Skill Development Advisor Pandav Nagar, Delhi


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  • Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY)

    Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY)

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    Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY)is a special scheme implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India with an aim to skill rural youth who are poor and give them with jobs having a usual monthly wage at or above the minimum wage. It is a part of the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) - the mission to curb poverty called Aajeevika. Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) chases its goal of reducing rural poverty by adopting a multi-faceted strategy. This comprises programs for rural housing (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - PMAY), rural infrastructure (Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana - PMGSY), livelihood promotion (National Rural Livelihood Mission - Aajeevika), employment guarantee (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme - MGNREGS) and social pensions (National Social Assistance Program - NSAP). DDU-GKY emanates its importance from its capacity to curb poverty by varying incomes and decreasing their uncertainty. Documents Required for DDU-GKY Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • Seekho Aur Kamao (Leaen & Earn)

    Seekho Aur Kamao (Leaen & Earn)

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    “Seekho Aur Kamao – A Skill Development Initiative for Minorities” Placement related skills training program for modern trades. Skills training program for Traditional Trades/Crafts/Art Forms. Aim is to reduce unemployment rate of minorities during the 14th Finance Commission. Empower minorities to avail scopes in the growing market. Seekho Aur Kamao (Learn & Earn) is a special scheme initiated by the Ministry of Minority Affairs with a target to improve the skills of the minority youths in several modern/traditional professions depending upon their present economic trends, educational qualification and the market potential, which will make them skillful to enhance their employability. Objectives of the Scheme :- • To reduce unemployment rate of minorities during the 14th Finance Commission • To preserve and update modern and traditional skills of minorities and determine their linkages with the job market. • To enhance job opportunities of existing workers, school dropouts, etc. and assure their placement. • To originate better livelihood for marginalized minorities and bring them in the mainstream. • To empower minorities to avail scopes in the growing market. • To establish potential human resource for the country. Documents Required for Seekho Aur Kamao (Learn&Earn) Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • traditional arts crafts development skill training

    traditional arts crafts development skill training

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    “Upgrading the Skills and Training in Traditional Arts/Crafts for Development” Develop capability of master craftsmen/artisans. Train young generation through the master craftsmen/ artisans for traditional arts/crafts Enhance employability of existing workers, school dropouts etc. Empower minorities to avail opportunities in the expanding market.. Usttad scheme is implemented by the Ministry of Minority Affairs with an aim to develop capacity and upgrade the traditional skills of master craftsmen/artisans. These trained master craftsmen/artisan will provide training to the minority youths in various specific traditional arts/crafts. Objectives of the Scheme • To protect prosperous tradition of traditional arts and crafts of minorities. • To establish standards of recognized arts/ crafts and their documentation. • To develop ties of traditional skills with the global market. • To create means of better standards of living for marginalized minorities and bring them in the mainstream. • To assure honour of labour. • To outline development and research in traditional arts/crafts. Documents Required for Ustaad Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • pmkvy skill development initiative scheme

    pmkvy skill development initiative scheme

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    PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) “Let’s make India the Skill Capital of the World” Assist in training of 24 lakh youths. Build registry of skills. Enhance the efficiency of the skilled individuals. Impart training in soft skills. PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) is the chief scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE). The purpose of this Skill Certification Scheme is to empower a large number of Indian youth to undertake industry related skill training which will assist them in ensuring a better standards of living. Skilled individuals who have already learning experience from earlier will also be assessed and certified under Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Under this Scheme, training and assessment fees are totally paid by the Government Documents Required for PMKVY Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector

    Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector

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    Samarth “Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector” Assist skilling and skill enhancement in the traditional sectors. Allow provision of supportable sustenance either by payment or self employment. Funding as per common norms of MSDE NSQF aligned courses. Samarth, also known as ‘Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector (SCBTS)’ aims to skill the youth for fruitful and sustainable employment in the textile sector. Objectives of the Scheme :- • To deliver as claimed, placement aligned National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) amenable skilling program to promote and augment the efforts of the industry in establishing jobs in the organized textile and related sectors, covering the whole value chain of textiles, excluding spinning and weaving. • To support skilling and skill enhancement in the traditional sectors of handicrafts, handlooms, sericulture and jute. • To allow provision of supportable sustenance either by payment or self employment to all parts of the society across the country. Documents Required for Samarth Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • hsrt hospitality programs services

    hsrt hospitality programs services

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    Hunar Se Rozgar Tak ( HSRT ) “Hunar Se Rozgar - An initiative to create employable skills” The apprentices must be in the age group of 18-28 years. Each training program must be of short duration - 6 to 8 weeks. Fees must not be charged from the trainee. Hotels categorized under 4 or 5 stars will be eligible for conducting the program. Hunar Se Rozgar Tak ( HSRT ) The Ministry of Tourism commenced a specific initiative called Hunar Se Rozgar Tak (HSRT) in the year 2009-10 for development of eligible skills amidst youth belonging to financially weaker strata of the society. The initiative is completely financed by the Ministry of Tourism. The HSRT initiative is being executed through expert institutions, including the, Institutes of Hotel Management, Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel = Management , Food Craft Institutes and India Tourism Development Corporation. The State Governments/Union Territory Administrations have also been approved to carry out the initiative through Institutes chosen by them for a reason. It is also compulsory for certain star-classified hotels to teach a specified minimum number of persons. Documents Required for (HSRT) Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • Haryana Skill Development Mission (HSDM)

    Haryana Skill Development Mission (HSDM)

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    Haryana Skill Development Mission (HSDM) “Udyog Mitra” Arrange vocational skills with training & industry. Develop a model driven by active industry and government cooperation. Develop a reward and recognition mechanism for the industry and youth. Establish a mechanism to connect youth with social. Udyog Mitra The Government of Haryana has implemented the Haryana Udyog Mitra Scheme under the guidelines of Haryana Skill Development Mission (HSDM) with a motive to standardize “earn and learn” concept for the youth which incorporates industry led skilling and training leading to employability. Objectives of Udyog Mitra HSDM aims to the following objectives through Udyog Mitra :- • To interconnect chief elements such as apprenticeship, industry linked skilling and employability to establish the whole value-chain. • To establish a structure to induce the industry to take part by offsetting main cost experienced in hiring and training manpower. • To display the industry and youth with a unique and flexible model, enabling both industries & youth with options of movement. • To establish a mechanism to connect youth with social schemes and by making primary contributions towards the same. Documents Required for Udyog Mitra Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • nai roshni Government welfare scheme

    nai roshni Government welfare scheme

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    “The Scheme for Leadership Development Of Minority Women 2017” Empowers the minority women to prove out for their rights. Assists in fighting various social shames such as poverty. Identification of women for training and selection standards. Elects eligible women trainees. The purpose of the project is to enable and infuse confidence among minority women, comprising their neighbors from other community-level residing in the same village/locality, by delivering knowledge, tools and techniques for communicating with Government systems, banks and other institutions at all levels. Authorization of women from the minority communities and encouraging them to move out of the boundaries of their home and community and presume leadership roles and affirm their rights, individually or collectively, in accessing services, skills, facilities and opportunities besides demanding their right portion of advancement profits of the Government for enhancing their lives and living circumstances. This comprises economic empowerment of the trainee women to make them self-reliant and confident members of the society. Documents Required for Nai Roshni Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • Naya Savera Government welfare scheme

