OzoClean Fruits and Vegetable Purifier
We are offering greenguard ozoclean fruits n vegetable purifier. Classic model for home use with revolutionary ozone disinfection technology "say no to harmful chemicals & other impurities" "stop eating pesticides & and bacteria" "be a healthy family" clean chemicals, pesticides, bacteria, germs and wax on your fruits , vegetable, pulses, fish and meat. · natural - safe - convenient ⷠconvenient operation with 3 mode micro-processor timer control for different purifications ⷠno need for regular ozone generator replacement ⷠvery low power consumption -25w ( maximum) ⷠ100% medial grade silicon tube ⷠhighest a grade fine ceramic stone ⷠportable, convenient and user-friendly ⷠone year warranty ⷠmade in india our ozoclean fruits & vegetable purifier will help you to: ⷠeffectively oxidizes & reduce residual chemicals & pesticides from surface of fruits and vegetables ⷠeffectively remove bacteria from the surface of vegetables and fruits. · effectively cleans out antibiotics and hormones from meat, poultry and seafood. · effectively cleans out polish from all types of pulses ⷠeffectively cleans & remove bacteria & other impurities from baby bottles ⷠand our fruits & vegetable purifier have other useful applications including bathing & cleaning, the ozonized is good and healthy for bathing and washing our face and hands as it enhances the quality of water by removing bacteria and harmful impurities.
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