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True berries”, or “baccae”, may also be required to have a thin outer skin, not self-supporting when removed from the berry. This distinguishes, for example, a Vaccinium or Solanum berry from an Adansonia (baobab) “amphisarca”, which has a dry, more rigid and self-supporting skin.[8] The fruit of citrus, such as the orange, kumquat and lemon, is a berry with a thick rind and a very juicy interior divided into segments by septae, that is given the special name “hesperidium”.[8] Another specialized term is also used for some Cucurbitaceae fruits, which are modified to have a hard outer rind, but are not internally divided by septae. These are given the special name “pepo”.[8] While pepos are most common in the Cucurbitaceae, the fruits of Passiflora and Carica are sometimes also considered pepos.