Robotic Training in Delhi

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  • Robotics Training

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    TRAINING PROGRAM ROBOTICS MODULE - 4 Course Content (80 Hours/1 Month) 1. Roboics – Introduction 1.1. History 1.2. Robot Subsystems 1.3. Motion subsystem 1.4. Recognition subsystem 1.5. Control subsystem 2. Robot classifications 2.1 Robot Classification by Application 2.2 Robot Classification by Coordinate System 2.3 Robot Classification by Actuation System 2.4 Robot Classification by Control Method 2.5 Robot Classification by Programming Method 3. Types of Actuators and Sensors 4 . Transformations 4.1 Links and joints 4.2 Kinematic chain 4.3 Degree of Freedom 4.4 Pose of rigid body 4.5 Orientation of rigid body 4.6 Homogeneous transformation Soft- Verification 5. Denvit and Hartenberg (DH) Parameters Problem description, CAD Modelling, D-H parameter, Validation of end effector matrix, Result presentation and Conclusion. 6. Kinematics 6.1 Forward Kinematics of a Revolute-Prismatic Planar Arm 6.2 Forward Kinematics of a Three-link Planar Arm 6.3 Forward Kinematics of a SCARA Robot 6.4 Forward Kinematics of a PUMA Robot 6.5 Forward Kinematics of the Stanford Arm 7. Inverse Position Analysis 7.1 Inverse Kinematics of the Articulated Arm 8. Programmig Based Exercises 9.1 Homogeneous Transformation of the Spherical Arm 9.2 Find the overall transformation matrix for the SCARA robot 9.4 Express the Jacobian matrix for SCARA robot. 9.4 Find out at least one singular configuration for the SCARA robots 9.5 Verify the EE matrix of given robotic kit 9. Independent Project Note: Training certificate will be provided to all participants.

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