Stem Cell Care India Vikas Puri, Delhi

  • Systemic Lupus Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Systemic Lupus Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Systemic lupus erythematous (sle) is one of the forms of lupus erythematous. It is an autoimmune ailment in which the body’s immune system attacks the healthy tissues, generally all the tissue systems of the body including the heart, kidneys, joints, lungs and even the blood cells. Stem cell therapy for systemic lupus is widely popular and adopted by doctors to treat the ailment.

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  • Stroke Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Stroke Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    When the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or blocked for any reason, the consequences are usually dramatic. Speech, perception, movement and/or bodily functions are impaired and consciousness may be lost. Strokes are classified into two major categories: ischemic and hemorrhagic. A stroke caused by interruption of the blood supply is ischemic stroke, while the stroke caused as a result from the rupture of a blood vessel or an abnormal vascular structure is called hemorrhagic. It is the third leading cause of death besides cancer and heart diseases. Approximately 1/4 of all stroke victims die as a direct result of the stroke or its complications. Stroke stem cell treatment is efficient and widely popular in india. It is caused by an uncontrolled diet that is high on saturated and trans-fat resulting in cholesterol build up in the arteries and high blood pressure. In other words, if the build-up of cholesterol is blocking the circulation of blood in arteries causing restricted delivery of oxygen to the brain, some cells of the brain may die off and be unable to reproduce causing stroke.

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  • Sports Injuries Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Sports Injuries Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Sports injury can happen to anyone. There are different types of sports injuries including, sprains & strains, achilles tear/tendinitis, shin splints, epicondylitis (tennis elbow/golfer’s elbow), rotator cuff tendinitis/tear, fractures, concussion, knee injuries, hip labral tears, and back injuries. When you get hurt, you must stop playing. Continuing to play or exercising can cause more harm. Treatment often begins with the rice (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method to relieve pain, reduce swelling, and speed up healing. Other possible treatments include pain relievers, keeping the injured area from moving, rehabilitation, and sometimes surgery. Stem cell treatment for sports injuries in india is efficient and cost-effective.

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  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Spinal Muscular Atrophy Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    It is projected that spinal muscular atrophy affects one in 7000 babies born and that about one in 50 individuals are hereditary carriers of the disease. Sma is an autosomal recessive genetic malady which means that maximum cases of sma can be attributed to getting substandard genes from both parents. It is believed that if both parents are carriers of this hereditary disorder to chance of the child developing this illness is 25%. Potential parents can use genetic testing to see if they are carriers of this gene though pgd pre-implementation genetic diagnosis testing that is available in maximum nations around the world. There are 4 kinds and classifications of sma disease

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  • Spinal Cord Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Spinal Cord Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Any damage to the spinal cord is termed as spinal cord injury. It’s a very serious condition which can lead to physical trauma that’s likely to have a lasting and major impact on most aspects of daily life. The spinal cord is responsible for sending messages from the brain to all parts of the body, and from the body to the brain. We are able to perceive pain and move our limbs because of the messages that travel across the spinal cord. The spinal cord injury stem cell therapy in india acts majorly as a treatment that can improve quality of life for the affected individuals. If the spinal cord is injured, some or all of these impulses may not be able to survive. The result of which is complete loss of sensation and mobility below the injury. A spinal cord injury closer to the neck typically cause paralysis throughout a larger part of the body than one in the lower back area. Spinal cord stem cell treatment offers provision for a befitting treatment.

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  • Skin Burns Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Skin Burns Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Burn is a type of injury that affects the skin and other organic tissue of the body chiefly because of heat, radiation, electricity and/or fiction. Moreover, injuries are caused by unremitting exposure to uv radiations, chemicals fumes as well as respiratory mutilation that occasions from smoke inhalation can also considered as burn injuries. Burns are amid the most common domestic injuries. Even internationally, burns are a serious public health concern. As per the who report, an assessment shows that 2, 65,000 deaths occur every year for fires alone. Added 10% deaths were the cases reported to be from scalds, electrical burns and other. Skin burns can get really fatal and may even affect the patient’s confidence, stem cell therapy for skin burns has surfaced to aid as help for the affected people.

