Lead Ingot
Dear Sir, We are pleased to introduce ourselves as the manufacturer of refined lead (minimum purity level 99.97%), various lead alloys such as Antimony, Selenium and Calcium. We have state-of-the-art and eco friendly lead refining, alloying and oxides manufacturing facility near Gurgaon (Haryana), India, where we produce finest quality of Refined Lead (minimum purity>99.97%), Lead Alloys & Lead Oxides (as per client prescribed specifications). We also have been tied up with registered and authorised lead recyclers to cater the requirements of lead smelting from lead scrap/old batteries. We have installed best machineries for the production of our products also we have imported and installed a Spectro Meter (Spectro Lab M-10 Model) for Quality Testing of refined lead/ lead alloys and Scott volumeter for lead oxides. I also wish to inform you that we are ISO-9001:2008 & ISO-14000:2004 certified company and our procedures are well documented and per ISO requirements. We are sure to supply the material as per your specs. Should you need any specific information at my end, please do let me know and I will be happy to provide the same. The undersigned may please be contacted at +919810737627 and In the meantime, our Brochure is enclosed herewith for your ready reference and perusal. Looking forward to hear from you at an early date. Thanking you, With Best Regards, YOGESH GUPTA, Director & CEO Starlit E-Recyclers Pvt. Ltd. Office : A-1/20, LGF, Safdarjang Enclave, New Delhi-110029. Tel. : 011- 2610 2570, 4602 7970 Fax : 011- 2610 2670 Plant: Sohna Indri Road, Vill. Atta, Distt. Mewat Haryana - 122 103. Mobile: +91 98107 37627, 9729169100
lead alloys
refined lead
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