All India Federation Of Plastics Industries Kirti Nagar, Delhi

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  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
All India Federation of Plastic Industries is registered under societies Registration Act of 1860. Established in 1985 by conversion of the then existing (since 1971) All India Association of Plastic manufacturers on the popular demand of the members for a national level organization. The Federation has a membership of over 400 units, spread in various parts of the country. Besides, the membership extends to the industrial Associations in different localities of Delhi and is actively associated with similar Associations in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Faridabad, etc. It is development of small scale and tiny plastic processing units in the country and has been given representation on various committees connected with the growth and development of the industry of the Central Government and Government of NTC of Delhi. The Federation has been striving for a growth of small scale plastic processors since its inception in 1985. The federation conducts Seminars and Conferences in collaborations with Central and State Government Department and agencies to upgrade the technical level of plastic processing. It also organizes exhibitions from time to time on various aspects of plastics including for creation of community awareness in respect of plastic based management so as to avoid environment problem due to the use of plastic. A Seminar on “Quality and Environmental issues in Plastic Industries” was inaugurated by the Lt. Governor of Delhi was attended by the Industry Minister of Delhi Govt. Commissioner of Industries, Director (SSI), other Govt officials and experts, besides a large number of plastic processors.
All India Federation on Plastic Industries brings out a Monthly Journal “ Plastic Industry” This independent Monthly Journal “ Plastic Industry” covers wide range of subjects related to plastic trade and industry including the areas like small industries, taxation, pollution and environment, research and development plastics human resources and Govt. notifications and circulars. Articles on various aspects of plastic written by experts and educative information concerning the use and disposal of plastic bags are published in the journal regularly. The journal is circulated free of charge to the member i.e. small scale plastic processors, Central and State Government Officials and various institutions connected with the Plastic Industry. The Federation is running a Technical Library for the use of small and tiny plastic processing units and also for the use of research workers in the field of Plastic Technology.
The Federation is managed by an elected Executive Council. Executive Council holds a meeting every month to discuss important issues concerning various aspects of the industry problems of plastic processors and small scale traders. Election of Office Bearers and Members of Executive Council are held every year.
General Body of the Federation meets once a year, to take stock of the activities of the federation for the past one year tenure including financial matters and future planning visavis problems with the Govt policies on different matters of concern.
AIFPI had been actively associated in the establishment of new forum ‘Plastics Chintak’ in April 2006 (Registered under the Societies Regn, Act 1860) in association with All India Plastics Industries Association, Ashok Vihar and plastic raw material suppliers like RIL, GAIL, and Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd. with the basic objectives of public awareness and promotion of corrective measures for use and disposal of plastic through environment intelligence and management of emerging issues and communication gaps, and to assist and provide knowledge and information connected with plastic processing, use and recycling industry by organizing discussions, seminars, conferences and undertaking studies and surveys for the benefit of plastic processors and general public.
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Contact Information

All India Federation Of Plastics Industries

  • All India Federation Of Plastics Industries
  • Suite No. 17, (1st floor), 40. D.L.F Industrial Area, Kirti Nagar, 011-45028719, Delhi