Deemed Exports Services
We provide Deemed Exports Services that includes transactions in which goods to be supplied for export remains in the country and payment for this sort of supply is received either in free foreign exchange or Indian Rupees. Our proficient team offers Deemed Exports Service in the most efficient manner. Benefits For Deemed Exports Eligible for (As per para 8.3 of FTP) Goods supplied against Advance Authorization for annual requirement / Advance Authorization DFIA Exemption from Terminal Excise Duty in the case where supplies are conducted against ICB i.e. refund of terminal excise duty will be provided. Deemed Export Drawback
...moreImport of Capital goods under EPCG Scheme
Capital Goods, Tools and Moulds required for export production can be imported at zero duty under EPCG Scheme
...moreMEIS Scrips against
Duty Scrips are issued against exports under Merchandise Export from India Scheme - MEIS for majority of export products
...moreExport House status
Exporters having regular exports are accorded EXPORT HOUSE status with minimum export of USD 3 million
...moreDeemed Exports Service
Supplies to Advance Authorisation and EPCG Authorisation holder; EOU,STP,EHTP,BTP units and other categories qualify for Deemed Export benefits
...morecapital goods imports services
For setting up New Projects and Projects going in for substantial expansion can import Capital Goods at 5% duty
...moreProject Imports at Concessional Duty
For initial setting-up of an Industrial Project and for Substantial Expansion of 25% in installed capacity, an Industrial Unit can import Capital Goods at 5% duty without any Export Obligation. We assist in obtaining an Essentiality Certificate from the Administrative Ministry. We have the requisite experience and knowledge essential for Project Imports at Concessional Duty. Our consultants suggest the best solutions for Project Imports at Concessional Duty.
...moreImport of Non-ODS Technology at Zero Duty
Exemption from Customs and Excise duty for goods is required for establishment of new industry With Import of Non-ODS Technology at Zero Duty. We assist in obtaining Essentiality Certificate from the Ministry of Environment and Forests for import of goods at zero duty. This process has a lead-time of 3 to 4 months. We handle the process with utmost efficiency in minimum possible duration. Thus, all the industrialists out there can rely on us when it comes to the best solutions pertaining to Import of Non-ODS Technology at Zero Duty.
...moreImport Licensing Services
We are the renowned entity engaged in offering Import Licensing Services to the reputed importers of the industry. Our highly proficient team is acknowledged with every aspect of providing Import Licensing Services to the clients. We also ensure to take minimum time for in facilitating import licensing services to the clients.You can get the best Import Licensing Consultancy with us. Our Import Licensing Services Includes Advance Authorizations for importing components, raw materials, packing materials under Duty Exemption SchemeModification and Fixation of input- output norms for Advance Authorizations.Extension and revalidation in export obligation period of Advance Authorizations.Advance Authorizations against orders for Deemed Exports.Transferability/No Bond /Redemption of Advance Authorizations.Duty Free Import Authorization (DFIA) for import of inputs that is based on based on STD. I-O norms.Import Licences for import of Restricted Items.Under Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme (EPCG), Import of capital goods at 0% duty.
...moreExport Licensing Services
We are engaged in offering prompt Export Licensing Service to the reputed exporters of the industry. The Export Licensing Services offered by us cover various sections of the export segment. We are one of the best Export Licensing Consultants in Delhi. Our Export Licensing Services Are Available For Export of items listed in Negative List of Exports Recognition as Export House/ Star Export House/ Star Trading House ,etc; Refund of Terminal Excise Duty against Deemed Export supplies. Fixation of Standard Input Output Norms.
...moreDrug Approval Service
In association with the FDA which is a regulating agency for pharmaceuticals, we provide Drug approval service to the clients. We have highly proficient team to render prompt and effective services. For Drug Approval Service, we charge extremely low price. Note Each drug undergoes three phases of testing and certification when basic research and preclinical testing is completed.
...moreDuty Drawback Service
We are a specialized customhouse broker engaged in offering Duty Drawback Service to the importers and exporters. Our Duty Drawback Service assures clients for accurate claims that are prepared in timely manner. By utilizing our services, you can maximize the drawback refund and minimize the internal source requirements. With our vast experience in the domain, we can ensure you for successful filing of claims. Our Duty Drawback Service Includes Claiming of Duty Drawback under Sec. 74 & 75 of Customs Act, 1962Claiming of Refunds of EDD amount after finalization of SVBFixation of Brand Rate of DBK
...moreIEC Number Allotment Service
We provide IEC Number Allotment Service. Our Importer and Exporter Code Number Allotment Services are availed by reputed exporters and importers of India. With our wide networking we can easily provide your IEC Number without many hassles. Move rover, the charges for our services are extremely low. Note Application for allotment of IEC Number is filled by licensing authority and thus modification is expected to of change in constitution, name and address of IEC holder.
...morePatent Registration Service
Patent is exclusive rights that are granted to an inventor or the assignee by a state or national government in case of public disclosure of an invention. Obviously, you will not feel right that your handwork is credited to the accounts of some other person. To protect your invention against all odds, we provide Patent Registration Service which will secure your rights on the invention. Herein, the protection is based on registration at the Patents and Trademarks Registration Office. Why Patent Registration Service From Us? We have a proficient team to understand your requirement and serve accordinglyOur team manages every procedure involved to get the patent right as soon as possibleFrom of beginning of filling an application to achieving patent right, the team properly gives updates to the clientsThe team also helps in case of reapplication, when application is rejected or objected
...moreTechnical Collaboration Service
Technical collaboration is an agreement between two entities for sharing knowledge of equipment. This sharing widens the business horizons of both the receiver as well as the provider. However, to get committed for technical collaboration there are certain rules and regulation that must be followed in association, procedure, and payment, especially when foreign technical collaboration is concerned. We provide Technical Collaboration Service to the clients willing to acquire knowledge for any sort technology oriented products like equipment, software, computer, and so forth. You can avail our Technical Collaboration Service, if you require Technology know-howDesign know-howProcess know-howEngineering know-howManufacturing know-howManagement know-howApplication know-how How We Help? We have a huge database of organizations that provide technology oriented servicesOur team of experts has intensive knowledge of all the process involved in making an agreement for technological collaborationThe team identifies the requirements of the clients and then chooses right organization for them to have technological collaborationWe can help you in hiring foreign techniciansWe are engaged in deputation of Indian Personnel for training in foreign countriesWe also conduct foreign testing of raw materials and products via technical collaborationWe ensure easy Remittance of Royalties/Technical Fees Note Foreign technical collaboration are allowed through automatic route under delegated powers which is exercised by RBI else by the government.
...moreCapital Goods Import Service
In terms of Project Import Rules of customs, Import of capital goods for intial setting-up of an industrial unit or for substantial expansion of 25% is allowed at 5% duty subject to an Essentiality Certificate issued by the Administrative Ministry. We offer this service.
...moreImport of Capital Goods At Zero Duty.
Govt. of India allows import of Non-ODs - Non-Ozone Depleting Substance Technology at Zero duty subject to approval of the project by Govt. of India.
...moredeemed export services
duty drawback services
EPCG Licensing Services
iec number allotment services
industrial licensing services
Patent Registration Services
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