White Cricket Balls
India is a hub where all types of sports goods aremanufactured. There are certain districts and states that particularly producesports goods in the factories. We are also one of the brands that manufacturesports goods. We basically specialise in the production of Cricket Balls. Wemanufacture Cricket Balls for Test Cricket, One Day Cricket, 20-20 Cricket,50-50 Cricket, International cricket tournament, Ranji Cricket, practicematches, etc. The types of cricket balls are dependent on a variety of factorslike colours of balls, quality of balls, balls for different matches, etc. Onthe very basis of colours the cricket balls are manufactured in two colourswhich are: 1) Red Balls- The balls that are red incolour for playing cricket, are tanned in red colour while they aremanufactured. The manufacturing process’ very first step includes the dyeing ofthe leather for making a red ball. Red ball is widely used around the world forplaying cricket like in tournaments, 20-20 cricket matches and also for leisureplaying as is continued with a Red Ball. 2) White Balls- The balls that are white incolour needn’t to be dyed for the leather that is brought to manufacture themis already white in colour. Some of the balls are dyed with white colour aswell. The balls that are not dyed in white colour are a bit pale in appearanceas the white colour very soon turns to pale yellow. The balls that arepreferred for playing are the balls that aren’t dyed white. It is because theballs with a weary appearance encourages a good gripping by the players. Hence,a professional player would choose a ball that isn’t polished over a polishedone. These were the two categories onthe basis of colours of the cricket ball. Now, we will come to the other categoryof the quality of the balls. Although same balls are used for all sorts ofmatches but they differ from each other in quality aspect. The quality of theballs depends upon the quality of the leather used. And on the basis of theleather, the quality of the balls can be divided into three categories whichare as follows: 1) High Quality cricket balls- High Qualitycricket balls are produced with the similar leather as the other balls. Thequality of the leather decreases with the thickness of the leather. In otherwords, as the thickness of the leather decreases, the quality and durability ofthe ball also decreases. So, the balls with a higher quality are the ones thatare manufactured with the highest quality thick leather sheet. And only thehigh quality balls are produced in our factories for sale so that our customersencounter no such quality issues with the ball after purchasing it. The balls are available in both the coloursi.e. red and white. 2) Medium Quality cricket balls- The mediumquality cricket balls are produced with the leather that is not thick enough toendure the wear and tear. Its thickness depends upon the leather sheet that isused to produce them. Although the balls are not that ineffective to play butare generally not preferred for big reputed matches. The balls are available inboth the colours i.e. red and white. 3) Low Quality cricket balls- The lowquality cricket balls are produced with the leather that is very low and not atall thick enough to hold. These balls are basically used by the local peoplefor playing cricket as a game for enjoyment and leisure. These people do notuse the ball at a stretch like the National and International matches that areplayed using the High quality balls. These are the types of balls onthe basis of the quality of the leather. The quality of the ball depends uponthe thickness of the leather. Although leather is a significant part thatdetermines the quality of the balls but cork also plays another essential rolefor deeming a good quality ball. More thick and hard the cork more will be thedurability and quality of the ball. Besides determination of thetypes of balls on the basis of colours and quality, we divide the types of theballs on the basis of the production of the ball. The production of the ball isdependent on the pieces of leather used to make a ball. They can be dividedinto two categories: 1) Two-pieceleather ball- a two piece leather ball is manufactured by using just thetwo pieces of leather that are wrapped around the ball. The ball doesn’t lastfor long. It is not at all preferred by the professional players or for thatmatter not even by the local people who purchase cricket balls for leisure andenjoyment purposes. The reason behind its non-prefer ability is the early wearand tear of the ball, opening of the stiches, tearing of the leather,deformity, etc. It can probably be used by the children who are fond of cricketballs or play cricket at home or with friends. 2) Four-pieceleather ball- a four-piece leather ball is produced with the four pieces ofleather that are wrapped around the ball. The balls with four-piece leather arethe ones that we manufacture. The possible reason for our manufacturing a four-pieceleather ball is because it is the largest selling ball and it is the foremostpreference of all the professional cricket players. The professional cricketplayers cannot manage the whole game with a two-piece leather ball. Afour-piece high quality leather ball is resistant to all the wear and tear thatis undergoes and can be used throughout the match. The four pieces of leatherare joined by the thread and are strengthened enough for the challenges thatcome in its way. These are the categories of ballson the basis of their production process. Let us now come to the productionof cricket balls, i.e. how the balls are manufactured. The manufacturing of thecricket balls in our factories happen through a manual process. The process ofmanufacturing cricket balls in India is labour intensive and doesn’t requireany machinery for the same. The labour intensive handmade production of thecricket balls is the aspect that makes our brand more unique. The productswhich are handmade are always made with whole dedication and effort whichappears on the ball and hence stand out from any other manufacturing company.Handmade manufacturing is the evidence that India is a country that specialisesin handicrafts and these cricket balls are one of a kind. The raw materials that arerequired to make the cricket balls are as follows: 1) Cork-Cork is one of the impermeable buoyant material, i.e. a prime subset of thebark tissue that consists of dead cells. Cork is brought from the factoriesthat are located in the nearby areas. The cork basically forms the base of theball over which the leather is sewn. The cork can be tough, hard, light, soft,etc. These properties of the corkdetermine the strong foundation of a ball and also its durability. 2) Leather-Leather is a material that is formed from the animal skin. The animals that areused to obtain the leather are buffalo, snakes, rabbits, etc. The reason behindusing animal skin or leather to make products is that the leather products arehighly durable, have a very finished appearance and have a very good texture.The leather is brought from the nearby located factories that manufactureleather. The colour of the real leather is basically the colour of the skinwhich is then died into different colours (if required) for its transformationinto a commercial product. 