dissolved air flotation unit
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Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Systems
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Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a proven and effective physical/chemical technology for treating a variety of industrial and municipal process and wastewater streams. DAF systems are commonly used for the removal of oils & greases and suspended solids to meet a variety of treatment goals including: Product recovery and reuse Pretreatment to meet sewer discharge limits Pretreatment to reduce loading on downstream biological treatment systems Polishing of biological treatment effluent Thickening of biosolids
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Flotation Machine
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With the development of mining industry, investors present various requirements of the features of flotation machine. Now there are many kinds of flotation machines, such as agitator flotation machine, pneumatic flotation machine and pneumatic- agitator flotation machine. And different mineral ores have different hydrophilicity, so the final configurations greatly depend on the professional designs.
sedicell tm system
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The Sedicell is a mechanically simple, yet robust circular DAF. It can be constructed in a civil tank for longevity and high flow rates, with wetted parts manufactured in metal, or the entire DAF can be constructed in metal as well. It has a spiral scoop system to remove floated sludge. Sedicell has a retention time of around 30 minutes due to its height, hence it is perfectly suited to handle very high solids. This also leads to a high sludge blanket formation with high sludge consistency, making the sludge easier to handle for further de-watering processes. Sedicell has been supplied successfully as a secondary clarifier as well for colour and TSS removal in pulp and paper applications. The largest single unit of Sedicell can handle up to 2000 m3/hr flow. Main Advantages Sedicell is a low sensitivity clarifier and has the ability to deal with variations in inlet flow and shock loading, and will continue to provide high efficiency removal. Due to its height, the Sedicell has a retention time of 30 minutes and provides for better sedimented solids removal It has a civil constructed base for longevity of use Popular Applications Pulp & Paper Biological Sludge Clarification Sludge Thickening Municipalities and CETP Chemicals
Flotation Machine
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Features: 1.Impeller is composed of the dosed double section cones and it can produce strong slurry cycle downward; 2.The capacity of air suction is large, the power consumption is low; 3.Every tank gas three functions of air suction, slurry suction and flotation simultaneously being unique in flotation return circuit;
Dissolved Air Flotation System
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The company is a well-known Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Dissolved Air Flotation System in Delhi (India). Commonly known as DAF systems, the Dissolved Air Flotation Systems have a wide range of applications in the various treatment plants like the Sewage Treatment Plants, Effluent Treatment Plants and the Waste Water Treatment Plants. Features Of Dissolved Air Flotation Systems : Separation of suspended solids done by fine gas bubbles which become attached to particulate matter, and float them to the surface where it is removed by skimmingGas bubbles introduced by reducing the pressure of the wastewater causing dissolved gases to be releasedDesigns include rectangular, circular, cross flow and inclined parallel plate systemsVery effective for removing oil, grease and TSS Applications Of Dissolved Air Flotation Systems : Used for removing suspended matter that does not float or sink in water and waste waterCommonly used to separate grease, oil and fat matters from industrial wastesUsed to remove oil and grease from water and wastewater treatment plants, by the technique of solid liquid separationWide applications in process industry
dissolved air flotation unit
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dissolved air flotation unit
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dissolved air flotation unit
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