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Botanical Name of Gorakhmundi:-Sphaeranthus Indicus Gorakhmundi is an Ayurvedic flowering plant. The whole part of plant and leaf of Gorakhmundi is used to make medicines. Gorakhmundi is the best home remedy and herbal extract for Leucorrhoea. It is a member of Asteraceae family. It is a natural and seasonal herb. It is a native of India and widely spread and grown in all part of India. It is also grown in Australia and Sri Lanka. Gorakhmundi had anti-inflammatory property. Chemical Compounds:- Gorakhmundi contains several chemicals that helps in relieving pain and many other inflammatory disease. It contains many Chemicals including tannins, volatile oil, b-ionene, p-methoxy cinnamadehyde, methyl chavicol, d-cadinene, p-methoxy, geranyl acetate and sphaerene, geraniol, a-ionene, glycosides and citral. Other Names of Gorakhmundi :-Bokashungi, Mahamundi,Kamdaryus, Mundi, Hapus, Chagulnadi, Barasavodi, Bodiokalara, Mundi, Dorakhmundi, Boddasoram Shravani, Tapasvini Boddatarupa, , Kottakaranthai, Adakkamanian, Attakkamanni, Ghorkmundi Mirangani, Kamdaryus, Belaunja, Murisa, East Indian Globe Thistle. Various Health Benefits of Gorakhmundi/ Sphaeranthus Indicus:- Gorakhmundi is used to treat painful physiological disorder and gout. It is also used for the treatment of urinary problems, inflammatory disease. It is also helpful in treating jaundice, helminthiasis, diabetes and leprosy. Gorakhmundi is also used for bronchodialatory, flavanoids and hypotensive. It is also used in treating mental illness, fever, anxiolytic and immunomodulatory. Sphaeranthus Indicus is also used for the treatment of hepatopathy, epilepsy. It is also used to treat mental illness, hernia, cough and gastropathy. It is also used for kidney disease, muscles and joint pains. It is also helpful in reducing liver disease, edema and skin disorder.
Best Deals from Gorakhmundi
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With the zeal to excel in this sphere, we import, export and supply high quality Gorakhmundi that is a cent percent pure and natural product. Having a analgesic and nervine tonic, it is helpful in epilepsy, lethargy and other Vata disorders. This herbal product is also beneficial in a lot of conditions like loss of appetite, jaundice, internal piles, hapatosplenic enlargement and intestinal worms. Sourced from reliable vendors, our offered Gorakhmundi is processed carefully by experts and provided to clients in varied packaging options at budget-friendly prices.
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Gorakhmundi, Ajmoda, Safed Mirch, SHAH JEERA, Bhringraj, badam giri