M/s. Acsion Engineering (india) Pvt Ltd Ashram, Delhi

  • Water Softener

    Water Softener

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    The Water Softener offered by the company is used for boiler feed or in hot water piping, hard water will cause scale to form since most calcium and magnesium salts are less soluble at high temperature than at normal temperatures. sodium salts do not contribute to hard scale formation so water containing only sodium salts is called soft water. The convert hard water to soft waters the calcium and magnesium salts are removed or changed to sodium salts. In the ion exchange softener, the hard water flows through the bed of strong acid cation exchanger which causes the calcium and magnesium ions in the hard water to be exchanged for sodium ions, so that the treated water turns to soft water. The softening process may be illustrated by the following reactions Ca (HCO3) 2 +2 Nar CaR 2 +Na HC03 Calcium Sodium Calcium Sodium Bicarbonate Ion Exchange Ion Exchange Bicarbonate Mg SO4 Magnesium Sodium Magnesium Sodium Sulfate Ion Exchanger Ion Exchanger Sulfate The letter R represents the ion exchange resin. Obviously this softening process can continue only as long as the ion exchanger can supply sodium to replace the calcium and magnesium in the raw water. Like the electric storage battery, the ion exchanger bed must be regenerated at certain intervals to replenish the sodium in the ion exchanger bed. When the ion exchanger bed is no longer capable of softening, the sodium ion exchanger having been converted to calcium and magnesium ion exchanger, it must be returned to its original state by regeneration with dilute brine. Exhaustion of the ion exchanger bed is indicated by the gradual appearance of hardness in the effluent. The regeneration process is indicated by the following reaction. 2 Nacl + CaR2 2 Nar + CaCl2 2NaCl MgR2 2NaR MgCl2 Sodium Calcium and Sodium Calcium Chloride Magnesium Ion Exchanger Magnesium (Salt, Brine) Ion Exchanger Chlorides. The brine passes through the ion exchanger bed exchanging its sodium ions for the calcium and magnesium ions on the ion exchanger. The ion exchanger is returned to the sodium form for further use. While the spent brine containing the calcium and magnesium is rinsed from the bed and sent to drain. Inlet Water Quality Because the ion exchanger must be kept clean to function efficiently the water to be treated must be free of suspended matter such as oil, algae, organic matter and heavy metals such as iron, aluminum. These impurities collect on the ion exchanger particles and reduce their capacity for hardness removal. Hence some waters require coagulation and filtration prior to being fed into the softener. The ion exchanger particles can act as filters, but the softening ability and capacity will suffer and the ion exchanger bed may then require frequent cleaning or replacement. Although the ion exchanger will remove iron, the iron will coat the ion exchanger and chemically foul it. This may result in corrosion of the internals and also requires frequent ion exchanger replacement. Output Between Regeneration The capacity of the ion exchanger for softening water will vary with the type of exchanger and will also depend upon the salt used for regeneration. A high capacity polystyrene based caton exchanger is used in ACSION ion exchange softeners and a suitable quantity of sodium chloride is prescribed for each regeneration. The unit of water hardness measurement is the milligram per liter as calcium carbonate or mg/lit (as CaCo3). The raw water hardness, which the softener has been designed to treat and the expected capacity between re-generations is specified in the Data sheet. The capacity is roughly in inversely proportional to raw water hardness that is, if the hardness increases due to seasonal or other variations in the water, the softener will give a reduced capacity between re-generations.

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  • Watchem 2211 Cooling Water Treatment

    Watchem 2211 Cooling Water Treatment

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    Watchem-2211 is a versatile inhibitor used in ling water system for controlling scale corrosion. This liquid product is specially designed for open re-circulation cooling water systems. Watchem-2211 series of products are multi functional molecules which supply all of the properties for industrial cooling water treatment. Wutchem-2211 has led a revolution in the area of Cooling Water Treatment. Many of these formulations are built around Watchem-2211 because of their proven cost and performance effectiveness. Advantages Watchem-221l is a blended formulation by selected hydrolytically stable and powerful chemicals. It has got the threshold scale inhibition, sequestration of calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate, calcium phosphate, strontium sulphate barium sulphate, ferric hydroxide, Aluminium hydroxide, copper hydroxide, cobalt hydroxide and many more. Wntchem-2211 is effective in holding stoichiometric amount of calcium and magnesium salts in solution. Selected and scientifically proven inhibitors such as anodic & cathodic will keep the Cooling Water System under control against parent metal corrosion. Another major problem like fouling in the cooling water system is effectively controlled by a special polymer dispersant in H Watchem-2211 Dosage Watchem-2211 cannot be simply wasted in the Cooling Water System for which we have fully trained and expert professionals for advising the correct dosage based on the system details and other critical water parameters. We also have other service backup personnel on a regular interval basis to check and monitor chemical treatment programme. Submission of periodical onsite water analysis report covering critical parameters is an added advantage from Watchem family. Watchem-2211 should be dosed continuously in the makeup water line by dosing pump or gravity. This will ensure steady performance on Watchem cooling water treat programme. Packing Watchem series of products are packed and cater to the customer by non-refundable special HDPE carboy of 35/50 Kg. capacity & 200 Kg. HDPE drums. After Sale Service Watchem family has the strong, young dedicated and qualified after sales team in order to give the excellent service to the valuable customers. Pre-planned weekly program covering excellent service to the customers in time & periodically too are conducted. Our technical experts will assist you during implementation & monitoring of Watchem chemical treatment programme. Stringent periodical visits are meant for on sight water analysis, checking on performance of Watchem chemical treatment programme. Keeping in mind our consistent improvement to the quality of our products, we reserve our rights to change or alter the technical specification without prior notice. Handling & safety Measures Watchem products may have itching and irritation while contacting with skin or eyes. In case of such incidents with water that too only plain and cold. Do not handle Watchem without proper attention and industry recommended gloves, goggles, face shields and masks. Upon negligence of the above, medical attention is strongly recommended. Storage Watchem is supplied in heavy duty HDPE containers and are recommended to store in preferable ambient temperature and moisture free atmosphere. Before drawing the product from the container should shake well. Always ensure that the container is intact with the cap when it is not in use.