3) Thread-The thread that is used of stitching the leather wrapped over the ball is acotton thread. The cotton thread comes up in different varieties. It can besingularly rolled and formed into a thread which won’t have a good tensilestrength. Whereas the singular yarns are also integrated to form good strengthwith 100% tensile strength. The threads with 100% tensile strength are used forstitching the leather wrapped onto the cricket ball. The reason why thin plastic rolls are notused for stitching the leather wrapped on the ball instead of a cotton threadis that the plastic thread breaks earlier and is not at all stout enough tobear the wear and tear with the balls. The other reason for not using a plasticthread is that the cotton threads wear out with the wear out time of the ballbut a plastic thread doesn’t serve the purpose. These are the raw materialsrequired for the production of cricket balls. And the process is stated below: Step 1- The cork, leather and thread are brought from the nearbylocated factories in bulk quantities so as to manufacture the balls in goodquantity. Step 2- After the delivery of the cricket balls to ourfactory, our technicians start to work effortlessly for the production of thecricket balls. Each technician is assigned one or the other department for thecontinuation of the production process. Step 3- Leather sheets that are brought are allowed to dipinto the water for some time. Afterwards when they are taken out from thewater, they are again dipped into another bucket containing the dyes in whichthe leather is tanned with a colour which is either red or white. When thecolour on the leather appears intact and accurate, then the leather sheets aretaken out. The wet leather sheets are allowed to dry. The drying of the leathersheets is brought to a halt when the sheet is not entirely dried. Drying aleather sheet entirely would lead to stiffness which resists stitching with athread after enclosing the ball in the leather casing. Step 4- After drying the leather sheets (not entirely) thecork for establishing the base of the ball is brought into shape by carving itinto a spherical shape. For a high quality ball that is manufactured in ourindustry, the most strengthened cork is used for gripping, catching, etc. For alow and medium quality ball the cork which doesn’t hold much strength or is alittle less strengthening. Step 5- Since, the process of the cork has now beenexecuted, then a thin leather sheet is cut to cover the shape of a cork ball.It is then wrapped around the cork so as to smoothen and cover the cork beneaththe thin leather sheet. Step 6- Now, for a four-piece leather ball, a four pieceleather casing is made with the dyed leather. The leather casing is thenadjusted around the ball and then the stitching process is carried out. Thestitching is also done manually and it stitches the ball and seals the gaps inbetween the leather casing very minutely and neatly. Now the leather case iscovered with a slightly raised sewn seam that goes throughout the diameter ofthe ball. Step 7- After the ball is ready, we have small curved ironstamps that are of the size of the part of the curved surface of the ball. Thestamps are carved with the brand design i.e. “Ikshvaku”. It is then stampedover the red ball with a golden colour and stamped over the white ball with ared colour. It stamps the name of the brand and also the match type that theball will be used for. Step 8- After completion of the stamping process, the ballsare polished so as to develop a shine on them which acts as a protective shieldand final touch for the stamp and the ball respectively. The polishes that weuse for our high quality and medium quality balls is wax polish. This polish ensures the protection of the ball. Theother polish used for polishing the low quality balls makes it shinier than thewax polished ones. Hence, the other low quality balls are slippery enough whichresists the bowler to use them as they cannot maintain a good grip in the handsof the bowler. That is the reason that the balls with wax polish are used forprofessional competitive matches by the bowlers for they maintain proper gripin the hands of the bowler. These are the above eight stepsthat makes the balls eligible for the commercial process and ensure fullcustomer satisfaction. This is a kind of product that is manufactured manuallyin our factories.
...moreTea Dust
Tea leaves are very aromatic and give colour to the boiling water with a beautiful and fresh fragrance that is very tempting. The tea leaves are green in colour just like the leaves of any other plant. The spices have been cultivated in the Malnad region located in Karnataka. This place is rich, bountiful and blessed by the Mother Nature. The reason being it rains in plenty in Malnad because of which it is green, pure and moist, suitable for the growth of Tea Leaves. Camellia Sinesis is the scientific name of the species of the plant that is used to produce tea. The tea leaves originated back on the lands of North Burma and South-West China. Tea, on the basis of its processing, is of six different types namely, Green, Yellow, White, Oolong, Black and Post Fermented. Each Ikshvaku Genuine Farm Product packet has a hidden, special surprise for you which is uniquely packaged. Contact us immediately if you dont find the surprise add-on.
...moreStar Anise
Aniseed or star anise is a flavour enhancing spice. It physically looks like a sturdy rotten or wooden flower. After opening it there is a seed in every wooden petal. It tastes bitter and pungent. The spices have been cultivated in the Malnad region located in Karnataka. This place is rich, bountiful and blessed by the Mother Nature. The reason being it rains in plenty in Malnad because of which it is green, pure and moist, suitable for the growth of Pulao flower Aniseed or star anise is scientifically called Illicium Verum which is an evergreen tree which produces Star Anise. The tree grows in Northeast Vietnam. Star Anise is used for balancing or pacifying Vata and Kapha doshas in a human body.
...moreSandalwood sticks
Sandalwood is a kind wood growing in Asia and East India. In Hindi it is called “chandana ki lakdi”. Sandalwood has a very sturdy fragrance. Sandalwood oil is obtained from sandalwood trees. These woods are bulky, yellow and fine. It is used for preparing incense sticks and cones, sandal soaps for bathing, sandal powder, and sandal oil for medicinal purpose and sandalwood is also used for ceremonial and spiritual purposes like for the decoration of deities and even the priests or the devotees who apply sandal to cover their forehead and neck, it is put to various other uses as well. Sandalwood incense sticks comprises of Santalol molecules which has sandalwood oil of about 55%. The fragrance predominates dry earthiness. Smells like sweet musk and is subtly spicy. The Sandalwood Incense sticks are completely handmade. The paste of the Sandalwood Masala mixture is hand rolled onto a bamboo stick. The whole stick is of 8 inches. The colour of the incense stick is sandy brown. Benefits : Factual Benefits • Inhalation of the Santalol molecules present in the sandalwood oil decreases the waking time. Waking time is the first stage of sleeping which is characterised by slow eye movements and muscle contractions. Santalol molecule fumes when inhaled, act via our circulatory systems. In other words the santalol is absorbed by the blood flowing in the body. Santalol also kills bacteria and is a natural sedative. Other Benefits It has a pleasant drifting and renders a restful experience. The strong fragrance of Sandalwood spreads throughout the house be it big or small. It clears the chakras. It eradicates the negative energies from the houses or workplaces. Helpful for improving concentration while Meditation The fragrance is very pleasing and not at all smoky. Product Features Size of the stick: 8 inches; size of the carton: 21cm*21cm*19cm; size of the master carton: 45cm*45cm*45cm. The stock can also be packaged in other distinct ways: 8 inches covers 21cm*21cm*19cm cartons Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: None, non-toxic. Frankincense, being an exquisite fragrance, is very sweet, sugary and engaging. One can also get rid of depression with the cheering fragrance of Frankincense. Quality: Natural, Herbal extracts of floral combinations; Stick Quality: Bamboo stick for smooth burning. Frankincense is rusty in hue and has a granular surface. Stick Length: 8 inches; Burn Time: About 40 minutes; Ikshvaku incense has been tested at SIGMA TEST & RESEARCH CENTRE, New Delhi, India. SIGMA is an ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2005 & 17025:2005 accredited laboratory having US FDA DUNS No.864393171. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR). Ikshvaku incense is non-hazardous, does not damage the environment and can be shipped by road, sea or air as per the MSDS.
