Care Ratings Limited Jhandewalan, Delhi

  • Bank loan Rating service

    Bank loan Rating service

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    Blrs is used by banks to determine risk weights for their loan exposures, in line with the reserve bank of india's (rbi's) guidelines for implementation of the new capital adequacy framework under basel ii framework. Care rates all type of fund-based and non-fund based facilities sanctioned by banks. This would include cash credit, working capital demand loans, letter of credit, bank guarantees, bill discounting, project loans, loans for general corporate purposes etc.

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  • Isuuer Ratings

    Isuuer Ratings

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    Care's issuer rating is issuer-specific assessment of the credit risk. While the scope of care's issuer rating is similar to long term instrument ratings, the main difference between issuer rating and other ratings is that issuer rating is not instrument specific but issuer-oriented. Issuer rating factors in expected performance of the entity over an intermediate time horizon of around three years and reflects the capability of the entity as regards servicing of its financial obligations

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Care Ratings Limited

  • Jimmi
  • 13th Floor, Videocon Tower, E-1, Block, Jhandewalan Extention, New Delhi-110055