    Naya Savera Government welfare scheme

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    “Free Coaching and Allied Scheme for the Candidates/Students Belonging to Minority Communities” Offers economic support for free coaching. Promotes students belonging to the notified minority groups. Educate minority candidates for competitive examinations. Provides grants to the student on a cost basis. The scheme targets to enable the students belonging to minority communities and prepare them for competitive examinations, so that their involvement in government and private jobs enhances. The scheme offers economic support for free coaching to notified minority students in selected coaching institutions. Objectives of the Scheme • Qualifying examinations for entrance in technical/ professional courses such as medical, law, engineering, management, information technology, etc. and language/aptitude examinations for looking admission to foreign universities. • Competitive exams for enlistment to group 'A', 'B' and 'C' facilities and other similar posts under the Central and State Governments comprising public sector undertakings, banks, insurance companies as well as self-governing bodies Documents Required for Naya Savera Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • nai manzil welfare scheme skills training

    nai manzil welfare scheme skills training

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    “An integrated Education and Livelihood Initiative for the Minority Communities” Raise youth from minority communities Aid girls from minority groups. Deliver comprehensive skill training to the youth Enhance awareness and education in health and life skills. Nai Manzil targets to involve creatively with poor Minority youth and assist them acquire sustainable and fruitful employment opportunities that can enable them to be incorporated with mainstream financial activities. The scheme mobilizes youth from minority communities who are school drop-outs and offer them with formal education and certification up to level 8th or 10th under different state open schooling systems or National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). Documents Required for Nai Manzil Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana

    Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana

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    National Rural Livelihood Mission Enhance supportable livelihoods for the poor. Facilitate in accessing to formal credit. Facilitate in accessing to entitlements and public services. Assist for variation and strengthening of livelihoods. National Rural Livelihood Mission The National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) is a poverty abatement project initiated by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. This scheme is focused on enhancing self-employment and organization of rural poor. Moreover, the poor would be aided to attain increased access to their entitlements, rights and public services, diversified risk and better social indicators of empowerment. National Rural Livelihood Mission opines in bridling the inherent proficiencies of the poor and supplements them with abilities (skills, knowledge, information, finance, tools and regimentation) to take part in the developing economy of the country. Documents Required for National Rural Livelihood Mission Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • Ministry of Ayush Scheme

    Ministry of Ayush Scheme

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    Ministry of Ayush Enhance AYUSH intervention for community health care. Boost organizationally skilled AYUSH practitioners. Accomplishes gaps in health services. Provides low cost services in remote areas. Ministry Of Ayush AYUSH refers to Ayurvedic, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. It relates to the department of AYUSH. The Ministry of AYUSH was created on 9th November 2014 to assure the ideal growth and extension of AYUSH systems of health care. Earlier it absolutely was referred to as the department of Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy (ISM&H) that was formed in March 1995 and renamed as department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) in November 2003, with centered attention for the progress of Education and Research in Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. Funding Pattern of Ayush system • Maximum Rs.150 lakhs are acknowledged for the duration of three years. • The funds are released in 3 installments of 40%, 40% and 20% of the entire quantity approved. The 2nd and 3rd installment are released after getting acceptable achievement-cum-performance report and on expense of at least 75% of discharged quantity and after approval of UC thereof. Documents Required For Submission Thorough proposal must be forwarded duly. Copy of Registration (other than State Government) must be attested. Copy of Bye-laws (other than State Government) must be attested . Copies of Audited Statements of account for last five years (other than State Government) must be attested. Bank account details containing bank statement of last 6 months (other than Government organization) must be submitted. A note of previous activities and conquests of the organization should be submitted Certificate of abiding to the terms & conditions should be duly submitted.

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  • National Highways Authority of India Scheme

    National Highways Authority of India Scheme

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    Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of India Establish, maintain and conduct National Highways. Suggest the Central Government on issues concerning to highways. Establish employment opportunities for local people. Develop a policy frame work for plantation along National Highways. National Highways Authority of India NHAI is the committee created by the government who will be accountable for the maintenance and the improvement of the national highway networks. The objective of the national highways is that the interconnecting roads had been created to various cities and states with the maximum possible shortest distance. This will be very beneficial in reaching our destination in a minimum time. India has achieved a very good rank in the road transportation globally. Documents Required for NHAI • Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. • Pan card • Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. • Last 3 year ITR. • CA Certificate • Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • Surya Mitra Program