...moreSandalwood Cones
Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: None, non-toxic Quality: Natural, Herbal extracts of floral combinations; Burn Time: About 20 minutes each cone; Cone Length: 2 inches, Base Diameter: 0.5 inches Available as Incense Cones in Lobhan, Nag Champa , Lavender, Sandalwood and Rose fragrances This incense has been tested at SIGMA TEST & RESEARCH CENTRE, New Delhi, India, an ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2005 & 17025:2005 accredited laboratory having US FDA DUNS No.864393171 The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR). As per the MSDS, Ikshvaku Incense is Non-hazardous, does not damage the environment and can be shipped by road, sea or air.
...morePersian Rose sticks
Persian rose incenses which would smell as a rose as and when burnt. The essential oils extracted from the fragrance of the rose are used for dipping these sticks so as ensure the permanence of the scent in the respective room. The scent of these incenses takes one to the garden where all the rose plants have been planted. Roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers that are used for presents too. Hence, the pack of these incenses can be presented as a gift for those who are fond of Roses. The sticks are hand rolled with the extracts of rose which are rolled onto the bamboo stick. The colour of the incense is Maroon whereas the size is 8 inches. Benefits : Factual Benefits The Persian Rose is a delightful floral rose scent with a mild and warm exotic spicy base, counterpointing the floral dominance. Other Benefits It is burned to increase courage in an individuals. It contributes towards healing properties. Rose incenses burn to render house blessings. It is also used for returning calm energies to home. Product Features Size of the stick: 8 inches; size of the carton: 21cm*21cm*19cm; size of the master carton: 45cm*45cm*45cm. The stock can also be packaged in other distinct ways: 8 inches covers 21cm*21cm*19cm cartons Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: None, non-toxic. Frankincense, being an exquisite fragrance, is very sweet, sugary and engaging. One can also get rid of depression with the cheering fragrance of Frankincense. Quality: Natural, Herbal extracts of floral combinations; Stick Quality: Bamboo stick for smooth burning. Frankincense is rusty in hue and has a granular surface. Stick Length: 8 inches; Burn Time: About 40 minutes; Ikshvaku incense has been tested at SIGMA TEST & RESEARCH CENTRE, New Delhi, India. SIGMA is an ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2005 & 17025:2005 accredited laboratory having US FDA DUNS No.864393171. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR). Ikshvaku incense is non-hazardous, does not damage the environment and can be shipped by road, sea or air as per the MSDS.
...morePatchouli sticks
Patchouli incense sticks are green in colour and this is due to its creation from the leaves of the plants or herbs of mint. Its aroma makes it a kind of influence which can act as an insect repellent, an incense stick, scented oils and it has medicinal uses as well. Its suspended aroma in the atmosphere consequently leads to its cleansing, deterring negativity, etc. It also is a harbinger of fertility, prosperity, defence, etc. The Patchouli incense stick is hand rolled with the masala of the extracts of herbs or shrubs onto the bamboo stick. The green coloured incense is 8 inches in size. Benefits : Factual Benefits The epileptic attacks or convulsions can be supressed by the inhalation of Patchouli incense. The inhalation of Patchouli incense relieves tension and drives away gloom from the houses and workplaces. Other Benefits It acts as a boost up for the immune system of the body. Patchouli also helps in the toning of the internal organs like liver, intestines and stomach. Patchouli is rich, smooth scent with a definite (but not overpowering) sweet presence. It has a strong start that shortly blended into a low-key embrace of the living space. Product Features Size of the stick: 8 inches; size of the carton: 21cm*21cm*19cm; size of the master carton: 45cm*45cm*45cm. The stock can also be packaged in other distinct ways: 8 inches covers 21cm*21cm*19cm cartons Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: None, non-toxic. Frankincense, being an exquisite fragrance, is very sweet, sugary and engaging. One can also get rid of depression with the cheering fragrance of Frankincense. Quality: Natural, Herbal extracts of floral combinations; Stick Quality: Bamboo stick for smooth burning. Frankincense is rusty in hue and has a granular surface. Stick Length: 8 inches; Burn Time: About 40 minutes; Ikshvaku incense has been tested at SIGMA TEST & RESEARCH CENTRE, New Delhi, India. SIGMA is an ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2005 & 17025:2005 accredited laboratory having US FDA DUNS No.864393171. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR). Ikshvaku incense is non-hazardous, does not damage the environment and can be shipped by road, sea or air as per the MSDS.
