Resistance Tester Dealers in Geeta Colony, Delhi (1 products available)

  • Compression Resistance Tester Cum Nail Penetration Tester

    Compression Resistance Tester Cum Nail Penetration Tester

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    • Capacity of the load cell: 20,000 N x 10 N
    • Speed of movement of platen: 5mm/mint (for compression), 10mm/mint(for penetration)
    • Motor: ½ HP single phase 230 volts AC

    Safety / protective footwear should give safety to the toe of the user under compression load and to the sole against nail penetration. Compression resistance is determined by subjecting the footwear to a specified compression load and measuring the clearance with the help of a modeling clay cylinder. Nail penetration resistance is measured by measuring maximum force required for a nail to penetrate through the sole.   Related Standard BS EN 344 1993: Requirements and Test Methods for Safety, Protective. And Occupational Footwear for Professional Use Clause 54: Determination of Compression Resistance Clause 5.6: Determination of Penetration Resistance IS 15298 (Part-1):2002 ISO: 8782-1:1998

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