ISO Perspirometer
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My QISO Perspirometer Helpful for determining the resistance of the color of Textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action of Human perspiration. Color Fastness of Dyed or printed fabrics, against perspiration, is determined by exposing the fabric sample to the action of both alkaline and acidic reagents, while in contact with undid adjacent fabrics on both sides. The test specimen along with adjacent fabric is placed between plastic (Acrylic) Separator plates, under a fixed load, inside an Incubator maintained at 37 C. Accessories Main unit : 1 No. Calibrated Load (SS 316) : 1 No. Number of Separator Plates : 21 Nos. Features of Perspirometer: Can also be used for testing color fastness against sea water and water. Made of stainless steel frame. User friendly and corrosion resistant. Smooth precision engineered components for excellent performance.