...moreNag Champa sticks
Nag Champa " derives its name from Sanskrit language where “Nag” means “breadth or spirit”. Nag champa derives its scent from the Ailanthus Tree and is considered to be as the Sacred Tree. The familiarity of the aroma of Nag Champa is due to its composition which consists of the extracts of Champa flower that grows in India. The fragrance that nag champa comprises is very heavy and earthly. It has holy orientations to it and is extensively used as an offering to our ultimate power. It greets the atmosphere of a place with spirituality which inculcates the willingness to do meditation, morning prayers, religious ceremonies, etc. Captivating fragrance of the incense leaves its prolonged impressions on the sensory organs of an individual. It is helpful in generation of positive moods and purgation of the air. The Nag Champa incense is prepared by hand rolling the paste of the extracts of herbs, resins and masala onto the bamboo stick. The colour of the incense is light brownish with a size of 8 inches. Benefits : Factual Benefits The fragrance of Nag Champa comes with a cooling nature which pacifies the heat conditions of both the body and mind. The inhalation of the sweet fragrance of Nag Champa, according to Charaka Samhita, maintains youth, vigour and renders a long life. It enhances the sensual enjoyment and revives an inner self. Abstract Benefits The fragrance increases the alertness, concentration and enhances memory retention. The fragrance also regulates the nervous system as well as the immunity system that keeps low due to the problems of stress. Nag Champa has a sweet, robust presence that just fills one with glee. Product Features Size of the stick: 8 inches; size of the carton: 21cm*21cm*19cm; size of the master carton: 45cm*45cm*45cm. The stock can also be packaged in other distinct ways: 8 inches covers 21cm*21cm*19cm cartons Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: Non-toxic. Nag Champa is considered as an Indian Aroma and has an earthly fragrance and heaviness. Quality: Perfumed; Stick Quality: Bamboo stick for smooth burning; the colour of Nag Champa incense is brownish in shade and the surface of the incense stick is granular, hence, rough. Stick Length: 8 inches; Burn Time: About 40 minutes; Available now in Ayurvedic, Maddipal, Nag Champa, Frankincense, Patchouli, Persian Rose, Tulasi Kesar, Tulasi Lobhan, Jasmine, Sandalwood and Kesar Saffron fragrances only. Combo packs of Nag Champa, Frankincense, Patchouli, Persian Rose, Jasmine and Sandalwood. Also available as Incense Cones in Nag Champa, Lavender, Lobhan, Sandalwood and Rose fragrance. Ikshvaku incense has been tested at SIGMA TEST & RESEARCH CENTRE, New Delhi, India. SIGMA is an ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2005 & 17025:2005 accredited laboratory having US FDA DUNS No.864393171. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR). Ikshvaku incense is non-hazardous, does not damage the environment and can be shipped by road, sea or air as per the MSDS.
...moreMaddipal Incense Sticks
Maddipal is derived from the stigmas of the ivory-white and purple crocus flower which is known as “Maddipal Crocus”. The flowers contain thread like structures which have a crimson colour. The aroma of Kesar is like that of metallic honey with grass-like or hay-like notes in it. Maddipal is also used as a spice as a colouring agent in foods. Its growth has been native to Southwest Asia. Gradually, it went throughout Eurasia because of its popularity and later to North America, North Africa and Oceania. Maddipal incense sticks renders an aroma which is strong, creamy consisting of sweet muskiness with a warm sandalwood base. Maddipal incenses are hand rolled with the Kesar extracts and the original essence of Maddipal onto the bamboo sticks. The colour of the incense is mustard while the size of the incense is 8 inches. Benefits : Factual Benefits The stick has a lingering presence even after a single stick is burned. Other Benefits When inhaled as an incense, Maddipal works as a happiness inciter, increases amorousness, desire and also increases physical awareness. It even helps in elimination of depressive moods and stress. It improves, memory retention, learning capacities and focus of an individual, especially children. Product Features Size of the stick: 8 inches; size of the carton: 21cm*21cm*19cm; size of the master carton: 45cm*45cm*45cm. The stock can also be packaged in other distinct ways: 8 inches covers 21cm*21cm*19cm cartons Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: None, non-toxic. Frankincense, being an exquisite fragrance, is very sweet, sugary and engaging. One can also get rid of depression with the cheering fragrance of Frankincense. Quality: Natural, Herbal extracts of floral combinations; Stick Quality: Bamboo stick for smooth burning. Frankincense is rusty in hue and has a granular surface. Stick Length: 8 inches; Burn Time: About 40 minutes;
...moreLavender Incense Sticks
The word Lavender has its roots in Latin language called “Lavare” which means “to wash out”. Hence, Lavender incenses are used to wash out the mental stress and brings relief to the mind. Lavender is a flower found in nature which occupies a very sacred place. The colour of Lavender flower signifies Royalty, grace and elegance. The lavender flower extracts are used to prepare Lavender incense. The incense when burnt smells really sweet just as the Lavender flower is very delicate and precious. Similarly the essence of the Lavender incense is very tempting and sedating. The scent of Lavender is very cleansing, soothing and calming for the mind of an individual. It drives out the negativities that take birth in a mind. The incense stick is hand rolled with the essence of the extracts of Lavender flower onto the bamboo stick. The colour of the incense is purple and the size is 8 inches. Benefits : Factual Benefits Lavender is rich in aromatic molecules which are known as Esters which are pacifying and tonic. Inhalation of Lavender incense provides respiratory relief as well to the recipient. The scent of Lavender is soft, demure sweetness with a warm woody undertone that carry a touch of balsamic spiciness. Other Benefits The scent of Lavender drives away insomnia. Stress and anxiety are washed away as soon as the fumes of Lavender starts to spread in the respective room. Product Features Size of the stick: 8 inches; size of the carton: 21cm*21cm*19cm; size of the master carton: 45cm*45cm*45cm. The stock can also be packaged in other distinct ways: 8 inches covers 21cm*21cm*19cm cartons Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: None, non-toxic. Frankincense, being an exquisite fragrance, is very sweet, sugary and engaging. One can also get rid of depression with the cheering fragrance of Frankincense. Quality: Natural, Herbal extracts of floral combinations; Stick Quality: Bamboo stick for smooth burning. Frankincense is rusty in hue and has a granular surface. Stick Length: 8 inches; Burn Time: About 40 minutes; Ikshvaku incense has been tested at SIGMA TEST & RESEARCH CENTRE, New Delhi, India. SIGMA is an ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2005 & 17025:2005 accredited laboratory having US FDA DUNS No.864393171. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR). Ikshvaku incense is non-hazardous, does not damage the environment and can be shipped by road, sea or air as per the MSDS.
