Dentedge Clinic Janpath, Delhi

  • Smile Makeover

    Smile Makeover

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    The prettiest cosmetic one can ever wear is their smile. Never underestimate the power of it. With such perseverance, the smile makeover surgery is in the buzz these days, as who doesn't want to wear the prettiest smile in the town and standout. Discover the best teeth veneers in Delhi only at the Dentedge clinic with not just updated equipment but the team of stellar dental specialists. In dentistry, a veneer is a layer of material placed over a tooth to give it a significant shape. Veneer reshapes the aesthetic of smile and protects the tooth surface from damage. The reason why it is prevalent among patients is that it involves them completely, with constant participation of the patient throughout the treatment develops apt satisfaction and concerns of the dental treatment. Dentedge specializes in all the fundamentals dental procedure for reshaping smile corrections & its designing in the heart of Delhi, Connaught place. We provide the best dental treatment like teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, metal free crown, makeovers, teeth correction, and dental jewelry. Prominently there are types of dental procedures of the major category of the smile makeover. Keeping in mind the basic requirement of our patient we provide the best and safest treatment with absolutely no side effects and also, without burning a hole in the pocket. Cosmetic surgery gives a sample of solution to reshape the smile with its wide range of various treatments. Along with it, it doesn't only beautify your smile but also enhances the functionality of the same. In Dentedge clinic, we provide you the one-stop solution major dental treatments with much ease and tiresome procedure under the supervision of experienced specialists.

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  • Root Canal Treatment in Delhi NCR

    Root Canal Treatment in Delhi NCR

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    Restorative dental treatments nowadays extremely facilitate us to realize optimum dental health, perform and aesthetics for our patients. Restorative treatment ‘restores’ your teeth and gums to health. Restorative dental treatment includes fillings, root canals, inlays, onlays and posts & cores. From time to time, the teeth will become infected or broken and so that portion of the tooth must be removed and sorestored. Restoring the tooth includes the rehabilitation of the teeth and helps to preserve its look and performance and is commonly a way of saving the tooth. Fillings are the foremost common style of restorations and are accustomed to restore teeth that have cavities. Ancientmetal amalgam fillings are still in use, however they're unpleasant and contain mercury. Also the preparation of the cavity isn't conservative as some mechanical preparations of retention have to be compelled to be followed. We suggest white composite fillings that mix in along with yournatural teeth and are a lot of aesthetic. These fillings are mercury free. The cavity preparation for composite fillings is a lot more conservative as compared to silver amalgam, as we simply grind the tooth wherever it'sneeded that is, the decayed portion. Your health and well-being ought to come first and hence restorative treatment will build an enormous distinction to the way you look and feel.You can easily get the best root canal treatment in Delhi at Dentedge Dental Clinic.

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  • Best Dental Implant Clinic in Delhi NCR

    Best Dental Implant Clinic in Delhi NCR

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    Dental Implants are the most precious gift to humanity from modern dentistry; which provides with natural looking teeth and functions. Dental implants are an extremely consecutive smartest thing to your natural teeth - individuals of all ages get huge advantages from them. You can easily get them done at the best dental implant clinic in Delhi NCR at Dentedge Dental Clinic. Dental implants are the restorative prostheses that are sometimes the Titanium fixtures, screwed into jawbone; chiefly operating as associate anchor, holding a tooth/a set of teeth on that. Following this, they're going to then hold the crown, bridge or dental plate which basically means that your root would generally grip the natural teeth. Dental implants are quite in trend. They’re the most effective alternative for kinds of bridges and removable partial or full dentures; really, they are the foremost permanent dental solution.

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  • Root Canal Treatment

    Root Canal Treatment

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  • Teeth Fillings Services

    Teeth Fillings Services

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  • Kids Dentistry Services

    Kids Dentistry Services

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  • Root Canal Treatment In Milk Teeth

    Root Canal Treatment In Milk Teeth

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    There is no age limit for Root canal treatment. If your child’s teeth have been decayed or injured then root canal treatment is a must. Root canal treatment basically removes the infection from the pulp. Root Canal treatment is a straightforward technique wherein instruments are utilized to clean the root canal of teeth pursued by embeddings a medication in order to keep up the teeth appropriately in the oral cavity.

