Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer
5,500 Per Piece
5th generation quantum magnetic resonance analyser 47 reports .with one year replacement guarantee.
uv light meter
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UV Light Meter An instrument for accurate measurement of UV-A radiation. Includes a four-position range selection and a hold button for retaining the display value. Measuring range 0.1 – 200.000 µW/cm2 Spectral sensitivity 315-390 nm. Accuracy better than ±4% (±1 in last digit) Two models Single point or 5-point calibration Visible Light Meter without fluorescent sensor An instrument for measurement of illumination. Traditional visible light meters are adapted to the lower intensity Mercury Vapor Technology and its specific spectral UV-A distribution. The Labino Visible Light Meter is the first instrument specifically designed without a fluorescent sensor for high intensity UV-lamps. t provides measurements in both metric lux (lx) and imperial foot candle (fc) units. Detector Non-fluorescent silicone photodiode< Measuring range 0.1-200.000 lx and 0.01 – 20.000 fc. Accuracy better than ±3% (±1 in last last digit)
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Dual Channel FFT Analyzer
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Dual Channel FFT Analyzer, Dynamic Vibration Analyzers, Dynamic Balancers