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  • Wastewater Treatment Plant

    Wastewater Treatment Plant

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  • Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket

    Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket

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    Beginning in the 1970s and extending into the 1980s, a new class of aerobic attached growth processes became established alternatives for biological wastewater treatment. These are up flow and down flow packed-bed reactors and fluidized-bed reactors that do not use secondary clarification. Their unique advantage is the small footprint with an area requirement that is a fraction (one-fifth to one-third) of that needed for activated-sludge treatment. Though they are more compact, their capital costs are generally higher than that for activated-sludge treatment. In addition to BOD removal, submerged attached growth processes have also been used for tertiary nitrification and de nitrification following suspended or attached growth nitrification. Down flow and up flow packed-bed reactors, feudalized-bed reactors, and submerged RBC can be used for post anoxic de nitrification. Trickling filters and up flow packed bed reactors are also used for pre anoxic de nitrification. ACSION has developed this unique design in such a way that of simple to operate and stability in the treated water quality have attracted to this design. Our technical expertise is still working in the R&D to upgrade this technique to the most modern design. Keeping in view the fruit of the advantage can be enjoyed by the valued customer. The Rational For UASB Treatment ( Upflow anaerobic-sludge blanket) The rationale for an interest in the use of anaerobic treatment processes can be explained by considering the advantage and disadvantage of these processes. The principal advantage and disadvantages of anaerobic treatment are listed in table 1.1 and are discussed below. Advantages of anaerobic treatment processes The prime advantages of ATP are energy considerations; lower biomass yield, fewer nutrients required, and higher volumetric loading are examined further in the following discussion. AdvantagesLess energy requiredLess biological sludge productionFewer nutrients requiredMethane production, a potential energy sourceSmaller reactor volume required Elimination of off-gas air pollutionRapid response to substrate addition after longPeriods without feeding DisadvantagesLonger start-up time to develop necessary biomass inventoryMay require alkalinity additionMay require further treatment with an aerobic treatment process to meet discharge requirementsBiological nitrogen and phosphorus removal is not possibleMuch more sensitive to the adverse effect of lower temperatures on reaction ratesMay be more susceptible to upsets due to toxic substancesPotential for production of odors and corrosive Energy Consideration Anaerobic processes may be net energy users, as is the case for aerobic processes. An energy balance comparison for a high-strength wastewater at 20°C is presented in table 1.2. for the conditions given in table 1.2, the aerobic process requires 1.9 x 106 kj/d. on the other hand, the anaerobic process produces a total of 12.5 x 106kj/d. of the total energy produced anaerobically, about 2.1 x 106 kj/d is required to raise the temperature of the wastewater from 20 to 30°C, the low end of the mesophilic temperature range, a more desirable temperature for anaerobic treatment. Thus the potential net energy production that can be achieved with anaerobic treatment is on the order of 10.4 x 106 kj/d or about 5 times the energy required for anaerobic treatment. The wastewater strength is important for comparing energy balances for aerobic and anaerobic processes where the wastewater temperature must be increased. with the same assumptions used to generate the energy balance presented in table 1.2, both the aerobic and anaerobic processes would require the same amount of energy input if the wastewater biodegradable cod concentration is 1270 mg/l. at lower cod concentrations, the aerobic process requires less energy. However, hear recovery from the anaerobic effluent stream can modify these values. Further, the lower biomass yield discussed below is still a major advantage offered by anaerobic treatment. Lower Biomass Yield Because the energetic of anaerobic processes result in lower biomass production by a factor of about 6 to 8 times produced from aerobic processes are discussed. The fact less sludge is produced in anaerobic treatment is a significant advantage over aerobic treatment. Fewer Nutrients Required Many industrial wastewaters lack sufficient nutrients to support aerobic growth. The cost for nutrient addition is much less for anaerobic processes because less biomass is produced. Higher Volumetric loadings. Anaerobic processes generally have higher volumetric organic loads than aerobic processes, so smaller reactor volumes and less space may be required for treatment. Organic loading rates of 3.2 to 32 kg cod/m3.d may be used for anaerobic processes, compared to 0.5 to 3.2 kg cod/m3.d for aerobic processes (speece, 1996). Disadvantages of Anaerobic Treatment process Potential disadvantages also exist for anaerobic processes as reported in table 1.1. Operational considerations, the need for alkalinity addition, and the need for further treatment are highlighted further in the following discussion. Operational Considerations The major concerns with anaerobic processes are their longer start-up time (months for anaerobic versus days for aerobic processes), their sensitivity to possible toxic compounds, operational stability, the potential for odor production, and corrosiveness of the digester gas. However, with proper wastewater characterization and process design these problems can be avoided and/or managed. Need For Alkalinity The most significant negative factor that can affect the economics of anaerobic versus aerobic treatment is the possible need to add alkalinity. Alkalinity concentrations of 2000 to 3000 mg/l as caco3 may be needed in anaerobic processes to maintain an accept pH with the high gas phase co2 concentration. If this amount of alkalinity is not available in the influent wastewater or cannot be produced by the degradation of proteins and amino acid, a significant cost may be incurred to purchase alkalinity, which can affect the overall economics of the process. Need For Further Treatment Anaerobic processes can also be followed by aerobic processes for effluent polishing to utilize the benefits of both processes. Series reactors of anaerobic aerobic processes have been shown feasible for treating municipal wastewaters in warmer climates resulting in lower energy requirements and less sludge production.

