long 15mm thick; flowers yellowish; pods oblong-ovoid, included, 1-seeded.Seed-rate: The seed at the rate of 20-25kg is sufficient to sow one hectare. It is recommended to use 1-2kg more when the crop is sown early in September. The berseem is sown either broadcast or drilled. The seed may be soaked in water for 10-12 hrs before sowing.

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  • Trachyspermum Roxburghianum Seeds

    Trachyspermum Roxburghianum Seeds

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  • Trachyspermum Ammi Seeds

    Trachyspermum Ammi Seeds

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    Trachyspermum ammi an erect, glabrous or minutely pubescent, branced annual, up to 0.4-0.6mt. tall, cultivated almost throughout India. Stands straight; leaves rather distant, 2 - 3 - pinnately divided, segments linear, ultimate segments 1.0 - 2.5cm long; flowers in terminal or seemingly - lateral pedunculate, compound umbles, white, small; fruits ovoid, muricate, aromatic cremocarps, 2-3mm long, greyish brown; mericarps compressed, with distinct ridges and tubercular surface, 1 - seeded.

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  • Trachycarpus Fortunei Seeds

    Trachycarpus Fortunei Seeds

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    The flowers are yellow (male) and greenish (female), about 2–4 mm across, borne in large branched panicles up to 1 m long in spring; it is dioecious, with emale and female flowers produced on separate trees. The fruit is a yellow to blue-black, reniform (kidney-shaped) drupe 10–12 mm long, ripening in mid autumn. Occasionally it occurs that a male plant of T. fortunei besides the usual spadices produces also a few other spadices which carry really hermaphroditic flowers. The hermaphroditic and completely fertile flowers are almost exactly like the male flowers, but are a little larger and with the carpels well evolute, the latter about as long as the filaments, furnished with a ring of silvery hairs all round.

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  • Thuja Orientalis Seeds

    Thuja Orientalis Seeds

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    Thuja orientalis a shrub or small tree, 15mt. tall, with a dense crown and thin, reddish brown bark, native of China, grown successfully in forests in Bihar. And frequently planted for ornament all over India, particularly in hill-stations. Leaves 3mm. long rhombic-ovate, acute; cones erect, globose-ovate; seedsvinged.It is extensively cultivated as an ornamental tree in cool, moist places for its attractiveand dense foliage and bush like habit of growth. It is also grown as a hedge-plant, and for screens. The trees make fine avenues in gardens and parks. It is propagated by cuttings and seeds. The better-quality seeds are those which sink after not more than eight-hour of soaking. It is popular as a Christmas-tree in the plains.

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  • Thevetia Neriifolia Seeds

    Thevetia Neriifolia Seeds

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    Thevetia neriifolia a large, evergreen shrub, 4.5 - 6.0m tall, native of tropical America and the West Indies, but naturalized and cultivated in gardens in the plains throughout India. Leaves 10-15cm long, linear, acute; flowers bright yellow or pinkish yellow, in terminal cymes, scented; drupes triangular, fleshy, with 2-4 seeds. Fruit is small, containing two to four flat seeds. If ingested may experience pain in the mouth and lips, may also develop vomiting, cramping, abdominal pain, nausea and bradycardia shortly after ingestion. Mexican oleander is native to tropical America.

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  • Thespesia Populnea Seeds

    Thespesia Populnea Seeds

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    Thespesia populnea,a compact quick-growing, evergreen tree, 20-30 ft. in height and 1.2m in girth, with 2.5m clear bole, commonly found on the coasts of India and the Andamans; also grown elsewhere in gardens for ornament.  Bark grey to brown, fissured, often knobby, fibrous, c. 4.0mm. thick; leaves cordate-ovate, dark green, 7-15cm. long; flowers yellow with purple base, completely changing to purple when about to wither, 5.0-7.5cm; capsules brown, globose or oblong, 2.5cm x 4.0cm, with persistent calyx; seeds pilose or powdery on the surface, flat, egg-shaped.The tree is largely cultivated for ornament and shade, and it blooms throughout the year in the tropics.  It can grow everwhere including saline soils, except in hilly areas, but prefers light and porous soils.  It thrives in moist and warm situations, but can withstand temperatures as low as - 4°. 

