company registration
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We are a prominent firm in the country offering to our esteemed customers best quality Company Registration services. We have made our services completely convenient and hassle free by using only the most trained and skilled professionals for the task. Our team is well equipped with the relevant laws governing the company registration and we ensure the best quality service at a reasonable price.
Partnership Firm Registration Services
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Limited liability partnership in the year 2008, government of india was passed the “limited liability partnership act” which was enacted on 7th january, 2009. Limited liability partnership concept is introduced as a corporate business vehicle that provides the benefits of the limited liability but allows its members the flexibility of organizing their internal structure as a partnership based on a mutually arrived agreement. Llp form is expected to enable entrepreneurs, professionals and enterprises providing services of any kind or engaged in scientific and technical disciplines, to form commercially efficient vehicles suited to their requirements. benefits of limited liability partnership firm: llps have many advantages over proprietorships, partnerships and limited companies, as elaborated below: 1. limited liability of each partner 2. no audit requirements a) turnover of llp is < 40 lakhs and b) contribution is < 25 lakhs 3. separate legal entity 4. no requirement of any minimum capital contribution 5. no restrictions as to maximum number of partners unlimited liability partnership firm unlimited partnership is governed with the partnership act, 1932. Partnership is the simplest form of combination to carry on a business. It arises when two or more people carry on business together with the object of making a profit. The rules of partnership law fall into two parts: external rules, which govern relations between the partnership and those dealing with it (customers, etc); and internal rules which govern relations between the partners themselves. under partnership act, every partner has the right to take part in the management of the business of the firm. In this case the liability of all the partners is unlimited. It means in order to meet the creditor’s claims even the private property of the partners can also be used. benefits of partnership firm: 1. registered under “govt. Of n. C. T. Of delhi”/ “govt. Registered” 2. registered firm has more value than unregistered firm benefits at the time taking contracts from govt. Or other agencies 4. identification of the partnership firm 5. separate legal entity 6. benefit in taking legal action 7. name benefits 8. no statutory audit requirements 9. no requirement of any minimum capital contribution
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