Multiplex Chair
multiplex owners looking to deck up their place with recliners in custom-specifications, Little Nap offers 3D layout assistance, drawing and consultation support that provide a overview of the final arrangement before you go ahead with the plan. We fulfill demands and go the extra mile to satisfy the client. From customizing recliners to fit the challenges set by platform constraints, so that the perfect reclining position is achieved and space left for passer-by to move comfortably, we give extreme attention to detailing. We are known for prompt service standards and go to lengths to help clients achieve perfect installations at their cineplex. While one of our client was facing issues with electrical recliners, we went all the way across to their site miles away to demonstrate them how to put the plug into electrical socket properly.
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medical recliners
Casa Living Room Recliner
Quies Living Room Recliner
Luxe Home Theater Recliner
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