Debt Management Services
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Our innovative solutions are designed to help individuals facing financial challenges overcome the burden of the debt trap. With Settle Loan, customers can rely on our expert loan settlement advisors to negotiate on their behalf, providing a way out of the debt trap.
Corporate Debt Restructuring Advisory Services
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For expert Corporate Debt Restructuring Advisory Services in Worldwide, you can simply rely on us. CDR is a reorganization of a company's outstanding obligations, which is achieved by reducing the burden of the debts on the company. It is done by decreasing the rates paid and increasing the time after which the company has to pay back the obligation levied on it. With the help of this criterion, a company becomes able to meet the obligations easily. In addition, some of the debts may be pardoned by creditors in exchange for an equity position in the company.
Looking for Debt Management Services Providers
Debt Collection Service
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Debt Collection Service, Credit Risk Management Service
Debt Collections Services
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We are service providers of debt collections services. Debt collections is a key focus area for intellicom. We work with various lending institutions, debt buyers and premier collection agencies in the us to service the consumer debt collections market. We recover debt in various stages of delinquency including 1st party, pre-charge off, primary, mid-primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary & quints and work on products ranging from bankcards, retail charge cards, signature and personal cards to lines of credit, auto loans and telecom. Intellicom's debt collection operations have already figured in top debt collection rankings published by some clients. Our partnerships with various leading collection agencies have given us the opportunity to offer the best collection practices in the us worked out of india thus providing a mix of proven processes, scalability and efficiency.
debt management
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At Mudra Finance; we help the people who are debt ridden and due to some problems are not able to keep their promise of repayments. We help them to cope up with their debt problems. Our helpful professional advisors will work extensively on your case and help you to round the clock to get out of debt in minimum possible time, because we know how stressful debts are and can be.
Debt Collection Law Services
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Based in Delhi (India), Sidharth Joshi & Associates is the only debt collection attorney network in India and its attorney has presence in all major city of India. It is an alliance of independent solo practicing attorney and law firm with global coverage specializing in the recovery of past due receivables (unpaid invoices)/ debt collection. It is one of the largest Commercial Debt Collection network in India, having specialization in Debt Collection Law Services in the normal course or through legal means both within India or abroad. Our debt collection’s attorneys are located in all part of India. Law firm’s attorney is so well trained that they have thorough understanding of fundamentals of Commercial and Corporate Laws and Practices as well as practical aspect of credit operations/ debt collection. It is a well-established and recognized dictum that faster the action, greater the chances of debt recovery. So do not wait for your asset/ debt to become difficult of recovery and entrust your debt collection to us at the earliest. We shall be ever eager to put our experience at your disposal for quick & efficient debt collection. Measures for debt collection:- We ensure that all measures are properly adopted on time like for example issuance of legal notice at appropriate time when cheque is bounced after that filing of appropriate cases like 138 Negotiable Instruments Act, Suit for recovery either in summary trail i.e. order 37 CPC 1908 or otherwise and winding up petitions for the recovery of debt. Advising clients regarding procedure that how to recover the debt money. Filing, appearing, contesting, arguing of civil suits for recovery of debts. Filing / arguing / contesting / arguing summary proceedings cases / trials Under Order XXXVII C.P.C., 1908 for recovery of money / debt in the case where any written / oral contract, dishonored cheque, bill, hundies, promissory notes are with the party. Filing recovery suit filed before the District Court and various High Courts. Drafting of the Suits, Plaints, Applications, replies, rejoinder, Replications, written statements to be filed before all district & civil courts Filing of Suits, Plaints, Applications, replies, rejoinder, Replications, written statements to be filed before all district & civil courts Issuance of summons notices from the courts. Conducting trial Drafting of petitions Suits, Plaints, Applications, replies, rejoinder, Replications, written statements Filing of the petitions Suits, Plaints, Applications, replies, rejoinder, Replications, written statements Providing assistance to the court in framing the issues Examination and cross examination of witnesses. Final argument Filing / appearing / contesting / arguing the criminal case such as breach of trust, cheating, threat etc. against the debtor. Filing for summon for judgment under Order XXXVII Rule 3 and 4 of C.P.C. Filing of criminal complaints under Section 200 Cr.P.C., 1973 Read with section 138 negotiable instrument act for cheque bouncing or dishonored cheques before all magistrate courts Drafting of legal notices Issuance of summons against the accused persons. Issuance of Boilable Warrants, Non Reliable Warrants against the accused persons. Issuance of process under section 82 & 83 Cr.P,C 1973 for declaring a person as proclaimed offender or absconder Trial Collection of documents on behalf of accused from the prosecution. Filing of application under section 145 (2) of negotiable instrument act Framing of charges Examination and cross examination of witnesses. Statement of accused. Cross examination of accused / complainant Final argument on behalf of accused / complainant. Revision petitions before various Session Courts in India and High Courts in India under Section 397 Cr.P.C., 1973. Quashing of summons under Section 482 Cr. P.C. before various High Courts. Appeals before various Session Courts in India, High Courts in India and Hon’ble Supreme Court of India Filing of SLP before Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
Debt Collection Service
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Debt Collection Service, business information reports
skip tracing
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"Skip Tracing (Also known as debtor and fugitive recovery) is the process of locating a debtor's whereabouts for any number of purposes. The term "skip" refers to the person being searched for, and is derived from the idiomatic expression "to skip town", meaning to depart (perhaps in a rush), leaving minimal clues behind to "trace" the "skip" to a new location. Skip Tracing is performed by collecting as much information as possible about the subject. The information is then analyzed, reduced, and verified. Sometimes the subject's current whereabouts are in the data, but are obfuscated by the sheer amount of information or disinformation. Often, the job becomes more than mere research since one must often employ methods of social engineering, which involves calling or visiting former neighbors, or other known contacts to ask about the subject, sometimes under false or misleading pretenses.
Debt Collection Service
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Debt Collection Service, business advisory service
bad debt recovery
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bad debt recovery, skip tracing service
Debt Management Services
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Debt Management Services, skip tracing services
Debt Collection Service
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Debt Collection Service, telemarketing service, Creditor Management Service
skip tracing service
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skip tracing service, corporate due diligence
Loan Recovery Agents
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Loan Recovery Agents, General Insurance, Insurance Services, loans service
skip tracing services
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skip tracing services, employment verification services, Manpower Consultancy
Corporate Debt Restructuring Service
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Corporate Debt Restructuring Service, venture capital service
Corporate Debt Restructuring Service
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Corporate Debt Restructuring Service, Asset Verification, Company Law
debt management
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debt management, Health Insurance Services, Investment Consultants
Corporate Debt Restructuring Service
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Corporate Debt Restructuring Service, Debt Restructuring Service
Debt Management Services
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Debt Management Services
skip tracing service
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skip tracing service, assets verification, money recovery service
Debt Collection Services
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Debt Collection Services, Legal Services, Legal Process Outsourcing Services
Soft & Hard Debt Collections
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Soft & Hard Debt Collections, Staff Leasing, Third Party Collections
Debt Management Service
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Debt Management Service, debt consolidation services, Credit Card Consultants
recovery agent
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recovery agent, Protein Powder, Mass Gainer, Creatine Supplement
Debt Collections Services
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Debt Collections Services, B2B Receivables Management
debt management
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debt management, Debt Management Consultancy, Management Services
Loan Recovery Agent Services
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Loan Recovery Agent Services
Skip Tracing Services / Tracing Of Missing Debtors
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Skip Tracing Services / Tracing Of Missing Debtors
debt management
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debt management, Trade Credit Insurance, business information report