Features & Benefits for Power Drill Saw Reamer Key advantagesinclude: High torque allows quick drilling even through the hardest cortical bone. Streamlined head design provides maximum visibility. Fully cannulated for use with pins and guide wires Reduced vibration and enhanced hand piece Control Varying speed control Ergonomic handling Increased cutting speed High-speed drilling and high-torque cutting Provision to fit standard Jacob chuck/ quick coupling chuck Drilling and reaming attachments provided Oscillating tip design dramatically reduces vibration and enhanceshand piece control in case of saw Stationary blade shaft significantly reduces the potential for softtissue damage. Battery charger unit provided for charging 3 batteries simultaneously at one time. Convenient forward and reverse switch allows rapid change in direction Incase battery discharges, dummy wire provision to run handpiece in mains mode Fully autoclaved Arrow indication on the handpiece for battery insertion and change in direction. Variable speed trigger designed for infinite speed selection, slow for screwinsertions and fast for Maximum power
universal bone drills