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  • Fluoride Fillings

    Fluoride Fillings

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    Fluoride fillings are a standout amongst the best medicines accessible for preventing and restricting the spread of tooth decay. It is a mineral found mainly in fish and tea. However, it can be synthesized and we use it in toothpaste and acquire our daily fluoride quantities. Fluoride filling guarantees that the tooth is shielded from the corrosive assault subsequently keeping tooth under control from tooth decay. The majority of the dental fluoride fillings comprise of the aesthetic features, so you can trust on the fillings for your psychological fulfillment with respect to how your teeth will look after a couple of months or years. Fluoride Applications Fluoride Application by gels or foam is a very concentrated type of fluoride which is applied to the tooth's surface by a dental specialist or other medicinal services professional as a kind of fluoride treatment. It can be used to prevent decay when applied to dentin, enamel or cementum. Oral Hygiene That One Must Follow 1. Should clean the baby's teeth every day using a soft cloth or soft-bristled toothbrush but never use too much toothpaste as children tend to swallow toothpaste which may lead to dental fluorosis. 2. It is very important to brush the teeth before sleeping because sugar and bacteria cause cavities at night because when we are awake saliva helps us to keep our mouth clean.

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  • Best Prosthodontist in Delhi for Bridges

    Best Prosthodontist in Delhi for Bridges

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    A Bridge is used to prevent the teeth from moving or shifting in the mouth. A missing tooth that isn't supplanted may cause the surrounding teeth to become unstable and require removal which can lead to change the state of the face and lessen the beauty of a smile. Bridges are everlasting and patients need not remove them. The missing tooth is supplanted with an artificial tooth associated between two crowns (tops), which are permanently solidified on the neighboring teeth.

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  • Best Prosthodontist in Delhi for Crowns

    Best Prosthodontist in Delhi for Crowns

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    Dental Crowns are a tooth-molded top which is set on the tooth to re-establish the shape, size, and presence of the tooth. It additionally enhances the quality of the tooth. In the event that the significant piece of the tooth is missing, at that point, the crown is the best answer for it. By putting the crown, a tooth can function ordinarily again with the same efficiency.

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  • Best Prosthodontist in Delhi for Dentures

    Best Prosthodontist in Delhi for Dentures

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    Dentures are removable apparatuses which are utilized as a substitution of missing teeth and tissues. They are the artificial teeth that empower the ordinary working of the human mouth. Dentures are of two types – Complete and Partial. Complete dentures are applied when the entire tooth is missing, and partial dentures are applied when some natural tooth is absent. They are uniquely crafted particularly for a lot of teeth and gum line. Complete Dentures fit over the upper teeth and roof and on the lower teeth like a horseshoe. They are regular dentures and are removed amid the night for cleaning. Partial Dentures comprises of replaced missing teeth appended to fake gum associated with a metal system that holds the denture set up. Missing teeth can change the situation of other teeth however partial denture help to defeat this issue and keep the teeth flawless.

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  • Teeth Whitening Treatment in Delhi NCR

    Teeth Whitening Treatment in Delhi NCR

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    Technically, 'tooth whitening', restores natural tooth colour and 'bleaching', whitens beyond the natural colour. However these terms are used interchangeably and require the same procedure to be performed.Basically, 'tooth whitening', restores natural tooth color and 'bleaching', whitens on the far side of the natural color. Butthese terms are often used interchangeably and need constant procedure to be performed Usually, you've got 2 choices for bleaching your teeth: in-office bleaching (which is finished by knowledgeable dentist) at-home bleaching. Both tooth-whitening choices use peroxide-based bleaching agents. At-home systems contain 3-15% peroxide, whereas in-office systems contain up to 30-45% peroxide. At Dentedge Dental Clinic, we provide you with a prime teeth whitening treatment in Delhi Though bleaching is supposedly for lightening your teeth, the contradiction here is that overuse or over bleaching willcause additional stains and might additionally blemish the surface of teeth/crowns /veneers, therefore providing you with an abnormal smile. Generally, the longer you retain a stronger resolution on your teeth, the whiter your teeth become. However, the upperthe proportion of peroxide within the lightening resolution, the shorter the time that it ought to be applied to the teeth, else it'll dehydrate the teeth, increase sensitivity and cause dullness. Whether or not you choose to discolor your teeth, keep in mind that sensible daily oral health habits like brushing, flossing and cleanings help so much more in keeping your smile bright and healthy.

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  • Dental Restorations Services

    Dental Restorations Services

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    A filling/restoration is a way to restore damaged tooth back to its normal function and shape.Structural loss or tooth damage may be caused because of decay (caries), fracture/chipping off, grinding, abrasion etc. In many cases, there is accompanying tooth sensitivity/pain, which gets significantly reduced or completely eliminated once an appropriate dental filling material is placed. But in some cases, depending on the extent of tooth decay or damage, the affected tooth may require additional or alternative procedures, including inlays, crowns, RCTs or extractions. Restoring a tooth to good form and function requires two steps, (1) removal of decayed portion and preparing the tooth for placement of restorative material and (2) placement of restorative material or materials. There are several restorative materials which may be used, which include Temporary filling material : Done in some cases where a more permanent filling cannot be done in the same appointment. Silver (Amalgam) Fillings : Use of this material is highly controversial. Amalgam fillings typically have great strength and resist fracture and hence can last for 10-15yrs or more. However, presence of mercury in it has raised concerns about possible mercury toxicity. Amalgam fillings are also believed to cause/propagate micro-cracks in the tooth structure, ultimately leading the tooth to fracture (with the filling still remaining intact). In several countries, its use has been restricted or completely banned. At dentedge, amalgam fillings are not done. Composite (Tooth Coloured) Filling : Also termed as laser fillings. It’s the most commonly used material nowadays and ideal for restoration of front teeth as they can be made to blend in completely with the colour of your teeth. Newer composite materials provide great strength as well as aesthetics, and are being used for restoring posterior teeth also.

