Software Services
We are providing Software Services. Intellicom is at the forefront of constantly changing technology landscape, developing new software solutions to address business challenges. Bringing these solutions to the market in an accelerated manner provides an early mover advantage and avoids wasting time and unnecessary spend in playing catch up. We are constantly evolving our capabilities to help companies do more with less: deliver software solutions on popular and trending platforms faster and ensure high quality within time constraints, with fewer resources, and lower costs. We achieve this by deploying best-in-class resources, adopting and standardizing best practices and best-in-class development tools, and leveraging development accelerators as often as possible.
...moreSocial Media Customer Service
We are providing Social Media Customer Service. Social customer service, which uses social media to serve customers, is rapidly becoming the new, critical channel to drive satisfaction and loyalty. Organizations are at different stages of maturity in their social care programs: some are only listening to customers to improve marketing, products and support, while others regularly engage with customers to reduce contact in other support channels. While two years ago only five percent of companies used social customer service, Gartner predicts that by this year companies using social media to service customers will increase to as high as 40%. Intellicom uses technology enabled solutions to effectively dispense social media customer service.
...moreRemote Quality Monitoring
we offer Remote Quality Monitoring. Our obsession with Customer Interaction Quality has resulted in a separate niche practice group at Intellicom – Remote Quality Management. Intellicom is the ONLY offshore quality monitoring vendor for a Fortune 200 US Company which has engaged us to monitor their US & Canadian call centers and provide feedback for compliance to internal processess, best practices and regulatory compliance. To achieve transparency and flexibility, Intellicom has built a web application where all the monitoring forms, vendor specific feedback and the actual call are available apart from various customizable reports.
...moreIT Services
We are an integrated IT consulting and software development service provider serving a diverse global client base. We propose solutions to meet their business needs and help them become agile, efficient and successful by implementing cutting-edge technologies.
...moreit consulting services
We are providing It Consulting Services. Intellicom offers a unique mix of business understanding and comprehensive technology expertise to help businesses embrace the full potential of IT. With more than 15 years of experience, multiple IT certifications and ongoing training allowing them to stay on top of their game, our team has built a stellar reputation as experts dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of IT.
...moreGeneric Product Development Services
We are providing Generic Product Development Services. Technology is the key enabler that can improve customer satisfaction and create competitive differentiators. Meeting unique customer needs often calls for tailor-made technology solutions that can improve operational efficiency, define customer-centric processes, and enable competitive differentiation. Intellicom's Application Development Solutions are integrated with a combination of the latest technologies and innovative strategies resulting in efficient and robust applications to help increase the productivity of customer's business. Our solution offers a suite of methodologies including Waterfall, Iterative, Spiral, Prototype, Component Based, Rational Unified Process (RUP), Rapid Application Development (RAD), AgileSCRUM and industry standard frameworks, which combined with our vast critical domain and technical expertise, provides our customers the best balance in terms of cost, agility, and quality for building applications that meet business requirements.
...moreDebt Collections Services
We are service providers of debt collections services. Debt collections is a key focus area for intellicom. We work with various lending institutions, debt buyers and premier collection agencies in the us to service the consumer debt collections market. We recover debt in various stages of delinquency including 1st party, pre-charge off, primary, mid-primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary & quints and work on products ranging from bankcards, retail charge cards, signature and personal cards to lines of credit, auto loans and telecom. Intellicom's debt collection operations have already figured in top debt collection rankings published by some clients. Our partnerships with various leading collection agencies have given us the opportunity to offer the best collection practices in the us worked out of india thus providing a mix of proven processes, scalability and efficiency.
...moreMarket Research Services
Offers market research services. Intellicom works with database companies, market research houses and government bodies for phone based market research and database updation. To increase efficiency of the system, we have developed customizable computer aided telephone interview (cati) software integrated with the predictive dialer. Service offerings: lifestyle survey product surveys market research database verification & updation opinion polls.
...moreOrder Taking Services
Offers order taking services. Intellicom handles programs of all size from single items to entire catalogs and process over 3 million order calls per annum currently. Credit card processing is available and can be facilitated online or via batch processing. Service levels - we understand that each call contributes to our clients' top line and adhere to some very strict service level agreements & have invested in an infrastructure to ensure compliance.
...moreCall Center Management Services
call center outsourcing services
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