Architect, Govt. Approved Valuer, Interior Designer As a member of the Council of Architecture and Regd. with Council of Architecture (COA) - CA/1998/22856 Fellow Member of Indian Institute of Architecture (IIA) – F-17093. Member of Indian Council of Arbitration (MICA- IL/ICA/5315). Fellow Member of Institution of Valuers (IOV) -F-21067 Registered Valuer under Section 34AB for Wealth Tax ACT 1951 (CAT-I- 565/155/2007- 08). Associates- Member Institution of Govt. Approved Valuer (MIGV) - M-165. Registration under Companies Act for Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI/RV/02/2019/11077). Graduated as an Architect from Visvesveraya College of Engineering (VNIT, Nagpur) in the Year 1995. Stared carrier with prestigious projects and gain experienced in Housing, Commercial Mall and Industrial Projects. A Govt. Approved Valuer for Land & Building Valuation & practicing as a “Government Registered Valuer” under Section 34 AB of Wealth Tax Act,1956 and Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI). As a Valuer has working experience for more than 27 years in the construction industry and empaneled with (PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK, UNION BANK OF INDIA, STATE BANK OF INDIA), Association with Financial Institutions like Delhi Financial Corporation.