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  • Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film Reactor

    Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film Reactor

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    ACSION SAFF (Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film Reactor ) In ACSION SAFF processes, the microorganisms responsible for the conversation of organic material nutrients are attached to an inter packing material and nutrients are removed from the waste water flowing past the attached growth also known as a biofilm liquid layer. The most common aerobic attached growth process used is the trickling filter in which waste water is distributed over the top area of a vessel containing non submerged packing material. Historically, rock was used most commonly as the packing material for trickling filters, with typical depths ranging from 1.25 to 2 m (4 to 6 ft). Most modern trickling filters vary in height from 5 to 10 m (16 to 33 ft) and are packed with a plastic packing material for biofilm attachment. The plastic packing material is designed such that about 90 to 95 percent of the volume in the tower consists of void space. Air circulation in the void space, by either natural draft or blowers, provides oxygen for the microorganisms growing as an attachment biofilm. Influent wastewater is distributed over the packing and flows as a non uniform liquid film over the attached biofilm. Excess biomass sloughs from the attached growth periodically and clarification is required for liquid/solids separation to provide an effluent with an acceptable suspended solids concentration. The solids are collected at the bottom of the clarifier and removed for waste-water sludge processing. BIOLOGICAL NITRIFICATION Nitrification is term used to describe the two-step biological process in which ammonia (nh4 ân) is oxidized to nitrite (no2-n) nitrite is oxidized to nitrite (no3-n). the need for nitrification in wastewater treatment arises from water quality cancers over (1) the effect of ammonia on receiving water with respect to do concentrations and fish toxicity, (2) the need to provide nitrogen removal to control eutrophication, and (3) the need to provide nitrogen control for water-reuse applications including groundwater recharge. For reference, the current (2001) drinking water maximum contaminant level (MCL) for nitrate nitrogen is 45 mg/l as nitrate or 10mg/l as nitrogen. the total concentration of organic and ammonia nitrogen concentration in municipal wastewater is typically in the range from 25 to 45 mg/l as nitrogen based on a flow rate of 450l/capited.d (120gal/capita.d). In many parts of the world with limited water supplies, total concentrations in excess of 200 mg/l as and have been measured in domestic wastewater. PROCESS DESCRIPTION As with BOD removal, nitrification can be accomplished in both suspended growth and attached growth biological processes. For suspended growth processes, a more common approach is to achieve nitrification along with BOD removal in the same single-sludge process, consisting of an aeration tank, clarifier, and sludge recycle system. In case where there is a significant potential for toxic and inhibitory substances in the wastewater, a two-sludge suspended growth system may be considered fibers in series with the first aeration tank/clarifier unit operated at a short SRT for BOD removal. The BOD and toxic substances are removed in the first unit, so that nitrification can proceed unhindered in the second. A portion of influent wastewater usually has to be bypassed to the second sludge system to provide a sufficient amount of solids for efficient solids flocculation and clarification. Because the bacteria responsible for nitrification grow much more slowly than heterotrophic bacteria, systems designed for nitrification generally have much longer hydraulic and solids retention times than those for systems designed only for BOD removal. In SAFF systems used for nitrification, most of the BOD must be removed before nitrifying organisms can be established. The heterotrophic bacteria have a higher biomass yield and thus can establish. The heterotrophic bacteria have a higher biomass yield and thus can dominate the surface area of fixed-film systems over nitrifying bacteria. Nitrification is accomplished in an attached growth reactor BOD removal or in a separate attached growth systems designed specifically for nitrification. The placement of packing material in the aeration tank of the activated-sludge process dates back to the 1940s with the Hays and Griffith processes (WEF, 2000). Present day designs use more engineered packing and include the use of packing materials tat are suspended in the aeration tank with mixed liquor, fixed packing material placed in portions of the aeration tank, as well as submerged RBC. The advantages claimed for these activated sludge process enhancements are as follows : Increased treatment capacityGreater process stabilityReduced sludge productionEnhanced sludge settles abilityReduced solids loadings on the secondary clarifierNo increase in operation and maintenance costs MICROBIOLOGY Aerobic autotrophic bacteria are responsible for nitrification in activated sludge and biofilm processes. Nitrification, as noted above is a two step process involving two groups of bacteria. In the first stage, ammonia is oxidized to nitrite by one group of autographic bacteria. In the second stage, nitrate is oxidized to nitrate by another group of autotrophic bacteria. It should be noted that the two groups of autographic bacteria are distinctly different. Starting with classical experiments on nitrification by Winogradsky (1891), the bacteria genera commonly noted for nitrification in wastewater treatment are the autotrophic bacteria Nitrosamines and Nitrobacter, which oxidize ammonia to nitrate and then to nitrate, respectively. Other autotrophic bacteria where were identified as being capable of oxidation ammonia to nitrate (prefix with Nitroso-) are Nitrosococcus, Nitrosospira, Nitrosolobus, and nitrosorobrio (printer, 1970). It should be noted that during the 1990, many more autotrophic bacteria were identified as being capable of oxidizing ammonia. Besides Nitrobacter, nitrite can also be oxidized by other autotrophic bacteria (nitro-) genera: Nitrosococcus, Nitrosospira, Nitrospina and Nitroeystis. Using oligonucleotied probes for ammonia oxidizing bacteria, Wagner et al. (1995) showed that nitrosomonas was common in activated-sludge systems. For nitrate oxidation in activated sludge, Teske et al. (1994) found that Nitrococcus was quite prevalent. Whether different growth conditions can select for different genera of nitrifying bacteria or if their nitrification kinetics are significantly different is unknown at present. ACSION has developed this technique in a most modern way of versatile design and has supplied many such plants to meet the requirement of our valued customers.

