Beetroot Powder
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a member of chenopodiaceae family that has been grown in england from ancient time as a natural salad and vegetable called beetroot. But today, beetroot grows in all over the world due to its several health and dietary benefits. It is an underground root herb that has red color of root and dark green leaves. Beetroot contains many chemicals that plays vital role to maintain good health including inorganic nitrate, betalains, vulgaxanthin, phenolics and flavonoids. The root part of beetroot is used to make medicines to treat cardiovascular disease and many more diseases. Supplements of beetroot can be found in the form of tablets, powder and juice in market. The dried beetroot is used to make powder as a medicine.other names : fodder beet, beet juice, mangel, betarraga, betterave jaune, betterave rouge, betteraves, green beet, beta vulgaris, mangold, betterave a sucre, red beet, remolacha, beets, betterave, garden beet, scandinavian beet, sugarbeet, yellow beet, beet benefits of beetroot(beta vulgaris rubra) : beetroot can also be used to treat liver disease, lower blood pressure and anemia. it is also used for treating the triglycerides disease in blood and fatty liver problem. it also helps in improving the performance of athletes. beta vulgaris rubra can also be used to treat blood vessels and much other disease related to blood. this herbal extract may also be used to boost nitric oxide in human body due to existence of antioxidants in it. it is also used to make mouthwatering products such as jam, jelly, ice-cream, sauces, dessert and it can be eaten raw. it is also used in pickles, chutney, breakfast cereals, and sweets and in food coloring and nourishing. beetroot is also used to make wine and it can be steamed and eaten with butter.