...moreKesar Saffron
Saffron is derived from the stigmas of the ivory-white and purple crocus flower which is known as “Saffron Crocus”. The flowers contain thread like structures which have a crimson colour. The aroma of Kesar is like that of metallic honey with grass-like or hay-like notes in it. Saffron is also used as a spice as a colouring agent in foods. Its growth has been native to Southwest Asia. Gradually, it went throughout Eurasia because of its popularity and later to North America, North Africa and Oceania. Kesar Saffron incense sticks renders an aroma which is strong, creamy consisting of sweet muskiness with a warm sandalwood base. Kesar Saffron incenses are hand rolled with the Kesar extracts and the original essence of Saffron onto the bamboo sticks. The colour of the incense is mustard while the size of the incense is 8 inches. Benefits : Factual Benefits The stick has a lingering presence even after a single stick is burned. Other Benefits When inhaled as an incense, Kesar saffron works as a happiness inciter, increases amorousness, desire and also increases physical awareness. It even helps in elimination of depressive moods and stress. It improves, memory retention, learning capacities and focus of an individual, especially children. Product Features Size of the stick: 8 inches; size of the carton: 21cm*21cm*19cm; size of the master carton: 45cm*45cm*45cm. The stock can also be packaged in other distinct ways: 8 inches covers 21cm*21cm*19cm cartons Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: None, non-toxic. Frankincense, being an exquisite fragrance, is very sweet, sugary and engaging. One can also get rid of depression with the cheering fragrance of Frankincense. Quality: Natural, Herbal extracts of floral combinations; Stick Quality: Bamboo stick for smooth burning. Frankincense is rusty in hue and has a granular surface. Stick Length: 8 inches; Burn Time: About 40 minutes; Ikshvaku incense has been tested at SIGMA TEST & RESEARCH CENTRE, New Delhi, India. SIGMA is an ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2005 & 17025:2005 accredited laboratory having US FDA DUNS No.864393171. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR). Ikshvaku incense is non-hazardous, does not damage the environment and can be shipped by road, sea or air as per the MSDS.
...morekapok seeds
Marathi Moggu is a spice that is native to Karnataka and is grown there. The Marathi Moggu is a woody bulb like structure with a woody tail at the top. It is very dry and compressed. It is used as a flavouring spice or agent for South Indian dishes. The fragrance is very spicy and strong. The spices have been cultivated in the Malnad region located in Karnataka. This place is rich, bountiful and blessed by the Mother Nature. The reason being it rains in plenty in Malnad because of which it is green, pure and moist, suitable for the growth of Marathi Moggu. Marathi Moggu is known as Kapok Buds which is a spice specially grown in Karnataka for preparing certain dishes like Bisi Bele Bath, Kannadiga, saagu, etc. It is called Moggu in Karnataka and Mogga in Telugu. It is also known as Indian Capers as its common name. According to the Ayurvedic Doshas, Marathi Moggu brings Kapha and Pitta to moderate levels. The effect on the Vata Dosha is good after eating.
...moreJasmine sticks
Jasmine flower is known as the “Queen of Night”. Although Jasmine represents love in the life of an individual, but love doesn’t mean the sedation that an incense is empowered to render. This has a benefit of astral projection. Jasmine incense is an indication of the pleasant occurrences all around an individual as it is resistant to low-spirited environment. Prosperity paves its way through the harsh times when jasmine incense sticks are burned every evening in household of individuals. Benefits : Factual Benefits Jasmine incense hits the middle ground with a moderate scent, moderate smoke, and purer herbal jasmine scent. Jasmine incenses are generally easy to light and evenly burning without any snuffing. It has been made with natural herbs instead of any artificial perfumed oil. Inhaling jasmine scent is said to transmit messages to a brain region involved in controlling emotions. Other Benefits The aroma of the Jasmine incense is strong but not pungent or gross. Jasmine scent treats emotional imbalances like depression, elevates the mood, psychological relief etc. Product Features Size of the stick: 8 inches; size of the carton: 21cm*21cm*19cm; size of the master carton: 45cm*45cm*45cm. The stock can also be packaged in other distinct ways: 8 inches covers 21cm*21cm*19cm cartons Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: None, non-toxic. Frankincense, being an exquisite fragrance, is very sweet, sugary and engaging. One can also get rid of depression with the cheering fragrance of Frankincense. Quality: Natural, Herbal extracts of floral combinations; Stick Quality: Bamboo stick for smooth burning. Frankincense is rusty in hue and has a granular surface. Stick Length: 8 inches; Burn Time: About 40 minutes; Ikshvaku incense has been tested at SIGMA TEST & RESEARCH CENTRE, New Delhi, India. SIGMA is an ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2005 & 17025:2005 accredited laboratory having US FDA DUNS No.864393171. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR). Ikshvaku incense is non-hazardous, does not damage the environment and can be shipped by road, sea or air as per the MSDS.
...moreganesh idol
Sumukascha - the One with a good face, embodiment of Jnana or knowledge, Lord Gajanana, the One with an Elephant face, remover of obstacles, leader of the Gods, Lord Gajeswara Made of clay, hand-made, no two idols will be exactly same; hand-painted, most beautiful and cute Made by artisans of a cottage industry, made in India, in the northern State of Uttar Pradesh Lucky charm to begin any new activity Ideal gift for every one; Set of FOUR Idols, 3 inches in height;
...moreFrankincense Incense Sticks
Frankincense had been derived from Old French as “Franc Encens” which literally means “a high quality incense”. Frankincense is used for burning as an incense. The people of Oman deem frankincense incense sticks as the substance brought with the blessings of the transcendent. There is an availability of frankincense in the highest value and also the lowest one. Silver and Hojari are both the highest quality of Frankincense. The frankincense resins that fall after the summer rains are considered to be the best for preparing the incense. The colour of Frankincense varies from white to lemon yellow. Frankincense also has a Biblical reference, according to which, Jesus was gifted Gold Frankincense and Myrrh by Magi. Frankincense has a great demand in the industry of Aromatherapy, perfumery and pharmaceuticals. The incense sticks are completely hand rolled. The colour of the incense is rusty just as the reddish brown coating that gets deposited onto the iron. The paste of the Frankincense incense is hand rolled onto the bamboo stick. The size of the incense stick is 8 inches. Benefits : Factual Benefits Inhalation of Frankincense resin possess the benefits of fighting from depressive moods, as noted by Jeanne Rose as an author of Aromatherapy. Frankincense also reduces the wake time and works as a sleeping aid for an individual who has problems while sleeping time. The fragrance of Frankincense described as lemony and piney integrated with a sweet and woody fragrance. Other Benefits It leaves a fragrance that lingers in the whole house or workplace and is a soft and gentle fragrance. The fragrance acts as a sedative for spiritual opening and enhancement of the capacity for thinking. It converges all our energies to a focused centre which is helpful for meditation. Product Features Size of the stick: 8 inches; size of the carton: 21cm*21cm*19cm; size of the master carton: 45cm*45cm*45cm. The stock can also be packaged in other distinct ways: 8 inches covers 21cm*21cm*19cm cartons Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: None, non-toxic. Frankincense, being an exquisite fragrance, is very sweet, sugary and engaging. One can also get rid of depression with the cheering fragrance of Frankincense. Quality: Natural, Herbal extracts of floral combinations; Stick Quality: Bamboo stick for smooth burning. Frankincense is rusty in hue and has a granular surface. Stick Length: 8 inches; Burn Time: About 40 minutes; Ikshvaku incense has been tested at SIGMA TEST & RESEARCH CENTRE, New Delhi, India. SIGMA is an ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2005 & 17025:2005 accredited laboratory having US FDA DUNS No.864393171. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR). Ikshvaku incense is non-hazardous, does not damage the environment and can be shipped by road, sea or air as per the MSDS.