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  • Ro Plant

    Ro Plant

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    Reverse Osmosis is a general process used for separation of substances in fluid mixtures viz. Aqueous, non aqueous or gas mixtures. Reverse Osmosis (R.O) as a process has significantly grown over the last 15 â 20 years, so that it is now generally the accepted economical method for desalination of brackish water and competes strongly with distillation, for desalination of sea water and other demineralization processes based on Ion Exchange. Due to rapid industrial development and increasing density of industrial units as well as population density in the vicinity of industrial units, water requirements have grown over the years. In all major cities in India particularly in metropolitan cities, about 20 -30 % of municipal water is consumed by industry. It is estimated that requirements of water for important industries in India viz. power sector, sugar, coal, paper, petroleum products, cement fertilizer, and dairy will be twenty five times in the year 2015 as compared to 1974. This paper discuss the water requirements and exploitation of alternative sources of water such as raw sewage water, treated sewage water and industrial waste water reclamation and its reuse for fulfilling industrial requirements so that ground water and surface water sources can be conserved for domestic needs for longer time. Water is life, something without which we cannot exist and we are dependent on outside sources for our requirements of pure and safe drinking water, bottled water is expensive and runs the risk of being spurious, and handling it is tedious. UV based water purifiers remove only part impurities while taste of water remains totally dependent on the original supply which, in most cases, is very hard thus one is never able quench oneâs thirst. With so many morbid diseases hovering the human race, one has to be careful and cautious so as to keep these threats at bay. More then 70% of these diseases are water-borne diseases, which spread very quickly and because we all are so open to water intake in many different forms we are an easy target to these diseases. Here comes in RO â the perfect water treatment system for ultimate purity and good taste. Its multi stage purification process and RO technology , not only physically removes unwanted and life threatening micro-organisms but also removes harmful chemical pollutants and heavy salts present in the water, to ensure clean and healthy drinking water. Impurities in water Physical impurities like suspended particles, sand, dirt, dust, rust, silt, color, turbidity etc.Microbiological impurities like germs, bacteria and viruses.Toxic chemical impurities like mercury, chromium, arsenic, lead, fluoride, etc Dissolved impurities like heavy salts, calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc. Reverse Osmosis Technology Reverse Osmosis is a process of water filtration; under high pressure using special membrane remove suspended, hard, dissolved, bacterial, and chemical impurities up to 0.001 micron (1 micron=1/1000 mm) from water. Tap water containing dissolved heavy mineral salts flows through a semi-permeable RO membrane, which remove hardness and dissolved contaminants, molecule by molecule from the tap water. The result is pure tasty water. The treated purifier water free from all impurities and toxic chemicals is collected in a storage tank ready for consumption for human, animal and industrial process. The toxic chemicals, germs and dissolved heavy salts are drained out to give you safe, contamination free drinking water. In the world of ever increasing demand and ever decreasing supply of water, it is now possible to produce water with in the W.H.O standards by the use of ACS Reverse Osmosis systems.

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  • Pressure Sand Filter

    Pressure Sand Filter

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    The Pressure Sand Filter provided by the company has a mild steel pressure vessel that has external valves for controlling the flow of water during treatment process. The media of our Pressure Sand Filter has layers of crushed gravel and graded pebbles. An inlet distributor is equipped in it that directs the inflow of raw water upwards towards the top-dished end. Then the filtered water goes through bottom collecting system that controls the assists in the cleaning of the filter. This Pressure Sand Filter uses coagulant solution that is dosed simply or using chemical dosing system. The company offers Pressure Sand Filters that have their internal surface painted with anticorrosive paint or epoxy based paint. Flow indicators are given as optional extras for controlling and measuring flow of water. Pressure Gauges are also provided at the inlet and outlet. An orifice board is fitted in the drain for controlling flows. Unlike conventional sand filters, this Pressure Sand Filter uses a special media that permits flow velocities of water nearly three times.

