Aam Panna 750ml
289 - 299 Per Bottle
100 Bottle (MOQ)
Aam Panna Syrup offers a perfect balance of sweet and tangy mango savor that elevates the essence of tropical mocktails, refreshing beverages, and delightful desserts. Elevate your culinary experience by drizzling this luscious and thick syrup over your favorite breakfast items such as pancakes, waffles, cookies, or toasts. Transform ordinary meals into a feast of delightful mango goodness, bringing a touch of exotic flair to your dining table. Enjoy the convenience of an easy-to-use syrup that captures the true essence of ripe mangoes. Simply pour, add, and stir to create homemade drinks that rival those served in your favorite restaurants. Impress your family and friends with the irresistible taste of exotic mango mocktails. Immerse yourself in the refreshing blend of fruity taste that deliver the perfect mango punch without overwhelming complexity. Whether you're planning an adults-only poolside soiree with exotic cocktails or a family celebration with non-alcoholic mocktails, this syrup is your passport to a taste journey reminiscent of tropical paradises. Magic Mocktail Craft Exceptional Mocktails & Cocktails Syrup Delicious & Delightful Beverage
Red Bull Energy Drink 250ML X 24
450 - 550 Per Carton
200 Carton (MOQ)
Best Deals from Beverage Mixes
Energy Drink
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10 Metric Ton (MOQ)
Energy drink An energy drink is a type of drink containing stimulant compounds, usually caffeine, which is marketed as providing mental and physical stimulation. They may or may not be carbonated and may also contain sugar, other sweeteners, herbal extracts, taurine, and amino acids. Energy drinks may enhance alertness and improve reaction time, but they may also reduce steadiness of the hands. The amounts of caffeine in energy drinks vary widely, and the actual caffeine content may not be identified easily. Some energy drinks are marketed as beverages and others as dietary supplements.
Red Bull Energy Drink
115 - 115 Per box
Authentic Red Bull Energy Drink 250ML Pack Of 24Can
560 - 630 Per Box
1000 Box (MOQ)
Instant Fruit Drink Mix
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Instant Fruit Drink Mix, Bulk Sugars, Specialty Sugars, Potable Spirits
Energy Drinks
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Energy Drinks
Red Bull Energy Drink
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Red Bull