Dant Dosh Har Manjan
60 Per Bottle
Our company is engaged in Manufacture, supply and export of Dant Dosh Har Manjan. The Dant Dosh Har Manjan is used for brushing teeth. Dant Dosh Har Manjan is rubbed on the teeth to get clean and white teeth. Regular use of Dant Dosh Har Manjan helps to overcome gum problems like bleeding and puss. The usage of Dant Dosh Har Manjan 2-3 times whitens teeth.
Wheezal Hekla Lava Tooth Powder
85 Per Bottle
10 Bottle (MOQ)
Wheezal Hekla Lava Tooth Powder is useful in the treatment of dental issues like the condition where shrinkage of gums occurs which leads to loosening of the teeth, inflammation of the tissues, toothache as well as for bleeding gums.Key Ingredients : Plantago Q Calendula Q Kreosote Q Cal carb 3x Hekla Lava 3x Calc Fluor. 3x Merc Cor. 3x Key Benefits: It is helpful in treating conditions such as decaying teeth, dental neuralgia as well as Pyorrhoea which is a condition where there is a shrinkage of the gums It is used to help in the treatment of toothache The powder is suggested for the treatment bleeding gums Safety Information: Read the label carefully before use Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight Keep out of reach of the children
Best Deals from Tooth Powder
Dant Dosh Har Manjan
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Our company is engaged in Manufacture, supply and export of Dant Dosh Har Manjan. The Dant Dosh Har Manjan is used for brushing teeth. Dant Dosh Har Manjan is rubbed on the teeth to get clean and white teeth. Regular use of Dant Dosh Har Manjan helps to overcome gum problems like bleeding and puss. The usage of Dant Dosh Har Manjan 2-3 times whitens teeth.
Hekla Lava Tooth Powder
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We serve our clients with reliable and natural Tooth Powder which provides complete and fast cure from toothache, decay of tooth, and bleeding of gums. For the best effect, the Tooth powder needs to be applied after every meal. We develop them from selective raw materials and herbs, and are clinically tested fro the optimum composition and efficacy. Range Of Action Bleeding of gumsToothacheDecay of Teeth, Neuralgia & Pyorrhea