bearing induction heater
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Specifications: Product Data UIH-2001 UIH-2002 UIH-2003 UIH-2004 1 Power 3.54.0 KVA 68 KVA 11.012.0 KVA 25.0 KVA 2 Voltage 2Øx230 V 2Øx440 V 2Øx440 V 2..
Induction Bearing Heaters
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We are offering a wide range of Induction Bearing Heaters to our clients. These heaters are based on the principle of heating an electrically conductive material without directly being in contact with it. While heating any material by these heaters the fear of contamination is almost lost. Due to its unique heating abilities, these heaters are used in some specific types of heating purposes in the industry.
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bearing heaters
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bearing heaters, Radial Shaft Seals