    Surya Mitra Program

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    Skill Development Program Free Training by National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) & Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE). 90 days training program. 600 hours training program. 100 GW Solar Energy production by 2022. The Surya Mitra program targets to enhance the skills of youth, considering the scopes for employment in the rising Solar Energy Power project’s plantation, operation & conservation in India and abroad. The Surya Mitra Program is also configured to train the candidates to become new entrepreneurs in the Solar Energy sector. The Surya Mitra Skill Development Programs are financed by the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Government of India. Documents Required for Surya Mitra Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) Program

    Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) Program

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    Scheme of Support to Jan Shiksha Sansthan(NGO)'s for Skill Development Enhance the occupational skills and technical knowledge of the neo-literates and the trainees. Deliver academic and technical resource support to Zilla Saksharata Samities Arrange equality programs through Open Learning Systems. Boost national goals such as secularism, national integration, women’s equality etc. Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) program delivers vocational skills to non-literate, neo-literates as well as school dropouts by determining skills that have a market in the area of their development. JSS program is previously known as Shramik Vidyapeeth. Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) portrays an institutional structure for providing Non-formal, Adult and Continuing Education Programs for underprivileged groups. The Jan Shikshan Sansthan scheme was moved from the Ministry of Human Resource Development to Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship in July-2018. Documents Required for Jan Shikshan Sansthan Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate. Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • Recognition of Prior Learning Scheme

    Recognition of Prior Learning Scheme

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    Recognition of prior learning (RPL) scheme Demand Aggregation portal Identify the skill of an individual. Acknowledge the skill levels of 10 Lakh people under PMKVY in multiple sectors. Assist in aligning the competencies of the un-recognized workers of the country with the standardized NSQF framework. Upgrading the career/employability opportunities Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a platform to ensure acknowledgement to learning through work or the informal learning to acquire equal acceptance as the formal levels of education. It targets to appreciate prior learning regardless of the medium of obtaining it. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an implementation of the Government of India (GoI), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), enforced by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). Documents Required for RPL Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate. Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • employment skills training placement service

    employment skills training placement service

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    National Urban Livelihoods Mission Ensure an asset to the urban poor in the form of skills. Improve the income of urban poor. Assure comprehensive growth to the National economy. Skill up-gradation of persons already engaged in an occupation. The Employment through Skill Training & Placement (EST&P) component under National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) is configured to ensure skills to the unskilled urban poor as well as to enhance their existing skills. The program will offer for skill training of the urban poor to allow them setting up self-employment ventures and for salaried jobs in the private sector. The EST&P program aims to fill the gap between the demand and availability of local skills by giving skill training programs as required by the market. Documents Required for (EST&P) Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate. Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • Jharkhand Skill Development Mission Scheme

    Jharkhand Skill Development Mission Scheme

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    “Saksham Jharkhand Kaushal Vikas Yojana (SJKVY)”” Enhance the employability of the youth. Assure skill development training to the youth of the State. Improve the skill training facility in the state of Jharkhand. Develop entrepreneurial skills. Saksham Jharkhand Kaushal Vikas Yojana (SJKVY) is a special implementation by the Government of Jharkhand with an aim to enhance the employability of the youth and enable them to participate in the economic growth of Jharkhand and India. Objectives of the Scheme • To enhance the employability of the youth to diminish poverty, unemployment, under-employment and socio-economic inequality. • To ensure skill development training to the youth of the State. • To establish entrepreneurial skills and self-employment for youths of Jharkhand. • To help in formation of an enabling environment to draw investment in professional and skill development sector. Documents Required for SJKVY Incorporation Certificate / Registration Certificate. Pan card Last 3 year Audit Balance Sheet. Last 3 year ITR. CA Certificate Letter head. Bank details of organization/cancelled cheque. SPOC (Single Point Of Contact) Person Details.

