Mystery Shopping Services
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As the name says itself, mystery shopping is the process of collecting product’s details and reviews anonymously. Our team has a number of mystery shoppers who buys the products and reviews it and submits the final report. This process helps the clients in enhancing their products or services.
Mystery Shopping Service
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Mystery shopping is invaluable for all companies whose staff have direct contact with members of the public. The customer service experience is one area of the marketing mix in which increasingly organisations seek to differentiate their offering from that of their competitors and the manner in which staff interact with the customer is of critical importance. Planning for mystery shopping In order to ensure that the behavior of real customers is replicated as closely as possible, a key first stage is to review how contact with the client is typically made and how for example inquiries are made and how orders are placed. This usually includes visiting outlets/branches, listening to telephone conversations between customers and members of staff as well as detailed discussion with our clients. Scenarios are developed in conjunction with the client. A range of scenarios is used to ensure that too much emphasis is not placed on any one type of inquiry. Mystery shoppers are carefully selected so that their characteristics match the requirements of the project. Mystery shoppers are thoroughly briefed for each scenario, with role playing used to ensure that they develop the capacity to “think on their feet”. Observations are recorded using a carefully designed, structured and objective scoring system. Telephone calls are usually recorded to minimize the reliance on memory when assessing the results. Dedicated mobile phone numbers are used for call-backs to avoid identification of mystery shoppers. All telephone inquiries are marked centrally, using the recordings of the calls, to ensure consistency of assessment. Using mystery shopping to inform staff training and development Mystery shopping interviews conducted over the telephone which are recorded for the purposes of marking and quality control can often prove of additional benefit when used in the training of both new and experienced staff. PCP often attend or run training sessions around the results. We find that constructive criticism is frequently more readily accepted when it is provided by an independent organisation. Our experience We have successfully carried out mystery shopping for a wide variety of organisations. Mystery shopping clients have included: Retailers Pharmacy Leisure centers Clubs Police authorities Business service providers Automobile showrooms Automotive parts suppliers
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Mystery Shopping Service
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eChamp research is a leading market research firm that anonymously evaluates and monitors the level of services being offered by your Organization across all the touch points to ensure that the customer or the end user is satisfied in all aspects. Our team of Mystery Evaluators evaluates the touch points and our expert team of analysts collaborates the information gathered to generate customized reports. Our detailed analysis not only facilitates in building customer base, retaining and nourishing currentexisting customers, maximizing sales and thereby, revenue, but also works as a double edged sword by highlighting the key areas of improvement across the touch points. Our well-structured reports enable your Organization to assess and enhance its employees’ sales ability and recognize the talent pool of its valuable employees. We also offer Strategic Competitor SWOT Assessments that strategically help your Organization to Formulate, Implement, Monitor and Adjust to market trends and stay ahead in the competitive world. Mystery shopping enables your Organization to measure service levels at all possible touch points including, but not limited to, In-Store, Call Center or Website evaluations. We also offer a unique End-User Feedback Program, “Mystery Sample Checks” for any retail product, which can be clubbed with an Organization’s Marketing Programs to compile and analyze the feedback of the real users of the product.
mystery shopping
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mystery shopping, Data Entry, survey, brand equity, data management
Mystery Shopping Service
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Mystery Shopping Research Services
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Mystery Shopping Service
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