Male Infertility Stem Cell Treatment Services
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the root cause that happens to be a point of concern related to the male infertility issues have still been a mystery. the regenerative medicine that is displayed in great potential. the new and improved methods are developing the sperms in a dish. stem cell therapy for male infertility is hence, being tried and tested on different levels. if statistics are to be believed then about 1 out of 8 couples face issues when trying to conceive. the abnormalities usually occur due to semen abnormalities present in the male partner. with advancements and medical prowess taking the world by a storm, there have now been some tests and treatment methodologies being tried by the best and reputed facilities. male infertility stem cell therapy has emerged as one of the most highly compatible and effective treatment for the particular ailment.
Male Infertility Treatment Services
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Usma Ayurvedic clinic is popular and certified Sexologist in delhi. Usma ayurvedic clinic successfully treating men problem and infertility from last ten years. Your privacy is our priority.When you get an appointment at Usma clinic we may ask your name and some details for the confirmation. But be sure we will told these information’s to anyone without your permission. We have very strict rules and our whole staff to follow them.
Looking for Male Infertility Treatment Service Providers
Male Infertility Treatment Services
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Reproduction (or making a baby) is a simple and natural experience for most couples. However, for some couples it is very difficult to conceive. A man’s fertility generally relies on the quantity and quality of his sperm. If the number of sperm a man ejaculates is low or if the sperm are of a poor quality, it will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, for him to cause a pregnancy. Male infertility is diagnosed when, after testing both partners, reproductive problems have been found in the male.
Male Infertility
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In a couple trying to conceive, male factor might be solely responsible for 30% and in 20% or it might be a contributory factor. So to sum up in approximately 50% couples trying to conceive there might be an issue with the husband interfering with conception. In such a case a male infertility specialist should be looked for. How do you diagnose male infertility? A thorough history and physical examination are the first line in diagnosing male infertility. The backbone of investigating the husband is semen analysis. This simple, non invasive test can give us wealth of information. In simpler lay man terms a man must be producing healthy motile sperms in millions of number which are able to fertilise egg. So if there is any issue with number (COUNT), movement ( MOTILITY) or quality (MORPHOLOGY) of sperms, there will be difficulty in penetrating egg (FERTILISATION) resulting in infertility.
Male Infertility Assessment And Treatment
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Male Infertility Assessment And Treatment
Male Infertility Treatment Services
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Infertility refers to the condition or situation of the biological inability of a male or female to contribute to conception. In Ayurveda, male and female infertility problems are considered not just physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. According to the holistic science system of Ayurveda, the body is divided into several Dhatus or elements. The Dhatu that is accountable for reproductive health is called as the Shukra Dhatu. If the Shukra Dhatu fails to receive its due share of nutrition, it can cause blockage in the reproductive channels. A few causes can be an inbalanced digestion and inadequacy of well-balanced diet, the presence of too many toxins in the body, mental disturbances of anxiety, stress depression, and insomnia, hormonal imbalance, consuming junk and spicy foods, which increase the body heat and thereby weaken the Shukra Dhatu, by birth impotency, etc. Also, sexual overindulgence or controlling of sexual urges for a long period of time can eventually lead to sterility in some cases.
Male Infertility Treatment Service
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Male Infertility
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Male Infertility Treatment in Delhi
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Male Infertility Treatment in Delhi, Fertility Clinic in Delhi NCR
Male Infertility
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Male Infertility, health care service