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  • company registration

    company registration

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    In India private limited company is the most widespread and famous type of corporate legal entity. The registration of the private limited company is regulated by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies Incorporation Rules, 2014. At least two shareholders and two directors are needed in order to register a private limited company. A corporate legal entity can only be a shareholder, whereas a natural person can be both a director and shareholder. Moreover, foreign corporate entities, foreign nationals or NRIs is authorized to be directors and/or shareholders of a company with Foreign Direct Investment, making it the preferable option of entity for foreign developers. The private limited company includes some unique features like ability to raise equity funds, limited liability protection for shareholders, perpetual existence and separate legal entity status make it the most suggested types of business entity for millions of small and medium sized businesses that are family owned or professionally managed. Documents Required for Company Registration Copy of PAN Card of directors Passport size photograph of directors Aadhaar Card/ Voter identity card of directors Copy of Rent agreement (If rented property) Electricity/ Water bill (Business Place) Copy of Property papers(If owned property) Landlord NOC (Format will be provided) Passport Driving License Bank Statement Telephone Bill Ration Card

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  • msme registration

    msme registration

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    “Empowering India-Powering the World” Enable the poor and marginalized to access benefits. Greater assistance for placing candidates. Switch in focus from training to career progression. Inclusive Program Design. MSME signifies micro, small and medium enterprises and any enterprise that lies any of these three groups. MSME enterprises are the fortitude of any economy and power of economic growth, enhancing equal establishment for all. Thus, the MSMED Act of India facilitates the promotion and establishment of enterprises through many incentives, schemes and subsidies in order to encourage and create MSMEs. To use the advantages under the MSMED Act from Central or State Government and the Banking Sector, MSME Registration is essential. Micro, Small and Medium sized enterprises in both the manufacturing and service sector can achieve MSME Registration under the MSMED Act. However the MSME registration is not statutory, it is helpful for business as it offers a range of benefits such as eligibility for lower rates of interest, tax subsidies, excise exemption scheme, capital investment subsidies, power tariff subsidies and other support. Skill Development Advisor (SDA) can assist your business in achieving MSME Registration to gain a host of benefits. Documents Required for MSME Registration Copy of PAN Card of directors Passport size photograph of directors Aadhaar Card/ Voter identity card of directors. Copy of Rent agreement (If rented property) Electricity/ Water bill (Business Place) Copy of Property papers(If owned property) Landlord NOC (Format will be provided) Passport Driving License Bank Statement Telephone Bill Ration Card

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Service Providers / Wholesale Suppliers
  • Year of Establishment 2012
  • No. of Employees 20 - 50
  • Annual Turnover Below Rs. 0.5 Crore Approx.
  • Ownership Type Professional Association

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Skill Development Advisor (SDA) is one of the fastest growing skill development advisory platform in India. Which embarked with an objective to enable sustainable transformation through learning and skill development. SDA is incorporated specifically to bridge the gap & breach the geographical perimeters between the Skill training providers and government agencies. We provide consultancy in skill development, vocational training and CSR funding to prospective training partners, NGO, startups to enlighten them about skill industry and creating awareness about various government projects. SDA is set up to promote Training Partners and help them in achieving right business opportunities and connect them with government agencies. We help training agencies in filling error free business proposals, planned business development follow-up and provide consultancies in the training operations part also SDA provides attractive new features to serve you to benefit in your organizational growth. We are the only portal that provides both online and offline projects/tenders at one platform and deliver free guidance/advice of complete one year for all projects/tenders from our expert business development team.
Our Mission
To create an eco-system for Social Startups, Larger Social Impacts and Knowledge creation. To be a centralized think-tank for nationwide Government Agencies and its various Departments. To create awareness about professional and impactful processes with ministries, PSU (Public Sector Awareness), Authorities and Corporate CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) schemes.
Our Vision
To be a professional and effective bridge between Training centers and Government Agencies / Departments / Corporate.
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Skill Development Advisor

  • Skill Development Advisor
  • A-49, First floor above agarwal sweets, Main Market Pandav Nagar Near Akshardham Mandeer delhi-92