Submersible Poly Winding Wire UNIFLOW
725 - 815 Per P kgs
500 Kilogram (MOQ)
We manufacture high quality Submersible Poly Winding Wire under the brand name of POLY UNIFLOW. POLY UNIFLOW poly winding wires are specially insulated with polyester & poly propylene to ensure their full capability to with stand extremely high temperature and mechanical abrasion. The copper conductor used in the winding wires is of the required purity CC ROD & conductivity which is drawn and annealed to the requirement authoring to standard. Multistranded and highly flexible Submersible Poly Winding Wire is also made available to suit the specific needs of the clients. For all these reasons and more, we, today, are considered to be the best Submersible Poly Winding Wire manufacturer and supplier in India. POLY UNIFLOW Poly Submersible Winding Wires POLY UNIFLOW poly winding wires are specially insulated with polyester & poly propylene to ensure they are fully capable to with stand extremely high temperature and mechanical abrasion. The copper conductor used in the Winding wires is of the required purity & conductivity which is drawn and annealed to the requirement authoring to standard. Salient Features POLY UNIFLOW Poly Insulated Winding Wires are TESTED as per IS: 8783(Part4/Sec3). Extremely flexible Durable Require low maintenance
Poly Winding Submersible Wires
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Hapin poly winding wires are specially insulated with polyester & poly propylene to ensure they are fully capable to with stand extremely high temperature and mechanical abrasion. The copper conductor used in the Winding wires are of the required purity & conductivity which is drawn and annealed to the requirement authoring to standard .
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Submersible Poly Wire
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Poly Winding Submersible Wires
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Hapin poly winding wires are specially insulated with polyester & poly propylene to ensure they are fully capable to with stand extremely high temperature and mechanical abrasion. The copper conductor used in the Winding wires are of the required purity & conductivity which is drawn and annealed to the requirement authoring to standard .
poly submersible winding wire
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poly submersible winding wire, Submersible Winding Wire
Submersible Poly Wire
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Submersible Poly Wire
Submersible Poly Wire
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Submersible Poly Wire