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  • Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor

    Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor

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    Trickling filters with rock packing have been a common, simple, and low-energy process used for secondary treatment since the early 1900s. A trickling filter is a non submerged fixed film biological reactor using rock or plastic packing over which wastewater is distributed continuously. Treatment occurs as the liquid flows over the attached biofilm. The concept of a trickling filter grew from the use of contact filters in the England in the late 1890s. Originally they were watertight basins filled with broken stones and were operated in a cyclic mode. The bed was filled with wastewater from the top, and the wastewater was allowed to contact the packing for a short time. The bed was then drained and allowed to rest before the cycle was repeated. A typical cycle required 12 h (6 h for operation and 6 h of resting). The limitations of the contact filter included a relatively high incidence of clogging the long rest period required, head loss, and the relatively low loading that could be used. Because of the clogging problems, larger packing was used until a rock size of 50 to 100 mm (2 to 4 inch) was reached (critics and tchobanoglous1998). In the 1950s, plastic began to replace rock in the United States. The use of plastic packing allowed the use of higher loading rates and taller filters (also known as Biotowers) with less land area, improved process efficiency and reduced clogging. In the 1960s, practical designs were developed for rotating biological contactors (RBC), which provided an alternative attached growth process where the packing is rotated in the wastewater treatment tank, versus pumping and applying the wastewater over a static packing. Both trickling filters and RBC have been used as aerobic attached growth processes for BOD removal only, combined BOD removal and nitrification and for tertiary nitrification after secondary treatment by suspended growth or attached growth processes. The principal advantages claimed for these aerobic attached growth processes over the activated-sludge processes are as follows : Less energy requiredSimpler operation with no issues of mixed liquor inventory control and sludge wastingNo problems of bulking sludge in secondary clarifiersBetter sludge thickening propertiesLess equipment maintenance needsBetter recovery from shock toxic loads In comparison to the activated sludge process many disadvantages often cited for trickling filters, such as poorer effluent quality in terms of BOD and TSS concentrations, greater sensitivity to lower temperature, odor production, and uncontrolled solids sloughing events, are related more to the specific process and final clarifier designs than to the actual process capabilities (wef, 2000). In general, the actual limitations of the processes (1) make it difficult to accomplish biological nitrogen and phosphorous removal compared to single sludge biological nutrient removal suspended growth designs, and (2) result in an effluent with a higher turbidity than activated-sludge treatment. Trickling filters and RBC have also been used in combined processes with activated sludge to utilize the benefits of both processes, in terms of energy saving and effluent quality. Mass Transfer Limitations A significant process feature of attached growth processes in contrasted to activated sludge treatment is the fact that the performance of the biofilm processes is often diffusion limited. Substrate removal and electron donor utilization occur within the depth of the attached growth biofilm and subsequently the overall removal rates are function of diffusion rates and the electron donor and electron acceptor concentrations at various locations in the biofilm. By comparison the process kinetics for the activated-sludge process is generally characterized by the bulk liquid concentrations. The diffusion-limited concept is especially important when considering the measurable bulk liquid do concentrations on attached growth process biological reaction rates. Concentration of 2 to 3 mg/l is generally considered satisfactory for most suspended growth aerobic processes. Such low do concentration can be limiting for attached growth process. For uninhibited nitrification in the biofilm a much higher do concentration may be required depending on the ammonia concentration. The concept of diffusion limitations on nitrification rates and the ability to develop anaerobic layers within the biofilm may be exploited to accomplish both nitrification and in de nitrification in attached growth processes with positive bulk liquid do concentrations. Investigators have shown how aerobic and anaerobic layers can be developed in the biofilm to accomplish nitrogen removal nitrification and de nitrification (Chuiet al. 1996; Richter and Kruner, 1994; and Meaney and Strickland, 1994). However, Acsion has developed this technology in such a way simple to operate and the maximum technical benefit to the client. Upgraded and modified technique has yielded cost effective results there by achieved operational cost to the minimum level and also steady and stable plant results. Ongoing improvements in the R&D of Acsion will elevate this technology in to the next ladder in the future.

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  • Mineral Water

    Mineral Water

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    We are counted one among the foremost Mineral Water Plant Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters in the field. Our commendable Mineral Water Plant helps in easy purification of water and to do away with all kinds of bacteria and viruses. The Mineral Water Plant manufactured by us can be availed at highly reasonable prices. AttributesFlawless filtrationPurifies contaminated waterDetachment of harmful ingredientsSmooth working process Used InTea GardenHousing FlatsHotelsIndustryP.H.E.Hospital

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  • Iron Removal Filter

    Iron Removal Filter

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    The Iron Removal Filter offered by the company has a mild steel pressure vessel that has external valves for controlling the flow of water during treatment process. The media of our Iron Removal Filter has layers of crushed gravel and graded pebbles. The company provides Iron Removal Filter that have their internal surface painted with anticorrosive paint or epoxy based paint. Flow indicators of these Iron Removal Filters are given as optional extras for controlling and measuring flow of water. Pressure Gauges are also provided at the inlet and outlet. An orifice board is fitted in the drain for controlling flows. Our Iron Removal Filter has special media that permits flow velocities of water about three times as compared to conventional filters. These Iron Removal Filters are highly recommended in the Industries where heavy load of organic contents and iron are treated.

