Kent Air Purifier Ozone Table Top
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Price - Rs.7999.00
Makes Indoor Air Pure, Healthy & Free From Micro-Organisms
Based on Revolutionary Ozone Disinfection Technology
* Table Top portable design suitable for all areas
Kent Ozone Table Top Air Purifier has a compact and portable design. It is suitable for installation in homes, offices, living rooms, bathrooms or kitchens and is ideal for a room size of up to 150 sq ft.
* Kills bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms
Kent Ozone Table Top Air Purifier is based on revolutionary Ozone disinfection technology that effectively kills bacteria, viruses, fungus and other pathogens, which are present in the air. It also cleans air and inhibits bacterial growth.
* Environment friendly gas
Ozone disinfection technology produces Ozone gas, an environment friendly and highly reactive oxidant, which is sprayed quietly and effectively through a fan.
* Silent operation
It has extremely silent operation and comes with a 3-mode selector to suit different requirements.
* No consumables required
Kent Ozone Table Top Air Purifier does not use any consumables for producing Ozone. It is produced using oxygen present in the atmosphere. Hence it does not require any service or replacement of any parts.
* Other uses
Applications include neutralizing stale and foul odour and supplying fresh air; Oxidizing and disinfecting chemicals, gases and cigarette fumes from the air;