...moreFloral Delight Incense Sticks
Floral Delight is derived from the stigmas of the ivory-white and purple crocus flower which is known as “Floral Delight Crocus”. The flowers contain thread like structures which have a crimson colour. The aroma of Kesar is like that of metallic honey with grass-like or hay-like notes in it. Floral Delight is also used as a spice as a colouring agent in foods. Its growth has been native to Southwest Asia. Gradually, it went throughout Eurasia because of its popularity and later to North America, North Africa and Oceania. Floral Delight incense sticks renders an aroma which is strong, creamy consisting of sweet muskiness with a warm sandalwood base. Floral Delight incenses are hand rolled with the Kesar extracts and the original essence of Floral Delight onto the bamboo sticks. The colour of the incense is mustard while the size of the incense is 8 inches. Benefits : Factual Benefits The stick has a lingering presence even after a single stick is burned. Other Benefits When inhaled as an incense, Floral Delight works as a happiness inciter, increases amorousness, desire and also increases physical awareness. It even helps in elimination of depressive moods and stress. It improves, memory retention, learning capacities and focus of an individual, especially children. Product Features Size of the stick: 8 inches; size of the carton: 21cm*21cm*19cm; size of the master carton: 45cm*45cm*45cm. The stock can also be packaged in other distinct ways: 8 inches covers 21cm*21cm*19cm cartons Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: None, non-toxic. Frankincense, being an exquisite fragrance, is very sweet, sugary and engaging. One can also get rid of depression with the cheering fragrance of Frankincense. Quality: Natural, Herbal extracts of floral combinations; Stick Quality: Bamboo stick for smooth burning. Frankincense is rusty in hue and has a granular surface. Stick Length: 8 inches; Burn Time: About 40 minutes;
...moreFennel Seed
Fennel or saunf is a spice which has a sweet taste and is used for mouth freshening, preparing beverages, dishes, etc. Fennel is green coloured small thinly oval shaped seed. These are used with sugar for mouth freshning. The spices have been cultivated in the Malnad region located in Karnataka. This place is rich, bountiful and blessed by the Mother Nature. The reason being it rains in plenty in Malnad because of which it is green, pure and moist, suitable for the growth of Saunf. Fennel is named differently in different languages such as- Indian English: Sanchal; Marathi: Badisep; Malyalam: perumjeerakam; Kannada: Sompu; Bengali: Mouri; Odia: Pana Mahuri. According to Ayurveda, fennel is used to decrease all the three doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
...moreDivine Aroma Incense Sticks
Divine Aroma is derived from the stigmas of the ivory-white and purple crocus flower which is known as “Divine Aroma Crocus”. The flowers contain thread like structures which have a crimson colour. The aroma of Kesar is like that of metallic honey with grass-like or hay-like notes in it. Divine Aroma is also used as a spice as a colouring agent in foods. Its growth has been native to Southwest Asia. Gradually, it went throughout Eurasia because of its popularity and later to North America, North Africa and Oceania. Divine Aroma incense sticks renders an aroma which is strong, creamy consisting of sweet muskiness with a warm sandalwood base. Divine Aroma incenses are hand rolled with the Kesar extracts and the original essence of Divine Aroma onto the bamboo sticks. The colour of the incense is mustard while the size of the incense is 8 inches. Benefits : Factual Benefits The stick has a lingering presence even after a single stick is burned. Other Benefits When inhaled as an incense, Divine Aroma works as a happiness inciter, increases amorousness, desire and also increases physical awareness. It even helps in elimination of depressive moods and stress. It improves, memory retention, learning capacities and focus of an individual, especially children. Product Features Size of the stick: 8 inches; size of the carton: 21cm*21cm*19cm; size of the master carton: 45cm*45cm*45cm. The stock can also be packaged in other distinct ways: 8 inches covers 21cm*21cm*19cm cartons Manufacturing Style: Hand-rolled; Cover: Resealable plastic; Chemicals: None, non-toxic. Frankincense, being an exquisite fragrance, is very sweet, sugary and engaging. One can also get rid of depression with the cheering fragrance of Frankincense. Quality: Natural, Herbal extracts of floral combinations; Stick Quality: Bamboo stick for smooth burning. Frankincense is rusty in hue and has a granular surface. Stick Length: 8 inches; Burn Time: About 40 minutes;
...moreCricket Ball
India is a hub where all types of sports goods aremanufactured. There are certain districts and states that particularly producesports goods in the factories. We are also one of the brands that manufacturesports goods. We basically specialise in the production of Cricket Balls. Wemanufacture Cricket Balls for Test Cricket, One Day Cricket, 20-20 Cricket,50-50 Cricket, International cricket tournament, Ranji Cricket, practicematches, etc. The types of cricket balls are dependent on a variety of factorslike colours of balls, quality of balls, balls for different matches, etc. Onthe very basis of colours the cricket balls are manufactured in two colourswhich are: 1) Red Balls- The balls that are red incolour for playing cricket, are tanned in red colour while they aremanufactured. The manufacturing process’ very first step includes the dyeing ofthe leather for making a red ball. Red ball is widely used around the world forplaying cricket like in tournaments, 20-20 cricket matches and also for leisureplaying as is continued with a Red Ball. 2) White Balls- The balls that are white incolour needn’t to be dyed for the leather that is brought to manufacture themis already white in colour. Some of the balls are dyed with white colour aswell. The balls that are not dyed in white colour are a bit pale in appearanceas the white colour very soon turns to pale yellow. The balls that arepreferred for playing are the balls that aren’t dyed white. It is because theballs with a weary appearance encourages a good gripping by the players. Hence,a professional player would choose a ball that isn’t polished over a polishedone. These were the two categories onthe basis of colours of the cricket ball. Now, we will come to the other categoryof the quality of the balls. Although same balls are used for all sorts ofmatches but they differ from each other in quality aspect. The quality of theballs depends upon the quality of the leather used. And on the basis of theleather, the quality of the balls can be divided into three categories whichare as follows: 1) High Quality cricket balls- High Qualitycricket balls are produced with the similar leather as the other balls. Thequality of the leather decreases with the thickness of the leather. In otherwords, as the thickness of the leather decreases, the quality and durability ofthe ball also decreases. So, the balls with a higher quality are the ones thatare manufactured with the highest quality thick leather sheet. And only thehigh quality balls are produced in our factories for sale so that our customersencounter no such quality issues with the ball after purchasing it. The balls are available in both the coloursi.e. red and white. 