Tribulus extract (Tribulus terrestris) herbal extract
Tribulus extract, also known as Puncture Vine, is a flowering plant that may promote health and enhance the overall functionality of your body. Although Tribulus extract has long been used in Asia and Eastern Europe as a medicine, it is now primarily taken worldwide as a dietary supplement. Uses: Tribulus supplements attempt to make use of the various properties of the substances found in tribulus extract to treat various ailments or enhance various bodily functions. Tribulus is commonly combined with other herbs and ingredients purported to support or improve sexual function and libido. Athletes and body-builders sometimes use tribulus alone or in combination with other similar herbs and supplements in an effort to improve athletic performance and muscle formation. Women use tribulus to tone muscles before childbirth, to cause an abortion, and to stimulate milk flow. Some people use tribulus for gonorrhea, liver disease (hepatitis), inflammation, joint pain (rheumatism), leprosy, coughs, headache, dizziness (vertigo), chronic fatiguesyndrome (CFS), and enhancing athletic performance. It is also used for stimulating appetite and as an astringent, tonic, and mood enhancer.
...moreLycopene (Lycopersicon) tomato
Lycopene from the neo-Latin lycopersicum, the tomato species, is a bright red caroteneand carotenoid pigment and phytochemical found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables, such as red carrots, watermelons, gac, and papayas, although not instrawberries, or cherries. Although lycopene is chemically a carotene, it has novitamin A activity. Foods that are not red may also contain lycopene, such asasparagus or parsley. Benefits of Lycopene Lycopene is something that is found in certain fruits and vegetables and the body uses it as an antioxidant. It is a great addition to any men's health regimen. But, there are also other lycopene benefits. Some of them have nothing to do with men's health. Here is a short list: Cancer, especially prostate cancer, mouth cancer, and others. Guards against aging of the skin. Helps with problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular system issues and disease. May prevent osteoporosis. Can assist with fertility problems in men.
...moreLutein (Tagetes erecta)
Lutein is one of 600 known naturally occurring carotenoids. Lutein is synthesized only by plants and like other xanthophylls is found in high quantities in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and yellow carrots. It cannot be synthesized by our bodies, so we have to take it through our diet or supplements. It helps to fight free radical damage caused by sun exposure and other factors including poor diet. Benefits : Supports brain function. Protects skin health. Strengthening eye tissue. Maintain heart health. Memory and Concentration enhancer. Blood sugar support.
...moreGymnema extract (Gymnema sylvestre)
The Extract of Gymnema is prepared from its leaves. Gymnema extract is used in many traditional medicine which is useful to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels in diabetic animals and humans. Gymnema extract is an herbal tincture containing concentrated parts of the gymnema climbing plant which grows in India, Japan, and Sri Lanka. Plant anatomy Gymnema is a woody climbing shrub native to India and Africa. The leaves are used to make medicine. Gymnema has a long history of use in India’s Ayurvedic medicine. The Hindi name, gurmar, means "destroyer of sugar." Uses 1. Due to its non-toxic nature and sweetness-suppression activity, Gymnema sylvestre can play a role in treating conditions caused by excessive sugar intakes. Conditions like obesity, hyperglycemia, anemia and osteoporosis can also be helped by using Gymnema sylvestre. Today, gymnema is used for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, weight loss, and cough. It is also used for malaria and as a snake bite antidote, digestive stimulant, laxative, appetite suppressant, and diuretic. It useful in hyperdipsia, fever, cough, hiccough, bronchitis and hoarseness of voice. It is used in ulceration of urinary tract, retention of urine and gastric ulcers. It is used in skin diseases, opthalmic diseases and pharyngitis. It is used in epilepsy, anaemia, meno-metrorrhagia and intrinsic haemorrhage. It is externally applied to cuts and wounds.
...moreGuggul Extract (Commiphora mukul)
Guggul Extract is produced from Commiphora mukul, a small, thorny plant distributed throughout India. Guggul contains resin, volatile oils, and gum. The extract isolates ketonic steroid compounds known as guggulsterones. These compounds have been shown to provide the lipid-lowering actions noted for Guggul. Guggul significantly lowers serum triglycerides and cholesterol as well as LDL and VLDL cholesterols (the "bad" cholesterols). At the same time, it raises levels of HDL cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol). As antioxidants, guggulsterones keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing which protects against atherosclerosis. Guggul has been shown to reduce the stickiness of platelets; another effect that lowers the risk of coronary artery disease. One study found Guggul Extract similar to the drugclofibrate for lowering cholesterol levels. Clinical studies in India have consistently confirmed that Guggul Extract improves lipid levels in humans. Uses: In chemical composition guggulu (extracted resin) consist of octanordammarana terpenes manusumbionic acid as obtained from chemical analysis. One of the main uses of guggul is treatment of high cholesterol. gum guggul both lowered cholesterol levels and also separately protected against the development of hardening of the arteries. guggul can improve cholesterol levels. Guggul is also widely promoted as a weight loss agent. Helps prevent blood platelet aggregation and break up already-formed blood clots. thus, this activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke. guggul lipids have been the subject of several scientific studies, the results of which have been extremely encouraging as to the product's nutritional value to the circulatory system. It is a heart tonic that strengthens the heart. Guggulsterone stimulates the thyroid gland, has anti-inflammatory properties, and protects against myocardial necrosis resulting from drug toxicity.