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  • Effluent Treatment Plant

    Effluent Treatment Plant

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    The objectives of biological treatment, some useful definitions, the role of microorganisms in the biological treatment of wastewater, and biological processes used for wastewater treatment are introduced in this section to provide a perspective for the material to be presented in this section. The removal of dissolved particulate carbonaceous BOD and the stabilization of organic matter found in wastewater are accomplished biologically using a variety of microorganisms, principally bacteria. Microorganisms are used to oxidize the dissolved and particulate carbonaceous organic matter into simple end products and additional biomass, as represented by the following equation for the aerobic biological oxidation of organic matter. V1 (organic material) V2O2 +V3NH3 +v4po43 ----------------v5 (new cells) +v6co2+v7h2o Where Vi = the stoichiometric coefficient. In this equation oxygen (O2), ammonia (NH3), and phosphate ( ) are used to represent the nutrients needed for the conversion of the organic matter to simple end products [carbon dioxide (co2) and water] .the term shown over the directional arrow is used to denote the fact that microorganisms are need to carry out the oxidation arrow is used to denote the fact that microorganisms are need to carry out the oxidation process. The term new cell is used to represent the biomass produced as a result of the oxidation of the organic matter. Microorganisms are also used to remove nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater treatment process .Specific bacteria are capable of oxidizing ammonia to nitrite and nitrate, while other bacteria can reduce the oxidized nitrogen to gaseous nitrogen. For phosphorus removal, biological processes are configured to encourage the growth of bacteria with the ability to take up and store large amounts of inorganic phosphorus. Because the biomass has a specific gravity slightly greater than that of water, the biomass can be removed from the treated liquid by gravity setting. It is important to note that unless the biomass produced from the organic matter is removed on a periodic basis, complete treatment has not been accomplished because the biomass, which itself is organic, will be measured as BOD in the effluent. Without the removal of biomass from the treated liquid, the only treatment achieved is that associated with the bacterial oxidation of a portion of the organic matter originally present. Types of Biological Processes for Wastewater Treatment The principal biological processes used for waste water treatment can be divided into two main categories: suspended growth and attached growth processes. (MBBR, SAFF, ASP, UASB&MBR). The types of microorganisms involved the specific reaction that they perform, the environmental factors that affect their performance, their nutritional needs, and their reaction kinetics. These subjects are considered in the design section and ACSION focus these areas for the overall performance of the plant. ACSION has the technical capability and expertise for the successful design and operation of all these processes to our valuable customer. Need For âACSIONâ Advanced Effluent Treatment The need for advanced wastewater treatment is based on a consideration of one or more of the following factors. The need to remove organic matter and total suspended solids beyond what can be accomplished by conventional secondary treatment process to meet more stringent discharge and reuse requirements.The need to remove residual total suspended solids to condition the treated wastewater for more effective disinfection.The need to remove nutrients beyond what can be accomplished by conventional secondary treatment to process to limit eutrophication of sensitive water bodies.The need to remove specific organic (e.g., heavy metals) and organic constituents (e.g., MBTE and NDMA ) to meet more stringent discharge and reuse requirements for both surface water and land based effluent dispersal and for indirect potable reuse applications (e.g., groundwater recharge).The need to remove specific inorganic (e.g., heavy metals, silica) and organic constituents for industrial reuse ((e.g., cooling water, process water, low pressure boiler makeup water, and high-pressure boiler water). With increased scientific knowledge derived from laboratory studies and environmental monitoring concerning the impacts of the residual constituents found in secondary effluent, it is anticipated that many of the methods now classified as advanced will become conventional within the next 5 to 10 years. Compounds containing available nitrogen and phosphorus have received considerable attention since the mid- 1960s. Initially, nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater discharges became important because of their effects in accelerating eutrophication of lakes and promoting aquatic growths. More recently, nutrient control has become a routine part of treating wastewaters used for the recharge of groundwater supplies. Nitrification of wastewater dischargers is also required in many cases to reduce ammonia toxicity or to lessen the impact on the oxygen resources in flowing streams or estuaries. As a result of the many concerns over nutrients, nutrient removal has become, for all practical purposes, an integral part of conventional wastewater treatment.

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  • Dual Media Filter

    Dual Media Filter

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    The company avails filters in ACSION standard plant range in either graded sand or activated carbon as the media. The ACSION Dual Media Filter comprises a mild steel pressure vessel containing the media provided externally with valves and piping to direct, and control flow of water during treatment and for cleaning. Layers of crushed gravels and graded pebbles support this media. An inlet distributor is equipped in it that directs the inflow of raw water upwards towards the top-dished end. Then the filtered water goes through bottom collecting system that controls the assists in the cleaning of the filter. We provide the Dual Media Filters that have their internal surface painted with anticorrosive paint or epoxy based paint. Flow indicators are given as optional extras for controlling and measuring flow of water. Pressure Gauges are also provided at the inlet and outlet. An orifice board is fitted in the drain for controlling flows. Our Dual Media Filter has anthracite as first media then sand as second media for effective results.

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  • DM Plant

    DM Plant

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    We offer high grade DM Plant that is known as demineralization plant. Our DM Plant is widely acclaimed for high durability and smooth working with low maintenance. We are highly acknowledged as the trustworthy DM Plant Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters in the field. QualitiesEfficiently purifies the waterEasy installationPerfect designingLong lasting Helps InRemoving the mineral saltsRemoving other impuritiesForming charged particles

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  • Demineralisation Plant

    Demineralisation Plant

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    The company specializes in the Design of dematerializing system custom-made tom meet varying specifications, taking into account raw water characteristics, resin performance, mechanical design and the treated water quality requirement. ACS has designed and supplied two bed, three bed, four bed, mixed bed and layered bed ion exchange columns incorpo- rating counter current, split flow and thoroughfare regeneration techniques to achieve the highest water quality with the lowest Chemical consumption. We offer CA, CDA & CDWA ranges to meet the requirement of the customers. We specialize in the Design of dematerializing system custom-made tom meet varying specifications, taking into account raw water characteristics, resin performance, mechanical design and the treated water quality requirement.

