Interactive White Boards
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Both the boards have same concept and technologies. The only thing is the Interactive White Board is one step ahead of Electronic White Board. Electonic White Board is just a copier board which means whatever you write on the board you can just get print of the content written on the board. Electronc White Board can be connected and operated with Computer but you can not save written content of the board on to your system. Interactive White Board is also an Electronc White Board which interacts with computer- means you can save the content of the board on to your systems just like your other documents. These saved documents can be used for re-presentation with option of annotatioin and edition.want. Iteractive Board is also suitable for multi-branches / cities classes or meeting. Interactive / Electronics White Boards are one of latest technology in presentation world today. Today all the schoools and intstitutes are converting their class rooms into SMART CLASSES. Corporates are making their Conference Room INTERACTIVE by using these technologies.
digital interactive white board
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digital interactive white board, White Board, green board, Writing Board
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