Metal Crown Caps
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Metal crowns of various thicknesses and with PVC or PVC free liner
Aluminum Seal Cap for Glass Bottle & Jar
2 Per Piece
Best Deals from Metal Caps
metal lug cap
2 Per Piece
Aluminium Pilfer Proof Caps
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We serve the clients by offering them high quality Aluminium Pilfer Proof Caps. These Aluminium Pilfer Proof Caps designed with perfection and have accurate threading to fit in different designs of bottles. Our Aluminium Pilfer Proof Caps are made using materials which have high durability and so they can not be tamperedare offered by us in different attractive designs and multiple sizes. These Aluminium Pilfer Proof Caps are used for the air-tight sealing of those products which loose their natural quality after coming in contact with moisture. Preferred For Excellent finish Perfect threading Attractive designs
metal caps
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We are one of the quality manufacturers and suppliers of metal caps in India. Our seamed metal ends are ideal for composite and paper tube closure. We can customize any of our metal products with holes, slots and color. These are of strong build and are designed according to the customer specifications. Dimensionally correct these are in high demands in the market for their perfect fit and spill proof qualities. We can design the perfect metal cap for your application. We can customize your product with embossed logos, color, holes, slots and specialty sizes. Properties :- Dimensionally correctSpill proofCustomized product with embossed logos, color, holes, slots and specialty sizesPerfect designs and fit Uses :- In paper tube manufacturing industriesAutomobile IndustriesElectric goods industriesBiscuit IndustriesChips IndustriesConfectionery Industries
metal caps.
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metal caps.
metal deep drawing cap
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metal deep drawing cap, Crown Caps, Pilfer Proof Caps, Plastic Closures