Cranberry Extract
1,450 Per Litre
Berrycip Suspension
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3000 Bottle (MOQ)
Best Deals from Cranberry Extract
Cranberry Herbal Extract
1,200 Per Kilogram
5 Kilogram (MOQ)
Cranberry Extract
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Cranberry is an evergreen herbal shrub planted in North America. Berries and juice of cranberry are used to make medicines for preventing urinary tract infections. It can be used in the form of powder, juice, jam, jelly and fruit. Cranberry is known by other names Airelle canneberge,arandano trepador,Cranberry cocktail, gros atoca,grosse moosbeere, kliukva,large cranberry, man yue ju,extrait de canneberge, canneberge europeenne,jus de canneberge,American cranberry, arandano Americano, airelle rough, agrio and grobe moosbeere, oxycoccus hagerupii, pois de fagne, vaccinium microcarpum, vaccinium oxycoccos, vaccinium palustre and trailing swamp cranberry.Benefits of Cranberry Extract : Cranberry Extract is a very popular medicine for the treatment of urinary infections and cancer disease. It is also used to reduce fever, skin infections and swelling due to existence of salicylic acid in it. Cranberry extract is also used to treat diabetes,bladder disease and chronic fatigue syndrome and scurvy. It can be used for treating in disease of inflammation of the lining in lungs and to prevent blood clots. This herb helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and kidney ailments. It can also be used as food. This is also used for benign prostatic hyperplasia treatments, CAD treatments and coronary artery disease treatments. Cranberry helps in memory treatments, hyperglycemia treatments, enlarged prostate treatments. Cranberry helps in diabetic foot ulcers treatment and in metabolic syndrome treatments.
Cranberry Extract
1,100 Per Kilogram
Cranberry Extract
2,000 Per Kilogram
5 Kilogram (MOQ)
Cranberry Extract
1,300 Per
Cranberry Extract
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Cranberry Extract, Argan Oil, Black Pepper Oil, Wheat Germ Oil
Cranberry Extract
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Cranberry Extract, Onion Powder, Tamarind Indica Powder, Ajwain Seed Extract
Cranberry Extract
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Cranberry Extract, DHA Powder, Pinebark Extract, artichoke extract