...moreGuggul Extract
Guggul contains resin, volatile oils, and gum. The extract isolates ketonic steroid compounds known as guggulsterones. These compounds have been shown to provide the lipid-lowering actions noted for Guggul. Guggul significantly lowers serum triglycerides and cholesterol as well as LDL and VLDL cholesterols (the "bad" cholesterols). At the same time, it raises levels of HDL cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol). As antioxidants, guggulsterones keep LDL cholesterol from oxidizing which protects against atherosclerosis. Guggul has been shown to reduce the stickiness of platelets; another effect that lowers the risk of coronary artery disease. One study found Guggul Extract similar to the drugclofibrate for lowering cholesterol levels. Clinical studies in India have consistently confirmed that Guggul Extract improves lipid levels in humans.
...moreGreen Tea (Camellia sinensis)
Green tea is made from the leaves from Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originated in China, but it has become associated with many cultures throughout Asia. Green tea has recently become relatively widespread in the West where black tea has been the traditionally consumed tea. Uses Green tea is used to improve mental alertness and thinking. It is also used for weight loss and to treat stomach disorders, vomiting, diarrhea,headaches, bone loss (osteoporosis), and solid tumor cancers. Some people use green tea to prevent various cancers. Some women use green tea to fight human papilloma virus (HPV), which can cause genital warts, the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix (cervical dysplasia), and cervical cancer. Green tea is also used for Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes, low blood pressure, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), dental cavities (caries), kidney stones, and skin damage. Green tea in candy is used for gum disease. Green tea extract” can be made from the leaves to use as medicine.
...moreGreen Coffee (Coffea robusta)
"Green coffee" refers to the raw or unroasted seeds (beans) of Coffea fruits. In the typical roasting process of coffee beans, a chemical called chlorogenic acid is reduced. It's this chemical that is thought to be responsible for several health benefits, including weight loss. Green coffee beans are simply beans that haven’t been roasted. Uses: Fighting fat- Studies have shown that caffeine and chlorogenic acid present in green coffee extract may reduce the accumulation of fat in the cells and compared with the roasted coffee has a superior effect in preventing weight gain.Furthermore, some compounds of this extract increase the activity of an enzyme responsible for the oxidation of fat in the liver. Thus, green coffee extract can be used in the prevention of fatty liver. Anti-diabetes- There are studies that show that chlorogenic acid, reduces intestinal absorption of sugar, regulating the levels of blood sugar, thus preventing the subsequent accumulation of body fat, and contributes to the release and breakdown of triglycerides of the adipose tissue. Antioxidantt- Currently, it is known that free radicals are implicated in the development of various diseases and antioxidants, especially from the vegetable kingdom are crucial in combating them. The green coffee extract containing polyphenols (tannins and flavonoids) which act as antioxidants, and can neutralize or stabilize the free radicals before they cause damage in the body. Friend of the heart- The green coffee extract into caffeine and its composition have a marked effect on the reduction of triglycerides in the blood, and can help prevent possible changes in blood circulation. Good mood- The chlorogenic acid influences the mood, fighting feelings of apathy and depression. For those who follow a diet weight control, can be an important help. Since caffeine present in green coffee, inhibits the effect of the neurotransmitter responsible for inducing sleep, thereby stimulating attention.
...moreGarcinia Extract (Garcinia cambogia)
This extract is made from special quality dried rind of the fruit. Garcinia Cambogia is commonly known as Malabar Tamarind. This fruit is mainly used for culinary purposes in South India. The fruit is commonly called as “monkey fruit”. The trees in this genus are also commonly called as mangosteen and saptrees. Garcinia cambogia extract is the calcium salt of hydroxy citric acid (HCA), which is obtained from water extract of Garcinia cambogia fruit . It is non-toxic, tasteless, odorless powder and found to be very effective herbal alternate for controlling obesity and cholesterol by inhibiting lipogenesis in our body. Uses Preventing Fat Cell Formation- Garcinia Cambogia prevents liver processes associated with the conversion of energy into fat cells. Garcinia extract doesn’t allow liver enzymes to metabolize energy and turn it into fat. Rather it helps channel these calories to be used for developing lean muscle mass and energy to be used up by the body. Appetite Suppression and Control- With increased energy levels (because Garcinia prevent calories to be converted into fat but rather converted to energy) one’s mood also changes. HCA helps improve serotonin levels whichnaturally and safely improve your mood. Improved Well-Being- Garcinia Cambogia aids you in your weight loss efforts by also providing a well-being boost into your lifestyle. Taken within an active and health-conscious context, Garcinia has the ability to improve one’s mood and help lose weight safely and efficiently. Garcinia cambogia was able to decrease the acidity and to increase the mucosal defence in the gastric areas, thereby justifying its use as an antiulcerogenic agent. Garcinia does not contain any addictive components and can be taken without fear of addiction for extended periods of time. R
...moreCurcumin Herbal Extracts
Turmeric is commonly known for its medicinal values in the Indian traditional systems of medicine. Turmeric has been used traditionally in “ayurvedic medicine” as an antiseptic, wound healing, and anti inflammatory compounds. Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, a spice in the ginger family used in cooking and for medical purposes. Used by doctors and health care providers in Asian cultures, this supplement is thought to have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant properties.