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  • Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Stem cells are those cells which can easily become the cells of diverse organs where their need ascends. This means that stem cells can develop into the cells of the brain, heart, muscle, organ, tissue or cartilage, and so to treat the many complex ailments such as rheumatoid arthritis, parkinson’s disease, diabetes, etc. Stem cell therapy rheumatoid arthritis in delhi, india is at the heart of the new arena of science and medicine called regenerative medicine. Since the stem cells have a unique aptitude to renew themselves and bring about generations of cells with diverse degrees of differentiation, the use of this therapy becomes tremendously encouraging and auspicious for all those who tend to struggle with incapacitating diseases. They also replace an impaired cell in different body portions without any risk of being rejected and without triggering any side-effects. Anecdotal evidence shows that stem cell therapy can cause better and quicker healing of the impaired tissues and can help regulate the immune system to stop any pathological reactions while fighting the effects of rheumatoid arthritis. Besides, mesenchymal stem cells introduced by stem cell therapy manufacture anti-inflammatory agents to decrease inflammation of impaired cells and tissues while not quashing the patient’s immune system. They also generate t regulatory cells, immunity cells that guard the body from immunological self-attack.

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  • Retinopathy Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Retinopathy Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Retinopathy or retinitis pigmentosa, is the most common condition that is a progressive, degenerative disorder affecting the retina of the eye. It particularly affects the light sensitive cells of the retina known as strong rods. They are capable of sending the info to the brain regarding every minuscule detail of your visualization via the assistance of optic nerves. Retinitis pigmentosa is characterized by the vicissitudes in the pigment owing to the resultant degeneration of optic nerves. This in turn is connected with thinning of retinal blood vessels as the demand of blood supply lowers significantly. The prevalence of this disorder is related with the genetic deficiency. Retinopathy stem cell treatment in india is considered a befitting procedure that works towards providing optimum results. It is believed that out of many genes accountable for the normal eye functioning, one faulty gene can causes this type of retinal malformation. Stem cell treatment for retinopathy in delhi is aided by experts under the supervision of subject matter expert.

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  • Retinitis Pigmentosa Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Retinitis Pigmentosa Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Retinitis pigmentosa (rp) is a cluster of genetic sicknesses that affect the retina’s aptitude to respond to light. This congenital degenerative disease causes a slow loss of vision, commencement with reduced night vision and loss of peripheral (side) vision. If untreated, ultimately blindness results. The retina is the layer of light-sensing cells lining the back of your eye that translates light rays into nerve impulses. The impulses are sent via the optic nerve to your brain, where they are recognized as images. With rp, cells in the retina called rods and cones die. With maximum types of rp, rods- which are chiefly in the outer regions of the retina and are accountable for our outlying and night vision, degenerate first. When the retina’s more centrally-located conduits are affected, the outcome is loss of color perception and central (reading) vision.

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  • Platelet Rich Plasma Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Platelet Rich Plasma Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Also acknowledged as blood injection therapy, platelet rich plasma (prp) is a medical treatment being used for a catholic range of musculoskeletal issues.platelet rich plasma injections refer to a sample of serum (blood) plasma that has as much as four times the normal quantity of platelets. This treatment augments the body’s natural aptitude to heal itself and is used to improve healing and abridge retrieval time for acute and chronic soft tissue injuries. Platelets are portion of the blood that circulate around the body equipped to help with blood clotting if you have a cut, cracked bone, an injury that bleeds inside or any other kind of injury. Besides encompassing clotting factors, the platelets release growth factors that help begin the healing sequence. With a concentrated quantity of platelets, bigger amounts of these growth factors are released to kindle a natural healing reaction. Plasma is the clear portion of the blood in which all the other blood elements such as platelets, red blood cell sand white blood cells travel. The chief purpose of platelet-rich plasma injection is to nurture healing where it has not otherwise befallen or to accelerate healing as in the case of acute injury. Platelets release bio active proteins that augment tissue regeneration and healing. For example, studies show that after using platelet rich plasma injections for tendon glitches, new tendon cells beg into develop in the area treated.

