Operation Theatre Lights
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1 Piece(s) (MOQ)
- Temperature: 2
- Control Unit: SMPS
- Lux @ 1 mtr: 180000
- Operating mode: Remote operated & led push display on Dome
We offer Operating Room Light.
Key structure
� the light is equipped with the reserve light
source, which is activated automatically in case
the main light source brakes down.
� sterilizable handle has been provided in the middle
of the dome.
� inbuilt is dichoric glass reflector.
� led display that helps the user to adjust the
intensity of light from 0 to 100%.
dimension of dome dia 504 mm x 2
halogen bulb 24v x 150w x 4 nos.
temperature increase 2â° to 3â° c
height adjustments 978 mm
color temperature 4200 k â± 300
lux intensity 1,80,000 lux
dichoric glass reflector 390 mm
control unit smps