DM 15 Soil pH Moisture Meter
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Soil Moisture Meter
4,500 - 6,000 Per piece
1 piece (MOQ)
Display3.5 Digit LCD Range0-100 Saturation% Accuracy+ 0.5% Power9V X 2 Battery SensorDip Type
Best Deals from Soil Moisture Meter
Digital Soil Moisture Meter
4,000 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
We manufacture highly efficient Digital Soil Moisture Meter to detect the percentage of moisture available in soil, coal, cement and sand. Used by diverse industries these apparatus have pen to mark content of moisture in soil and is available in proper case. Manufactured as per the specifications of our clients the equipment are in wide demand across the globe. User friendly Robust and reliable Dimensionally accuracy Compact design
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Soil pH and Moisture meter used to measure the PH and Moisture of the soil Pointer Type Soil Moisture and PH Tester MeterMultifunctional Handheld NeedleSoil Moisture Humidity and PH Measuring Gauge
Spectrum Technologies - TDR Soil Moisture Meter
400,000 - 500,000 Per Bag
1 Bag (MOQ)
The TDR 350 has two volumetric water content modes; one for standard soils and one for higher clay soils. In volumetric water content (VWC) mode, the meter converts a measured electrical signal into percent soil moisture content using an equation valid over a wide range of mineral soils. In irrigation mode, the meter displays a relative water content (RWC) on a scale of 0 to 100 corresponding to a user-defined upper and lower soil moisture reference level. Water deficit, the amount of water needed to bring the soil moisture content up to the upper reference level, is also calculated and displayed. The reference levels are easily programmed into the meter with the accompanying software. Create up to 2 management sites based on your soil types and crop needs. Use the raw reading mode (measurement period in microseconds) to do soil-specific calibrations. Perfect for Researchers and Consultants! An internal data logger and RS-232 port allow for use with a DGPS for geo-referenced soil moisture measurements. Includes software and PC cable.
Digital Soil Moisture Meter
3,000 - 4,000 Per Nos
1 Nos (MOQ)
Soil PH Digital Moisture Meter
100 - 10,000 Per piece
1 piece (MOQ)
Soil Moisture Meter
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Harvesto today is one of the leading manufacturers of Analytical and Test & Measuring Instruments for agriculture in India
Soil Moisture Meter
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Designed for quick and easy measuring. Monitor and record soil moisture accurately with TDR technology and Spectrum's GPS-compatible data logging equipment, Records 3,250 measurements.
Soil Moisture Meter
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Soil Moisture Meter
10,500 Per Piece
100 Piece (MOQ)
Soil Moisture Meter
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Designed for accurate soil moisture measurement, our digital soil moisture meter performs to your expectations offering all essential features you need. It is a research grade instrument and engineered for agriculture applications. The sensor probe is strong and 20 cm long can be inserted in any kind of soil. Digital display features accurate readings and while minimizing human error. This soil moisture meter can read, hold and record different readings and do average of them. Sturdy construction offers long years of operation. The complete instrument comes with meter, sensor, battery and user manual packed in hard carrying case. To know availability, price and supply details, please send us an email or talk to one of our executives.
Soil Moisture Meter
9,000 Per unit
Soil Moisture Meter
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We are presenting soil moisture meter that is highly recommended by industry experts worldwide for highly reliable moisture testing in different types of soil. Our Soil moisture meter or tester is most suitable test instrument available on the market at great price. It comes with rugged carrying case, stainless steel probe and easy to view large LCD display. With many user-friendly features, this soil moisture meter is widely used in agricultural industries, science research centers, universities, food industries and many others.
Soil Moisture Meters
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Soil moisture is commonly defined as the amount of water contained in a unit volume of soil. The retention of moisture, or water, in the soil and the attendant runoff from naturally occurring rainfall, snow melt, or irrigation are fundamental processes upon which all civilization depends for food production, potable water, and navigable streams and waterways. Easy Usage Compact Design. Sturdy Housing. High Accuracy. High Repeatability Large Display (LCD) Solid State Micro-Based Technology Fast Display Of Results (2 second) Automatic Temperature Correction/Compensation Long Lasting Battery Low Battery Indication Display
Soil Moisture Meter
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We are well known for supplying of wide variety of Soil Moisture Meter.
leaf area meter soil moisture meter
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leaf area meter soil moisture meter, Chlorophyll Meter, Infrared Thermometer
Soil Moisture Meter
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Soil Moisture Meter, Vertical Autoclave, Incubators
Soil Moisture Meter
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Soil Moisture Meter, pattern generators, AF-RF Oscillator, tacho generator