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  • Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Stem cells are the round and small cells that come with a squat nucleus and scant which surrounds the cytoplasm. Although, the appearance of the stem cell is unremarkable, the stem cells can still perform the act of biological resurrection. What is the purpose of stem cells? Undoubtedly the cells of the body come with a life span of their own, whereas the stem cells come with no limited lifespan. The stem cells are the cells that reproduce forever and don’t die post a certain determined duration. The immortal nature of stem cells make them the right and fitting treatment for the right cure for plenty of diseases. The stem cells can turn into ordinary blood cell like the red blood cell, as well as white blood cell, or it can also turn into a large cell which fragments well into the platelets that are needed for the blood to clot.

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  • Osteoporosis Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Osteoporosis Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Osteoporosis is an ailment that makes the bones fragile and breakable. Individuals suffering from osteoporosis find it troublesome to carry out even the basic tasks. Osteoporosis’s effect on the bones is enormous and is enough to make the patient vulnerable to fractures that can easily befall in the spine, wrist and hip bone. Osteoporosis is instigated by the thinning of bones, which is why osteoporosis stem cell therapy is widely opted to eliminate the affects. Bone loss is widely upheld by numerous factors amongst which age plays a major role. Our bones tend to lose calcium and fail to restore as they should as we age. This makes them fragile and prone to fractures. Stem cell therapy for osteoporosis in india is widely popular and trusted for the underlying condition.

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  • Osteopenia Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Osteopenia Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Adult stem cells can be recovered from our own body tissues, like adipose tissue/fat, which can be taken out in bigger quantities and are permitted to segregate inside the body. In fact, the adult forms of these stem cells are being stowed in all mature organs and are poised to leap into the action to repair impairment, which has happened from every day wear and tear of the body. However, as we age or have larger issues as cited here with our body might not be able to recruit a sufficient number of these biological helpers to the desired location, or completely repair the area. Stem cell care india helps overcoming this issue by extracting stem cells from belly fat, a region with high stem cell numbers, then concentrating these massive cells in the controlled environment and re-injecting into the impaired area, to permit natural regeneration of lost body portions. Stem cell treatment for osteopenia in delhi, india is upheld by team of specialist doctors from the network of hospitals associated with stem cell care india.

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  • Osteomalacia Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Osteomalacia Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Osteomalacia is the milder form of bone disorder, often related with softer bone tissue typically because of vitamin d deficiency. It is a type of physical malformation which can be linked up straight with the softer bones. Soft bones are more likely to crook or bow or fracture as compared to healthy bones. However, it is an imperative factor that osteomalacia and osteoporosis or osteopenia are very different from each other as osteoporosis or osteopenia is the dwindling or loss of formerly constructed bones but osteomalacia is the shortcoming in the bone building process itself. For that matter, there is no age limit to this specific abnormality. It can also ensue in childhood, which is usually known as rickets.

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  • Organ Specific Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Organ Specific Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Tissue injury happening after ischemic, toxic or inflammatory insults results in cell demise and perhaps to organ failure. The regeneration procedure taking place thereafter might lead to the complete repair of the impaired tissue or, in partial/altered remodeling, in tissue fibrosis and blemishing. This might depend on the intrinsic capability of diverse tissues to repair as well as on the entity and perseverance of the injury. In this situation, stem cell therapy can be observed as a promising choice in two diverse ways. The first is as a “support” mechanism, in which stem cells are used to promote complete tissue repair and avoid damaging fibrosis. The other is the “replace” option, in which stem cells segregate and substitute for impaired cells, providing an alternative to organ transplantation. This is of specific need in therapy for chronic organ failure.