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  • Teeth Scaling Services

    Teeth Scaling Services

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    During your visit to the dentist, you might have heard him/her suggesting that you need to get ‘scaling’ or ‘cleaning’ done. If you’re wondering what it is and is it necessary that you get it done, then read on. Scaling is a common non-surgical treatment for removal of infected deposits – stains, plaque or calculus - from the tooth surface. These deposits if not removed lead to tender, swollen or bleeding gums (gingivitis). If left to progress further, it can lead to further deterioration of the gums and supporting tooth structures. Such a condition is called periodontitis or pyorrhea. A few minutes after brushing, a very thin layer made up of saliva, proteins, and bacteria (also called the pellicle) is formed on the tooth surface which acts as a base for bacterial attachment and growth. Within a few hours the accumulation of various species of bacteria along with sugar from the food we eat results in formation of a pale yellow or white sticky substance known as Dental Plaque. Plaque formation on the teeth is a continuous process. If it is not removed within 10-14 hours by brushing, it mineralizes into calculus or tartar. Calculus once formed cannot be removed by brushing and has to be removed professionally - by scaling. The tendency for these deposits to form depends on various factors like diet, quality/quantity of saliva formed, oral hygiene habits etc. These factors vary from person to person and so, even though you may be brushing twice daily, you may still require regular cleaning.

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  • teeth bleaching services

    teeth bleaching services

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    Technically, ‘tooth whitening’, restores natural tooth colour and ’bleaching ’, whitens beyond the natural colour. However these terms are used interchangeably and require the same procedure to be performed. You've got two options for bleaching your teeth: ICn-office bleaching (which is done by a professional dentist) At-home bleaching. Both tooth-whitening options use peroxide-based bleaching agents. At-home systems contain 3-15% peroxide, whereas in-office systems contain up to 30-45% peroxide. Though bleaching is meant for whitening your teeth, the paradox here is that overuse or over bleaching can cause more stains and can also dull the surface of teeth/crowns /veneers, thus giving you a lacklustre smile. Generally, the longer you keep a stronger solution on your teeth, the whiter your teeth become. However, the higher the percentage of peroxide in the whitening solution, the shorter the time for which it should be applied to the teeth, else it will dehydrate the teeth , increase sensitivity and cause dullness. Whether or not you decide to whiten your teeth, keep in mind that good daily oral health habits like brushing, flossing and cleanings go far in keeping your smile bright and healthy

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  • Reshaping & Contouring of Teeth

    Reshaping & Contouring of Teeth

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    Tooth reshaping, or contouring, is one in all few instant treatments currently on the market in dental medicine. Dental reshaping and contouring may be a procedure to correct crooked teeth, broken teeth, cracked teeth or maybe overlapping teeth in barely one session.

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  • Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

    Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

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    Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

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  • Prosthodontic Treatment

    Prosthodontic Treatment

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    prosthodontic treatment

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  • Orthodontic Treatment

    Orthodontic Treatment

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    Metal Braces Ceramic Braces Clear Aligners Night-Guard Splints

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  • Primary Business Service Provider

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Dentedge Dental Centre is an initiative of Dr. Archa Bhargava. The center was established with an aim to provide comprehensive dental solutions at the most affordable rates, at the same time ensuring strictest standards of sterilization and use of only quality materials and equipment's. We provide the care you need to keep your smile healthy. As a dental health specialist, we give you the best possible service and results.
We attend dental lectures, dental meetings, dental conventions, dental exhibitions, to stay updated and informed about the new techniques, the latest products, and equipment's to provide you the best-in-class yet state-of-the-art dental care. Book your appointment today & we'll give you a reason to smile!!!
Why Choose Us?
Centrally located at Connaught place
High end technology and cutting edge surgical, dental, and radiological equipment
Follow strict hygiene & sterilization procedures
A team of highly-trained specialists with experience in every field of dentistry
Variable payment options
Transparent procedures and billing
Emphasis on preventive dental care
24-Hour emergency appointments facility
Painless treatments
Superb customer service
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Contact Information

Dentedge Clinic

  • Dentedge Clinic
  • 78/8 Janpath, Above Fresco, CP, New Delhi