...moreColeus Forskohlii
Coleus Forskohlii Herb Extract is derived from roots from Coleus Forskohlii. Coleus is used in India folk medicines and is a traditional digestive remedy. Plant height is approximately 1-2 feet and its striking leaves are teardrop shaped, shimmering green framing a bright purple center; leaf color varies depending on the amount of shade. A cluster of stalked pale purple or blue flowers branches off a single stem. The rootstock is typically golden brown, thick, fibrous, and radially spreading. The roots are harvested in the fall, when forskolin is at its most concentrated and the color is the brightest.
...moreColeus Forskohlii Herb Extract
Coleus Forskohlii Herb Extract is derived from roots from Coleus Forskohlii. Coleus is used in India folk medicines and is a traditional digestive remedy. Uses: Forskohlii helps to lower blood pressure, dilates the blood vessels. It is concerted to be a good Heart tonic. Relaxation of the arteries and smooth muscles lowering blood pressure, Enhanced insulin secretion (which can help drive carbohydrates and protein into muscle cells for energy and recovery), Increased thyroid hormone function (which can help enhance metabolic rate), Significantly increase lipolysis (fat burning). Forskolin also seems to benefit other cellular enzymes as well.
...moreBoswellia Herbal Extracts
Boswellia is the gummy resin of the boswellia tree. It is native to India and used for centuries by Ayurvedic doctors. It is an Ayurvedic plant that contains anti-inflammatory terpenoids called boswellic acids. Local Names: Guggal, Salai Guggal, Sallaki Uses It is an ayurvedic herb that has been traditionally used in India in folk medicine as a remedy for several inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis and bursitis. Largely used as incense because of its very unique fragrance. Boswellia has been shown to be as effective and, in many cases, better than drugs like Phenylbutazone and other anti-inflammatory drugs. Boswellia Serrata Gum Resin is the only non-coniferous source of turpentine and resin in India. Widely used in ayurvedic formulations for treating Asthma and Arthritis. The oil obtained from the resin is used for skin disorders, anti-fungal activity. The extract of gum resin has been demonstrated to possess anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory activity. It also found to exhibit sedative and analgesic effects.
...moreBoswellia Extract (Boswellia serrata)
Boswellia is the gummy resin of the boswellia tree. It is native to India and used for centuries by Ayurvedic doctors. It is an Ayurvedic plant that contains anti-inflammatory terpenoids called boswellic acids. Boswellia Serrata is a medium sized tree with ash coloured papery bark. The leaves are like neem plant and have small white flowers.
...moreBacopa Extract (Bacopa monnieri) Herbal Extracts
Bacopa monniera is bitter in taste; has been used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for centuries. Brahmi which occurs naturally in India and has a long history of use in the Ayurvedic medicine tradition in the treatment of a number of disorders, particularly those involving anxiety, intellect and poor memory. Traditionally, it was used as a brain tonic to enhance memory development, learning, and concentration Benefits of using Brahmi : Brahmi has been found to be very beneficial in the treatment of anxiety neurosis and mental fatigue. It has been found to significant improve IQ levels, general ability, behavioral patterns and mental concentration in children. Brahmi is useful for improving mental clarity, confidence and memory recall. For these uses of Brahmi, it has been widely used by students. Brahmi is also used for the treatment of epilepsy, insomnia, asthma and rheumatism. Studies have also shown Brahmi to possess anticancer activity. Brahmi is effective against diseases like bronchitis, asthma, hoarseness, arthritis, rheumatism, backache, constipation, hair loss, fevers, digestive problems etc. Brahmi is bitter in flavor, in India the plant is used in salads, soups, as a cooked lea vegetable, or pickled. Research has shown that Brahmi has Antioxidant, Cardiotonic and Anticancer properties. The plant is also used for all sorts of skin problems- eczema, psoriasis, abscess, ulcerations- it is said to stimulate the growth of skin, hair and nails.
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