2) Medium Quality cricket balls- The mediumquality cricket balls are produced with the leather that is not thick enough toendure the wear and tear. Its thickness depends upon the leather sheet that isused to produce them. Although the balls are not that ineffective to play butare generally not preferred for big reputed matches. The balls are available inboth the colours i.e. red and white. 3) Low Quality cricket balls- The lowquality cricket balls are produced with the leather that is very low and not atall thick enough to hold. These balls are basically used by the local peoplefor playing cricket as a game for enjoyment and leisure. These people do notuse the ball at a stretch like the National and International matches that areplayed using the High quality balls. These are the types of balls onthe basis of the quality of the leather. The quality of the ball depends uponthe thickness of the leather. Although leather is a significant part thatdetermines the quality of the balls but cork also plays another essential rolefor deeming a good quality ball. More thick and hard the cork more will be thedurability and quality of the ball. Besides determination of thetypes of balls on the basis of colours and quality, we divide the types of theballs on the basis of the production of the ball. The production of the ball isdependent on the pieces of leather used to make a ball. They can be dividedinto two categories: 1) Two-pieceleather ball- a two piece leather ball is manufactured by using just thetwo pieces of leather that are wrapped around the ball. The ball doesn’t lastfor long. It is not at all preferred by the professional players or for thatmatter not even by the local people who purchase cricket balls for leisure andenjoyment purposes. The reason behind its non-prefer ability is the early wearand tear of the ball, opening of the stiches, tearing of the leather,deformity, etc. It can probably be used by the children who are fond of cricketballs or play cricket at home or with friends. 2) Four-pieceleather ball- a four-piece leather ball is produced with the four pieces ofleather that are wrapped around the ball. The balls with four-piece leather arethe ones that we manufacture. The possible reason for our manufacturing a four-pieceleather ball is because it is the largest selling ball and it is the foremostpreference of all the professional cricket players. The professional cricketplayers cannot manage the whole game with a two-piece leather ball. Afour-piece high quality leather ball is resistant to all the wear and tear thatis undergoes and can be used throughout the match. The four pieces of leatherare joined by the thread and are strengthened enough for the challenges thatcome in its way. These are the categories of ballson the basis of their production process. Let us now come to the productionof cricket balls, i.e. how the balls are manufactured. The manufacturing of thecricket balls in our factories happen through a manual process. The process ofmanufacturing cricket balls in India is labour intensive and doesn’t requireany machinery for the same. The labour intensive handmade production of thecricket balls is the aspect that makes our brand more unique. The productswhich are handmade are always made with whole dedication and effort whichappears on the ball and hence stand out from any other manufacturing company.Handmade manufacturing is the evidence that India is a country that specialisesin handicrafts and these cricket balls are one of a kind. The raw materials that arerequired to make the cricket balls are as follows: 1) Cork-Cork is one of the impermeable buoyant material, i.e. a prime subset of thebark tissue that consists of dead cells. Cork is brought from the factoriesthat are located in the nearby areas. The cork basically forms the base of theball over which the leather is sewn. The cork can be tough, hard, light, soft,etc. These properties of the corkdetermine the strong foundation of a ball and also its durability. 2) Leather-Leather is a material that is formed from the animal skin. The animals that areused to obtain the leather are buffalo, snakes, rabbits, etc. The reason behindusing animal skin or leather to make products is that the leather products arehighly durable, have a very finished appearance and have a very good texture.The leather is brought from the nearby located factories that manufactureleather. The colour of the real leather is basically the colour of the skinwhich is then died into different colours (if required) for its transformationinto a commercial product. 3) Thread-The thread that is used of stitching the leather wrapped over the ball is acotton thread. The cotton thread comes up in different varieties. It can besingularly rolled and formed into a thread which won’t have a good tensilestrength. Whereas the singular yarns are also integrated to form good strengthwith 100% tensile strength. The threads with 100% tensile strength are used forstitching the leather wrapped onto the cricket ball. The reason why thin plastic rolls are notused for stitching the leather wrapped on the ball instead of a cotton threadis that the plastic thread breaks earlier and is not at all stout enough tobear the wear and tear with the balls. The other reason for not using a plasticthread is that the cotton threads wear out with the wear out time of the ballbut a plastic thread doesn’t serve the purpose. These are the raw materialsrequired for the production of cricket balls. And the process is stated below: Step 1- The cork, leather and thread are brought from the nearbylocated factories in bulk quantities so as to manufacture the balls in goodquantity. Step 2- After the delivery of the cricket balls to ourfactory, our technicians start to work effortlessly for the production of thecricket balls. Each technician is assigned one or the other department for thecontinuation of the production process. Step 3- Leather sheets that are brought are allowed to dipinto the water for some time. Afterwards when they are taken out from thewater, they are again dipped into another bucket containing the dyes in whichthe leather is tanned with a colour which is either red or white. When thecolour on the leather appears