ST29FP home Smart Lock
22,499 - 29,998 Per Piece
25 Piece(s) (MOQ)
Mortise, Anti Theft Reverse Pull, Quadruple Bolt, Stainless Steel with Emergency External port in case of Battery drain out Issue/Withdraw Keys online through mobile. No need to go physically to give/take the keys Types of Keys : One Time, Timed, Permanent and Recurring. No internet connectivity needed for SMART-TALA to grant access to the visitor. No Keys pre-stores in SMARt-TALA. Hence More Safer Multiple Options : eKey, Passcode, Physical Keys, Card, Biometric SMART-TALA , the locks with ultimate smartness, are unmatched in Terms of Features, Flexibility and Scalability. With our Dual Technology Users can Manage and Control Access to their Properties from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD without the Need for Internet, GSM or any Communications between the Mobile Phone and the Smart Lock. Users can Grant INSTANT Real-Time ACCESS via PassCodes from anywhere in the World WITHOUT THE SMART-TALAT BEING CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET! #No need to maintain multiple Hard Keys or Cards or Program #Controlled through the mobile Bluetooth using the eKeys or passcodes using the keypad on it or the physical keys as the last resort. #Easily maintain smart access to properties spread across the cities through mobile phone #Add and Manage Unlimited Locks on one APP #Generate, Share and Manage Unlimited E-Keys #Withdraw/Delete E-Keys of any user anytime anywhere through User mobile #Manage multiple E-Keys and delegate the roles right from User mobile #No need to rush home or wait to receive the guest. Just generate a passcode, ONE TIME or TIME BOUND and share with the visitor. Passcode automatically destroys itself. So User property remains SAFE. #Generate and Share Unlimited simultaneous ONE TIME PassCodes.