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  • Color Removal Filter

    Color Removal Filter

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    We provide the customers high grade Color Removal Filter that complies with international quality standards. The Color Removal Filter of offered by us is highly appreciated for its durability and other unbeatable features. We are reckoned as one of the leading Color Removal Filter Manufacturers, Suppliers, and Exporters. FeaturesHigh accuracy Rugged in performanceRobust designingLow maintenance Used InDomestic applicationsindividual applications

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  • Advanced Membrane Biological Reactors

    Advanced Membrane Biological Reactors

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    ACSION AMBR (Membrane Biological Reactors ) As noted above, Nemours modifications of the activated sludge process have evolved in the 10 to 20 years, ACSION aimed principally at effective and efficient removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. Nearly all of the various modifications are based on the same fundamental principles of biological as described. Because of the development of the improved membrane design, principally for water treatment applications membrane technology has found increasing application for enhanced solids separation for water reuse and more recently for use in suspended growth reactors for wastewater treatment. We present Membrane biological reactors (AMBR), which may change the look of wastewater-treatment facilities in the future. Because the design and operation of the activated sludge process is becoming more complex, Acsion has developed computer modeling that is an increasingly important tool to incorporate the large number of components and reaction necessary to evaluate activated sludge performance. Introduction Sewage is generated from domestic operations in residential complexes, hotels, commercial complexes, animal farm etc. if the sewage generated is not handled properly, it may create water pollution and severe health hazards. Recent legislations in some parts of the country do not allow residential and commercial complexes to release the sewage into municipal sewers and thus necessitating constructing individual sewage treatment plants. Management of sewage generated from residential complexes and commercial complexes is gaining importance not only from sanitation point of view but also from water recycle point of view. Now-a-days, sewage is being looked as an alternate source for water for specified uses. As water shortage is increasing and expected to increase further in coming years, alternate sources are gaining importance. These include sewage recycle, rain water harvesting, etc. Out of these; sewage recycle is most successful because of consistency of availability. As long as water is used for various domestic purposes, sewage generation is imminent. Another advantage with sewage is that it is available right at the point of use. Because of this reason, decentralized treatment of sewage is gaining prominence. Treatment Scheme Considering the requirements of our esteemed customer, we are proposing sewage treatment with state-of-the-art membrane separation technology called Acsion Advanced Membrane Bio-Reactor (AMBR) which can produce good quality with highest possible bacterial reduction without adding any chemicals. AMBR (Advanced Membrane Bio Reactor) is the latest technology in wastewater treatment. AMBR has many advantages such as higher quality of treated water, smaller space for installation and easier operation compared to conventional activated sludge process. Proposed treatment scheme with Acsion AMBR is shown below. A raw sewage effluent will be collected from the labor camp by gravity to the existing equalization tank and thereby pumped to AMBR aeration tank in which air is provided homogeneously to reduce BOD level. AMBR module will be placed in the tank and suck the filtrate to the supernatant tank and thus may be pumped to RO Plant for removal of excess inorganic salts and biological impurities. The final output will be of potable drinking water standards. The entire system will be operated by âPLCâ control. Advantages of âACSIONâ AMBR AMBR (Advanced Membrane Bio Reactor) is the latest technology in wastewater treatment with many advantages as listed below : GIVES SUPERIOR QUALITY OF TREATED WATER The quality of treated water in case of AMBR is much superior to conventional biological systems. As the membrane acts as a physical barrier, it does not allow any sludge particles and to great extent bacteria and viruses to pass through it. Microorganisms like conform or cryptosporidium can be easily removed in AMBR. This increases the reliability of the system is multifold. DOES NOT REQUIRE CLARIFIER UNIT AMBR does not require clarifier tank where as conventional activated sludge process requires clarifier which further adds to the area requirement and cost. DO NOT REQUIRE FURTHER TERTIARY TREATMENT Conventional biological systems require further costlier tertiary treatment to match the performance of the AMBR system. This may include coagulation, filtration, chlorination, adsorption, UV treatment, etc. Less Number of Treatment Units AMBR system has minimum number of treatment units and very simple to operate. it does not require any regular handling of hazardous chemicals. As the treatment units are less, it is less prone to system breakdowns. Requires Less Space AMBR requires much less space when compared to conventional activated sludge process. Biological reaction in AMBR can be carried out under the condition of 4 to 5 times of MLSS compared to conventional activated sludge process. It means the aeration tank volume is 1/4th to 1/5th of that of a conventional design. Combining this with other features mentioned, above results into very compact design requiring less space than conventional design. Chemical Free Treatment As conventional treatment systems require disinfections with chlorine, it needs to be removed completely before applying on to gardens or for green belt development. Otherwise, high amount of residual chlorine may damage the plants. Also, disinfection with any disinfectant does not remove organisms, it only inactivates them. The effect depends on the amount of disinfectant used, the quality of filtration applied, the retention time available for oxidation and the existence or non-existence of other competing reaction partners (scavenging). As AMBR acts like a physical barrier, it does completely remove bacteria and viruses up to a degree of 4 - 7 log removal (104 to 107 times reduction), independent of type or life form of organism. Hence, AMBR does not require any other chemical disinfection. Specific Advantages of Acsion AMBR System High Membrane Life The membranes are made of PVDF with pet non woven fabric. It is resistant to many chemicals and hence has long operational life. Expected life of membrane is five years. EASY INSTALLATION The membrane modules are easier to install as they come in one assembly. In-Built Air Diffusers The membrane module has in-built air diffusers and hence does not require any additional air diffusers to be installed. This also simplifies the erection activity of the Acsion AMBR. Retrievable Membranes The membranes can be easily taken out of the system for physical inspection without emptying the aeration tank which makes the operation and maintenance of the unit simple. SIMPLE OPERATION The âACSIONâAMBR unit does not require high sophisticated automation. There is no need to backwashing of the membrane. Also, the chemical cleaning required is only once in 2 to 3 months which may be extended to 6 months also. Because of the above reasons, the automation required is very less when compared to any other AMBR system. INTEGRITY TESTING OF MEMBRANES In rare case of membrane failure, it is very easy to identify the faulty membrane element for isolation or repair or replacement. Modular Design The plant capacity can be easily extended by adding additional membrane modules. Hence, no need to invest now for future additional flows. Low sludge production The sludge produced is only one fifth of conventional system. The sludge produced is also high stable and hence easy to dispose off. No Daily Sludge Disposal Problem There is no need to dispose the sludge every day. It can be discharged once in a month. Odor Free Treatment The ACSION AMBR treatment does not produce any objectionable odors and hence it is very safe to house it near or inside basement of housing or commercial complexes. Less Energy Consumption The AMBR system does not require sludge recirculation system, clarifier, filter feed pumps, filter back wash pumps, chemical dosing pumps, UV sterilization, etc., It results into low energy consumption when compared to other conventional system. No Formation of Disinfection By-Products As chlorination is not required, AMBR does not produce disinfection by-products which are toxic to many living beings. Can Be Fed Directly To RO System The treated sewage from AMBR has low SDI (Silt Density Index) and can be fed directly into RO plant without any further treatment.