intact and accurate, then the leather sheets aretaken out. The wet leather sheets are allowed to dry. The drying of the leathersheets is brought to a halt when the sheet is not entirely dried. Drying aleather sheet entirely would lead to stiffness which resists stitching with athread after enclosing the ball in the leather casing. Step 4- After drying the leather sheets (not entirely) thecork for establishing the base of the ball is brought into shape by carving itinto a spherical shape. For a high quality ball that is manufactured in ourindustry, the most strengthened cork is used for gripping, catching, etc. For alow and medium quality ball the cork which doesn’t hold much strength or is alittle less strengthening. Step 5- Since, the process of the cork has now beenexecuted, then a thin leather sheet is cut to cover the shape of a cork ball.It is then wrapped around the cork so as to smoothen and cover the cork beneaththe thin leather sheet. Step 6- Now, for a four-piece leather ball, a four pieceleather casing is made with the dyed leather. The leather casing is thenadjusted around the ball and then the stitching process is carried out. Thestitching is also done manually and it stitches the ball and seals the gaps inbetween the leather casing very minutely and neatly. Now the leather case iscovered with a slightly raised sewn seam that goes throughout the diameter ofthe ball. Step 7- After the ball is ready, we have small curved ironstamps that are of the size of the part of the curved surface of the ball. Thestamps are carved with the brand design i.e. “Ikshvaku”. It is then stampedover the red ball with a golden colour and stamped over the white ball with ared colour. It stamps the name of the brand and also the match type that theball will be used for. Step 8- After completion of the stamping process, the ballsare polished so as to develop a shine on them which acts as a protective shieldand final touch for the stamp and the ball respectively. The polishes that weuse for our high quality and medium quality balls is wax polish. This polish ensures the protection of the ball. Theother polish used for polishing the low quality balls makes it shinier than thewax polished ones. Hence, the other low quality balls are slippery enough whichresists the bowler to use them as they cannot maintain a good grip in the handsof the bowler. That is the reason that the balls with wax polish are used forprofessional competitive matches by the bowlers for they maintain proper gripin the hands of the bowler. These are the above eight stepsthat makes the balls eligible for the commercial process and ensure fullcustomer satisfaction. This is a kind of product that is manufactured manuallyin our factories.
...moreCoffee Seeds
Coffee seeds are used for preparing coffee as a beverage or as cold coffee. The coffee seed is dark brown in colour with a dividing line in between of the seed. It is ground for preparing drinks made with coffee powder. It is powdered on the very firstly. The spices have been cultivated in the Malnad region located in Karnataka. This place is rich, bountiful and blessed by the Mother Nature. The reason being it rains in plenty in Malnad because of which it is green, pure and moist, suitable for the growth of coffee seeds. The genus of coffee is "Coffea" which is a flowering plant that produces coffee beans. It is a member of the family of Rubiaceae. According to Ayurvedic Doshas, the coffee seeds are a potent factor in promoting Vata in humans. Pitta individuals become increasingly driven and irritable after having coffee seeds. Kapha's sluggishness makes the person easily addicted to coffee seeds. Coffee seeds affects the Kaphas with depression, lethargy, etc.
The clove is a brownish black, small thing used as a spice for adding flavour to the food. A Clove has a brownish black tail which blooms into a flower over which a brownish black coloured rounded ball is attached. The spices have been cultivated in the Malnad region located in Karnataka. This place is rich, bountiful and blessed by the Mother Nature. The reason being it rains in plenty in Malnad because of which it is green, pure and moist, suitable for the growth of cloves. Cloves are known by different names in different names throughout the country, which are: English: Cloves, Hindi: Laung, Marathi: lavamg(lavang), Odia: labanga. According to Ayurvedic Doshas, Cloves pacify the Vata and Kapha and increases the Pita doshas.
...morecashew nuts
Cashew Nuts - 1 Kg Cashew Nuts are one of the dry fruits which have a very neutral kind of taste with a bit of sweet tinge. The cashew nuts are of cream colour with the shape of a crescent moon. These are thick if seen from the outer portion. The spices have been cultivated in the Malnad region located in Karnataka. This place is rich, bountiful and blessed by the Mother Nature. The reason being it rains in plenty in Malnad because of which it is green, pure and moist, suitable for the growth of Cashew Nuts. Cashew Nuts are named and called differently in different regional languages such as- English: Cashew Nuts; Hindi: Kaju; Tamil: Munthiri;Kannada: Godambi; Malyalam: Parangiyandi. According to Ayurvedic Doshas, Cashew Nuts help in pacifying Vata Dosha and also its consumption increases the Kapha Dosha.
...moreCarom Seeds
Carom or Ajwain is used as a spice in cooked food. The spices have been cultivated in the Malnad region located in Karnataka. This place is rich, bountiful and blessed by the Mother Nature. The reason being it rains in plenty in Malnad because of which it is green, pure and moist, suitable for the growth of Saunf. Fennel is named differently in different languages such as- Indian English: Sanchal; Marathi: Badisep; Malyalam: perumjeerakam; Kannada: Sompu; Bengali: Mouri; Odia: Pana Mahuri. According to Ayurveda, fennel is used to decrease all the three doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Cardamom is another one among the list of spices. The green cardamom is used for flavouring drinks, beverages, shakes, food items, etc. It consists of a green coating that ends up in a tail. The green coating encloses around 12 black coloured seeds which have the original essence of an Elaichi. The spices have been cultivated in the Malnad region located in Karnataka. This place is rich, bountiful and blessed by the Mother Nature. The reason being it rains in plenty in Malnad because of which it is green, pure and moist, suitable for the growth of Elaichi. Cardamom is named differently in different languages such as- English: Green Cardamom; Hindi: Chhoti Elaichi, Marathi: Velachi, Malayalam: Elakka; Kannada: Elakki; Odia: Gujurati. According to Ayurveda, the green cardamom is helpful in balancing Vata, Kapha and Pitta. But most of the influence is seen on the Kapha dosh.
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