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  • Theobroma Cacao Seeds

    Theobroma Cacao Seeds

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  • Terminalia Chebula Seeds

    Terminalia Chebula Seeds

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    Terminalia chebula a tree 20mt.  in height and 1.5-2.4m in girth, with a cylindrical bole of 4-9m a rounded crown and spreading branches, found throughout the greater parts of India.  Bark dark-brown, often longitudinally cracked, exfoliating in woody scales; leaves ovate or elliptic with a pair of large glands at the top of the petiole; flowers yellowish white, in terminal spikes; drupes ellipsoidal, obovoid or ovoid, yellow to orange-brown, sometimes tinged with red or black and hard when ripe, 3-5cm long, become 5-ribbed on drving; seeds hard, pale yellow.T. chebula is found in the sub-himalaysn tracts from the Ravi eastwards to West Bengal and Assam, ascending up to an altitude of 1500m in Himalayas.   In the deciduous forests of India, it attains a girth of 1.5-1.8m., with a bole of 4.5-6.0m in length.  In the moister forests of the west coast, it reaches a girth of 2.4m or more, with a bole of 9m. in favourable localities.  In high-level rocky and dry places in the outer Himalayas and the hills of Deccan and South Indian it is a small tree.  In its natural habitat, the absolute maximum shadetemperature varies from 36 to 17.5° and the absolute minimum from 0 to 15.5°, and the normal rainfall from 75 to 330cm.  It is found on a variety of geological formations, growing on clayey as well as on sandy soils.

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  • Terminalia Catappa Seeds

    Terminalia Catappa Seeds

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    Terminalia catappa is a large, handsome, deciduous tree, 32mt. tall having a bole of 12m, with a smooth grey bark and whorled branches, found in the Andamans.  It is also cultivated in gardens for edible frits.  Stems somewhat buttressed at the base, fluted slightly above; leaves large, obovate, usually crowded at the end of the branchlets; flowers white, star-shaped, in slender racemes; drupes yellowish or reddish, ellipsoidal, distinctly compressed, endocarp, enclosing the edible seed.The tree is common in the Andamans in the beach forest ofn the raised sandy beaches and extends into the forests behind where it is confined to sandy or shingly soils.

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  • Tectona Grandis Seeds

    Tectona Grandis Seeds

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    Tectona grandis a tree with rounded crown, very variable in size according to its habitat, indigenous to the peninsular Indian and Madhya Pradesh, extending to parts of Rajasthan, southern Uttar Pradesh and Orissa. In favourable localities the tree attains large size, with tall, clean and cylindrical bole, carrying its girth well up the stem; but, with advance age, the stem becomes more fluted and buttressed at the base. The plant attains a height of 40mt. In dry situations and seasons, the leaves fall from November to January, while in moist localities the tree may remain in leaf until March or even later. As a rule the tree are leafless throughout the greater part of the hot season. The new leaves appear from April to June, come up from June to August or September but, like the normally wet conditions. The fruits ripen from November to January and fall gradually and may be collected from under the trees. For easy storage, the calyx is removed by half filling the bag with fruits and vigorously rubbing and shaking it; the remains of the calyces and be separated from the nuts by winnowing. The nuts vary much in weight; in samples from Madhya Pradesh, the number of fruits varied from 2000 to 3000 per kg.

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  • Tecomella Argentea Seeds

    Tecomella Argentea Seeds

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  • Tecoma Stans Seeds

    Tecoma Stans Seeds

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    Tecoma stans is An erect shrub or small tree, planted in gardens in the plains throughout India and in the hills, up to an altitude of 1,500m. The plant attains a height of 1.5-5mt., occasionally 10mt . It is naturalized in most parts of India, and is also found as an escape in the waste, dry places near gardens and houses.  Leaves odd-pinnate; leaflets 5-11, almost sessile, oblong-ovate, lanceolate, serrate; flowers yellow, fragrant,in terminal panicle, found throughtout the year; capsules linear, 12-20cm x 7cm., compressed; seeds numerous, each with 2, thin wings.

