Needling Acupuncture Therapy
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Needling acupuncture therapy, also known as acupuncture, is an ancient Chinese medical practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. This therapy is based on the concept of balancing the body's vital energy, or Qi, to promote health and alleviate various ailments. By stimulating these acupuncture points, practitioners aim to improve energy flow, reduce pain, and enhance overall well-being. Needling acupuncture is commonly used for pain management, stress relief, and treating a wide range of conditions, including migraines, allergies, and anxiety. It is a safe and minimally invasive approach that continues to gain recognition and acceptance in both traditional and modern healthcare systems.
Sujok Acupuncture Therapy
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Based in Delhi, we are a prominent Sujok Acupuncture Therapy Service Provider. The Sujok Acupuncture Therapy service, offered by us, is acknowledged among the clients for its cost-effectiveness, positive results and reliability. As per the Sujok acupuncture system, the active points of all organs and parts of the body are available on hand and foot. Stimulation of these points gives normalizing influence to the function of diseased organs. The Sujok Acupuncture Therapy service influences both psychoemotional spheres of patients and different symptoms of diseases providing distant management of them. The Sujok Acupuncture Therapy service, offered by us, is divided into two categories, physical and metaphysical. The Physical Sujok Acupuncture Therapy service is based on the body correspondence principles of Hand and Foot. And other is the Metaphysical curing system.Physical correspondence : A clear scrutiny at our hand and feet reveals that they have a surprising similarity to the human body. In this way on each hand and feet a miniature image of the human body has formed a micro acupuncture system which in Sujok therapy is called correspondence system. When a human being falls ill, pain point appears in each projection of the diseased organ in the correspondence system. If we find this point and somehow we exit influence on it, it generates a curing impulse and send it to the brain sets in motion complex regulating mechanism and starts and extremely powerful health process often the treating is immediate. The pain points are found and stimulated by diagnostic probe, needles, moxa, seeds, magnets etc.Metaphysical System : In this system of curing practitioner heals disharmonies between metaphysical elements in the human beings i.e. physical and mental disorders via metaphysical treatments of respective existential dimensions according to definite regular orders. This order is organized by respective group of SIX KI (Energy), Emotion and reason elements in the regulation of the YIN and YANG and five elements sequence having interconnected with the 12 main organs and 12 main meridians.
Looking for Acupuncture Therapy Service Providers
Sujok Acupuncture Therapy
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Based in Delhi, we are a prominent Sujok Acupuncture Therapy Service Provider. The Sujok Acupuncture Therapy service, offered by us, is acknowledged among the clients for its cost-effectiveness, positive results and reliability. As per the Sujok acupuncture system, the active points of all organs and parts of the body are available on hand and foot. Stimulation of these points gives normalizing influence to the function of diseased organs. The Sujok Acupuncture Therapy service influences both psychoemotional spheres of patients and different symptoms of diseases providing distant management of them. The Sujok Acupuncture Therapy service, offered by us, is divided into two categories, physical and metaphysical. The Physical Sujok Acupuncture Therapy service is based on the body correspondence principles of Hand and Foot. And other is the Metaphysical curing system.Physical correspondence : A clear scrutiny at our hand and feet reveals that they have a surprising similarity to the human body. In this way on each hand and feet a miniature image of the human body has formed a micro acupuncture system which in Sujok therapy is called correspondence system. When a human being falls ill, pain point appears in each projection of the diseased organ in the correspondence system. If we find this point and somehow we exit influence on it, it generates a curing impulse and send it to the brain sets in motion complex regulating mechanism and starts and extremely powerful health process often the treating is immediate. The pain points are found and stimulated by diagnostic probe, needles, moxa, seeds, magnets etc.Metaphysical System : In this system of curing practitioner heals disharmonies between metaphysical elements in the human beings i.e. physical and mental disorders via metaphysical treatments of respective existential dimensions according to definite regular orders. This order is organized by respective group of SIX KI (Energy), Emotion and reason elements in the regulation of the YIN and YANG and five elements sequence having interconnected with the 12 main organs and 12 main meridians.
herbal acupuncture
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herbal acupuncture, Bar Magenets Tools for Sujok Treatments