Motor Run Capacitor
1200 Piece (MOQ)
Frequency : 50/60 Hz
Range : Upto 1.5MFD to 324MFD
Confirms to : IS:2993 EN/IEC:60252-1 Ed. 1.0
Capacitance Tolerance : ± 5%
Rated Voltage : Upto 600VAC
Tempreture Range : - 40°C to 85°C
Class of Operation : A / B / C / D
Selection Guide For Capacitor : Review following factors when selecting capacitors for any given application.\n\nRequired capacitance value & desired tolerance.\nWorking Voltage across capacitor in service\nEnvironmental & Maximum ambient temprature.\nDimensions, Termination type-Sn Plated m.s. /brass treminals (L or U-type), Wire Type, Cable Type. (Lenght for wire required)\nDuty cycle fo equipment, repetiton rate.\nApprox. monthly requirement.\n