J.k. Adhesive Saket, Delhi

  • Fiber Sheets

    Fiber Sheets

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    Backed by the experience of 15 years, we have established ourselves as a prominent organization engaged in importing and trading Fiberglass Products. Our range of products comprises Wet Chopped, Stitch Chopped Mat, Multi End Roving, Woven Roving Tap, Multiaxial Fabrics and Fiber Glass Mash. Moreover, we also offer our clients Emulsion Chopped Mat, S Glass Roving, Powder Chopped Mat, BMC Chopped for thermoset, Polycarbonate Sheet and Acrylic Plastic Sheet. All these products are procured from reputed and reliable international suppliers based in Europe, Australia, Turkey and USA. This extensive range is used in roofing, pipes, cladding and external door skins. Owing to their high strength and low stiffness, the products are widely demanded in the market.

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Contact Information

J.k. Adhesive

  • Rajesh Pathak
  • 308, 3rd Floor, Vardhaman Premium Mall, Saket, Delhi