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  • Optic Neuropathy Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Optic Neuropathy Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    The optic nerve acts as a signal transmission passage between the retina in the eye and the visual cortex in brain. When the optic nerve is impaired (atrophy), visual signals become powerless to travel liberally to the brain and the patient gets affected by partial or entire loss of vision. It is imperative to remember that optic nerve atrophy can ascend from numerous demyelinating, inflammatory, ischemic or traumatic origins, and disorders such as open angle glaucoma, optic neuritis or leber hereditary optic neuropathy are amid the several reasons of ona. In some circumstances, the optic nerve atrophy is causing a continuous and progressive loss of vision. Few conventional treatment options are available for patients identified with ona, which typically concentrate on helping the patients to deal with their incapacity. However, none of them are actually treating the loss of optic nerve function. Stem cells have the aptitude to rejuvenate nerve cells in the optic nerve, permitting ona patients to recover some vision.

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  • Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Optic nerve hypoplasia (onh) befalls from the underdevelopment of the optic nerve, the sole purpose of which is to carry neuronal transmission from the retina in the eye to the brain. Septo-optic dysplasia (sod), also recognized as de morsier syndrome, is a subtype of onh and ascends from the underdevelopment of the optic nerve, pituitary gland dysfunction and deficiency of the septum pellucid, which is a mid line region of the brain. Sod ascends from shortcomings during the embryological development of babies and studies show that onh might be connected to some gene defects as well as embryo exposure to infections. Along with this the deficiency of vision which is a characteristic symptom of onh, sod also elicits other symptoms such as pituitary deficiency, autistic behaviors, epileptic seizures, etc. Optic nerve hypoplasia stem cell is the treatment for such ailments.

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  • Neuropathy Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Neuropathy Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Today, stem cell therapy for neuropathy is a big and major part of the modern as well as regenerative medicine, which as far as the whole situation is concerned definitely has an apt solution. Stem cells are the integral healers of the body, they can well maneuver the whole damaging conditions as well as cellular loss which happens due to the production of new and improved cellular system. Thus, amongst most available disease modifying procedures and treatments the only one those get to target can only target the rehabilitation as well as the underlying cause which concerns. Stem cell treatments for neuropathy can well offer some tremendous hope in the realm of addressing the challenges the realm of disease stage and procedure as well as treatment and stop the overall progression of the treatment.

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  • Neurodisorder Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Neurodisorder Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Contrary to what some may think, neurological stem cell therapy isn’t a sole treatment for a single kind of disease. Nor are neurological syndromes restricted only to the brain. A neurological disease is a disorder or complaint that affects any portion of the body’s nervous system. These can consist of the elementary physical structure, biochemistry or electrical functioning of the brain, the spinal cord, or any nerves connected to them. The symptoms can run the gamut including paralysis, muscular complications, trouble with coordination, losing physical sensations, experiencing seizures, confusion, pain, or shifts in one’s sense of cognizance. Each region of the brain and spinal cord has its own specialty cells. The neurological stem cell therapy treatments at stem cell care india concentrates on isolating and intensifying the patient’s own adult neural stem cells from each area that is to be involved in treatment. This is done by reaping a sample of the patient’s own fatty tissue that is found just underneath the skin. With this progressive technique, nsi can relieve the symptoms of a varied variety of neurological ailments, such as autism and multiple sclerosis.