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  • Tamarindus Indica Seeds

    Tamarindus Indica Seeds

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    Tamarindus indica a moderate sized to large, evergreen tree, up to 24-30mt. in height and 7 m in girth, but generally smaller, cultivated or found naturalized almost throughout the plains and sub-Himalayan tracts of India, particularly in the South.  Bark brownish or dark grey, longitudinally and horizontally fissured; leaves paripinnate, up to 15cm long; leaflets generally 10-20 pairs, sub-sessile, oblong, 8-30mm x 5-10mm; flowered racemes at the ends of rthe branchlets; pods 7.5-20.0cm long, c. 2.5cm broad and 1.0cm. thick, more or less constricted between the seeds, slightly curved, brownish-ash-coloured, scurfy; seeds 3-12, obovate-oblong, compressed, with a shallow, oblong pit on each side of the flat faces c. 1.5x0.8cm in loculi, enveloped by a tough, leathery membrane, the so-called endocarp.  Outside the endocarp is the lightbrownish, red, sweetish acidic, edible pulp, traversed by a number of branched, ligneous strands.  The outermost covering of the pod is fragile and easily separable.  The tree has usually a short and thick trunk, with is seldom straight.  It has a handsome, dense and spreading crown of feathery foliage and is prized for ornament and for palnting on the roadsides for shade.  Through it is evergreen, there is abundant leaf-fall and the new leaves appear during March-April.  In very dry localities, it sometimes becomes leafless for a short time during the hot season.  The flowers appear from April to June and the pods ripen in the cold season.  The tree is not exacting as regards the soil and in place it has become naturalized even in rocky land. It, however, thriges best on the deep alluvium.  The tree generall prefers a warm climate and can withstand drough, but is sensitive to frost

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  • Swietenia Mahagoni Seeds

    Swietenia Mahagoni Seeds

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    Swietenia mahagoni a medium to large, magnificent , evergreen tree, native to Central America, with a handsome spreading habit. It has a buttressed base and, in its native country, the tree reaches a height of 30 m and a girth of 4.5 m., but in India it attains a height of 18-24 m only. Bark rugose grey-black; leaves paripinnate; leaflets 2-4 parirs, 3-5cm. long, opposite, very oblique, often subfalcate, lanceolate or ovate; flowers greenish yellow, in axillary pendulous panicles, shorter than the leaves; capsules ovoid, about 7.5 - 15.0 cm. x 7.5cm; seeds many, flat, winged.

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  • Stylosanthes Scabra Seeds

    Stylosanthes Scabra Seeds

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    Stylosanthes scabra Erect, hardy plant, growing to a height of 1-1.5m in height, profusely branching, leaves slightly waxy in appearance.

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 2003
  • No. of Employees Below 20
  • Annual Turnover Below Rs. 0.5 Crore Approx.
  • Ownership Type Individual (Sole proprietorship)
  • GSTIN Number 05AACPY6891P2ZO

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Our partnering with premier horticulture research institutes in India, gives us a leading advantage with regard to domain specific knowledge and thus an assurance to the quality of our seeds. We offer a wide range of tree seeds, which undergo highly accurate tests and quality checks. Seed and other planting material that do not reach the high quality standards are definitely discarded. Purity and germination of the seeds are rigorously evaluated at our laboratories.
Horticultural Impex is a progressive organization deeply rooted in "The Green Revolution". For almost 28 years we have been serving the growing needs of commercial horticulture in a highly specialized and competitive market of tree seeds. Over this time we have acquired a practical understanding as well as experience as collector & exporter of Tree & Plant Seeds, Plants Live Material and Indian Spices & Condiments.
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Contact Information

Horticultural Impex

  • Mr. Harsh Kumar
  • 05, Panditwari, PO, Prem Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand