Kiddifort Preschool Najafgarh, Delhi

  • Education Services

    Education Services

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    We are service providers of education services. A preschool experience offers children the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, creativity, self-regulation, and social skills before getting into the stream of a regular school. This may be viewed as a launching pad for the kids to prepare them for the challenges they are to face once they enter into a school. In the times when the education centres have been metamorphosed into business outfits and institutions in the name of preparatory schools are mushrooming day in and day out, it becomes a daunting task for the parents to zero in on a good and affordable preschool.

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  • Pre School Service

    Pre School Service

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    We provide pre school service. A preschool experience offers children the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, creativity, self-regulation, and social skills before getting into the stream of a regular school. This may be viewed as a launching pad for the kids to prepare them for the challenges they are to face once they enter into a school. In the times when the education centres have been metamorphosed into business outfits and institutions in the name of preparatory schools are mushrooming day in and day out, it becomes a daunting task for the parents to zero in on a good and affordable preschool.

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Contact Information

Kiddifort Preschool

  • Lalita
  • Rz-p-18 Shiv Mandir Road New Roshanpura Najafgarh, Delhi