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  • Activated Sludge Process

    Activated Sludge Process

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    ACSION ASP (Activated Sludge Process) Activated Sludge Process (ASP) In ASP process, the microorganisms responsible for treatment are maintained in liquid suspension by appropriate mixing methods. Many suspended growth processes used in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment are operated with a positive dissolved oxygen concentration, but applications exists where suspended growth anaerobic reactors are used, such as for high organic concentration industrial waste water and organic sludge. The most common suspended growth process used for municipal waste water treatment is the activated-sludge growth process used for municipal wastewater treatment is the activated-sludge process shown in the figure and discussed below. The activated-sludge process was developed around 1913 at the Lawrence experiment station in Massachusetts by Clark and gage (metcalf and eddy, 1930), and by Arden and Locket (1914) at the Manchester sewage works in Manchester, England. The activated sludge process was so named because it involved the production of an activated mass of microorganisms capable of stabilizing a waste under aerobic conditions. In the aeration tank, contact time is provided for mixing and aerating influent wastewater with the microbial suspension generally referred to as mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) or mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS). Mechanical equipment is used to provide the mixing and transfer of oxygen in to the process. The mixed liquor then flows to a clarifier where the microbial suspension is settled and thickened. The settled biomass, described as activated sludge because of the presence of active microorganisms, is returned to the aeration tank to continue biodegradation of the influent organic matter. A portion of the thickened solids is removed daily or periodically as the process produces excess biomass that would accumulate along with the non biodegradable solids contained in the influent wastewater. If the accumulated solids are not removed, they will eventually find their way to the system effluent. An important feature of the activated-sludge process is the formation of floc particles, ranging in size from 5 to 200 um, which can be removed by gravity settling, leaving a reality clear liquid as the treated effluent. Typically, greater than 99 percent of the suspended solids can be removed in the clarification steps, the characteristics and thickening properties of the flocculent particles will affect the clarifier design and performance. ACSION has developed the technology in a proprietary way of design and supplied to customers and such plants are in successful operation for the pas many years.

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  • Activated Carbon Filter

    Activated Carbon Filter

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    Our Activated Carbon Filter has a mild steel pressure vessel that has external valves for controlling the flow of water during treatment process. The media of our Activated Carbon Filter has layers of crushed gravel and graded pebbles. An inlet distributor is equipped in it that directs the inflow of raw water upwards towards the top-dished end. Then the filtered water goes through bottom collecting system that controls the assists in the cleaning of the filter. We provide the Activated Carbon Filters that have their internal surface painted with anticorrosive paint or epoxy based paint. Flow indicators are given as optional extras for controlling and measuring flow of water. Pressure Gauges are also provided at the inlet and outlet. An orifice board is fitted in the drain for controlling flows. Our Activated Carbon Filter effectively chlorinates water for removing organic impurities.

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    Reverse Osmosis Plant

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  • Reverse Osmosis Plants

    Reverse Osmosis Plants

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  • Sewage Treatment Plant

    Sewage Treatment Plant

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  • Water Treatment Plant

    Water Treatment Plant

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  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 1998
  • No. of Employees Below 20
  • Annual Turnover Rs. 2.5 to 5 Crore Approx.

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  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
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M/s. Acsion Engineering (india) Pvt Ltd is Retailer of Activated Carbon Filter, Watchem 1122/1122c Boiler Water Treatment Chemical, Color Removal Filter, Dual Media Filter, Iron Removal Filter, Pressure Sand Filter, DM Plant, Water Softener, Ro Plant, Mineral Water from Delhi.
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Contact Information

M/s. Acsion Engineering (india) Pvt Ltd

  • G. Rejikumar
  • 179-a, 3rd Floor, Jeevan Nagar, Ashram, Delhi