I10 Auto Refractometer
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Portable Autorefractometer
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The plusoptiX A09 is a binocular handheld autorefractometer named "Emily". 1) Application In a matter of seconds, the plusoptiX A09 simultaneously measures the refraction of both eyes (binocular) at one meter distance from the child. The measured values correspond to the results of a retinoscopy in un-dilated pupils. The measurement can also be executed in cycloplegia. However, it is to be noted that the pupils do not become larger than 8 mm in diameter. One diopter must be extracted from the measured refraction values. This correction is required because the plusoptiX A09 is designed for measurements in miosis. One diopter for accommodation at one meter distance is to be considered in the measurement result. 2) Advantages The measurement at one meter distance is reliable and delegable. Even children with nystagmus and uncooperative patients can be measured in less than one second with the plusoptiX A09. It is possible to measure refraction over already existing glasses or contact lenses. If a retinoscopy in cycloplegia is necessary, it proceeds quickly due to the existing measurement values, especially from cylinder and axis, and you have a comparison value. The plusoptiX A09 considerably simplifies the initial examination of babies and toddlers in your practice. 3) Measurement results Refraction (sphere, cylinder and axis) Symmetry of corneal reflexes Pupil diameter and pupil distance
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FEATURES :- With Auto-tracing feature, operator can adjust the focus and alignment in up and down direction. With Auto video taping feature, operator can take measurements automatically once equipment obtains satisfactory focus and alignment. With Servo Chin-Rest, operator can adjust height of Chin-resteasily. Display is tilt-adjustable. Printer has a paper auto-cut feature.
Auto Refractometer
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Auto Refractometer, Auto refkeratometer, auto lensmeter, motorised table