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  • Natural Killer Cell Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Natural Killer Cell Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Cancer stands tall as the leading cause of worldwide deaths, cancer cells are present all over the body, in case of cancer the cells grow abundantly and in an uncontrolled manner. The cancer cells can cause a major invasion and either deform or decay the surrounding parts of healthy and important cells, this is inclusive of organs and tissues or muscles. It starts in a single part of the body and gradually spreads across other body parts, metastasis is the name of the process. Natural killer (nk) cells, these are a crucial and inevitable element that forms the body’s innate immune system and also holds the ability to take control and notice the damaged, as well as infected or transformed malignant cells. They produce cells which are lytic cells and holds the capability to destroy the target cells. Any or all previous subjection to the cancer antigens needs to be warded off. Stem cell treatment for natural killer cells is available in india by the best and the most reputed hospitals and doctors.

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  • Muscular Dystrophy Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Muscular Dystrophy Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Dystrophy stands for a group of inherited diseases in which the voluntary muscles progressively weaken. In some forms of this disease, the heart and other organs are also affected. There are 9 types of muscular dystrophy: myotonic duchenne becker limb-girdle facioscapulohumeral congenital oculopharyngeal distal emery-dreifuss in dystrophy, a particular part of the body weakens or wastes away. In muscular dystrophy, the weakness affects the muscles. An inherited genetic mistake prevents the body from making a protein that helps build muscles and keep them strong. Children who are born with muscular dystrophy usually develop normally in the first few years of life. They may suddenly show signs of clumsiness. These signs include: trouble walking difficulty raising the front of their foot (called foot drop) falling

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  • Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    The nerve cells are the message carriers between the brain and the rest of the body, allowing us to hear, see, balance, move and feel. Ms is a disease that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. The body’s own immune system attacks the nerve cells so that they cannot function properly. Each nerve cell is covered in a protective sheath called myelin, which gets damaged in ms. More than half of the patients suffering from ms have progressive disease characterised by accumulating disability. More than 2 million people worldwide are affected by ms and is the most common non-traumatic disability occurring in young individuals.

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  • Male Infertility Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Male Infertility Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    the root cause that happens to be a point of concern related to the male infertility issues have still been a mystery. the regenerative medicine that is displayed in great potential. the new and improved methods are developing the sperms in a dish. stem cell therapy for male infertility is hence, being tried and tested on different levels. if statistics are to be believed then about 1 out of 8 couples face issues when trying to conceive. the abnormalities usually occur due to semen abnormalities present in the male partner. with advancements and medical prowess taking the world by a storm, there have now been some tests and treatment methodologies being tried by the best and reputed facilities. male infertility stem cell therapy has emerged as one of the most highly compatible and effective treatment for the particular ailment.

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  • Major Skin Abrasions Stem Cell Treatment Services

    Major Skin Abrasions Stem Cell Treatment Services

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    Skin is human body’s biggest yet the most delicate organ of our body, encompassing of chiefly three distinguished layers, namely, the outer epidermis, the middle dermis and the inmost hypodermis, each contributing distinctively towards maintaining structural and functional integrity of the organ. Skin has some different purposeful characteristics, it serves as a protective covering, saving internal vital organs from physical, chemical and environmental attacks. Existence of the nerve endings in the skin offers sensation, while melanin gives color to the skin. Skin is a capable organ that also serves as one of the self-renewing organs, with a sturdy potential to repair and heal small cuts, scratches on its own; because of the presence of resident adult stem cells. However, their number is not adequate enough to take charge over major injuries like deep cuts or abrasions, skin burns and ulcers. These skin injuries/wounds can cause severe mutilation to the deepest layer of the skin, therefore, you might find the normal function of the skin getting compromised. Stem cell therapy for major skin abrasions seems as a fitting treatment to help better your skin condition.

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Service Provider
  • Year of Establishment 2015
  • Ownership Type Corporation/Limited Liability Company

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  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
StemCellCareIndia offers Stem Cell treatment in India for different diseases. We provide cerebral palsy treatment, optic nerve stem cell treatment and stem cell bone marrow transplant in Delhi.
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Stem Cell Care India

  • Stem Cell Care India
  • H1/1, 1st Floor, Vikas Puri, Near Gurdwara Delhi , 110018 INDIA

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